Employers Liability insurance... to meet your legal obligations!

  • £5,000,000 cover
  • Include up to 10 employees
  • Can be added to existing policies
  • No overseas cover
  • Have protection in place straight away
  • Other optional extras include; cyber liability, workplace contents, personal accident and portable business equipment.
  • Can only be purchased with our 'Combined Professional Indemnity, Public Liability and Medical Malpractice' cover

What is it?

Employers Liability insurance provides compensation to employees in the event that they have a valid claim of bodily injury, sickness, disability or disease caused by the work they carried out as part of their employment with you. It will also cover the legal costs involved in the claim.

Do I need it?

In accordance with the Employer's Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969, Section 2, if you have 'employees' then it is a legal requirement to have a minimum of £5 million of employer's liability insurance. Failure to have this insurance in place can result in a fine of £2,500 for every day you are not insured.

It is very important to understand the definition of 'employee' in relation to this insurance. It is not only people with whom you have a written employment contract.

Extract from http://www.legislation.gov.uk

For the purposes of this Act the term “employee” means an individual who has entered into or works under a contract of service or apprenticeship with an employer whether by way of manual labour, clerical work or otherwise, whether such contract is expressed or implied, oral or in writing.

  • So, any of the following would be considered employees:
    • - Part-time and full-time employees
    • - Sub-contractors that provide labour only, and work with your tools, equipment and materials and operate under your guidance
    • - Work experience students
    • - Anyone on a work placement
    • - Temporary staff

  • You do not need Employer's Liability insurance if:
    • - You are not incorporated, and
    • - Your employees are close family members only (husband, wife,civil partner, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, step-father, step-mother, son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, stepson, stepdaughter, brother, sister, half-brother or half-sister)

Policy features

  • Your policy provides coverage for the following:
    • - Covers you against your legal liability to pay damages for bodily injury to an employee in the course of employment
    • - Includes claimant's costs
    • - Includes your defence costs and expenses
    • - Court attendance compensation of £250 per person per day for any director or partner, and £150 per day for any employee

How much will it cost?

The Employer Liability insurance provides £5 million cover which we has been selected as the most appropriate to meet the needs of our customers.

The cost per employee is: £65 + tax

What’s the process?

For a new policy

Getting a quote, or multiple quotes, and buying insurance from Westminster couldn’t be quicker or easier. You can have your policy up and running in minutes. All online, you can do it whenever suits you best and be in control of the whole process, but if you have any questions, we are very happy to hear from you.

Remember, this cover is only available as an additional option on our Professional Indemnity, Public Liability and Medical Malpractice policies.

  • 1. Click on the 'Get a Quote' button.
  • 2. Choose to include the Employer Liability option.
  • 3. See the quote straight away on screen, and you can either save it for later or continue on to purchase.
  • 4. Once the payment is processed, the policy documents are immediately emailed to you.

To add to an existing policy

  • 1. Phone us on 01305 839939, or email 'mail@westminster.global' , and simply give us your Policy Number and ask us to add this cover.
  • 2. We will send you an email which asks for your confirmation of the change and payment.
  • 3. Once the payments is processed, your updated policy documents will be re-issued to you.
  • 4. All nice and easy!

Frequently asked questions

General and Quotes

The answer to this question will depend on whether you: 

1. want to get a quote for Professional Indemnity, Public Liability and Medical Malpractice policy including Employer Liability cover, or

2. already have an existing policy with us and would like to add Employer Liability cover 

Answer 1

We are a fully automated process and provide all the information needed for you to make an informed decision on-line. 

A quotation is available 24/7 on-line. Click on the ‘Get a Quote’ button.  That will take you through the questions necessary to provide a quotation. It shouldn't take more than a few minutes and once produced you have the option to save it for later or proceed directly to purchase. 

If you choose to proceed to purchase, we will collect your contact details and then request payment. Payment is by Credit or Debit Card and once authorised your policy is issued immediately. Your documents will be emailed to you for you to print and/or save.  

Answer 2

If you would like to see the cost of adding this to your existing policy you can find the details on the Cost tab of the Employer Liability page.  If you start the process of adding this to your policy you will also be shown the price before you confirm you want to go ahead.

To make this change simply login to your account where you can choose the cover level you want, see the cost and proceed to payment.  The amended policy documentation will automatically be emailed to you immediately after payment.

Please note that the monthly payment option is not available for this additional purchase for an existing policy.

Again, two options here:

1.      If you are obtaining a new insurance policy with Employer Liability add-on, you will be able to choose payment by monthly instalments.

2.      If you want to add this cover mid-term, you will be required to pay the whole amount of the add-on product.

Policy and Coverage

Employers Liability insurance provides compensation to employees in the event that they have a valid claim of bodily injury, sickness, disability or disease caused by the work they carried out as part of their employment with you. It will also cover the legal costs involved in the claim.

In accordance with the Employer's Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969, Section 2, if you have 'employees' then it is a legal requirement to have a minimum of £5 million of employer's liability insurance. Failure to have this insurance in place can result in a fine of £2,500 for every day you are not insured.

We offer insurance for up to 10 employees.

As a sole trader working solely on your own then you do not need EL Insurance.

However, if you have employees or anyone who would be regarded as an ‘employee’ for the purposes of this insurance then you would be subject to the same regulations.

1. Ltd company which has a single Officer (Director/Owner/provider of service) who is 100% shareholder – Employer Liability Insurance is not required.

2. Ltd Company which has two or more shareholders but only one single Officer (Director/Owner/provider of service), i.e. there is no other person whatsoever doing work in the company – Employer Liability Insurance is not required.


3. Ltd Company which has two or more shareholders and two or more Officers (Directors/Owners/providers of service) – Employer Liability Insurance IS required even in cases when all employees are family members.


4. If not Ltd Company, any family-run businesses do not require EL for “immediate family employees” (husband, wife, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, step-father, step-mother, son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, stepson, stepdaughter, brother, sister, half-brother or half-sisters). We would like to add that although not compulsory it may be advisable for family unincorporated businesses to purchase EL cover.

Changes, Cancellation and Renewal

Yes, you can add this additional protection to your existing policy at any time during the period of cover.  We refer to this as a 'mid-term' adjustment.

Follow these simple steps:

  • login to your Account
  • choose the Current Policy Information - View and Edit option
  • click on Add next to the Employer Liability option
  • enter the details of the employee
  • you will be shown the cost and have the option to proceed or not
  • after payment the updated policy documents will be automatically emailed to you


Please note that the last 6 weeks of the policy are considered the renewal period and you may not make changes through the customer account during this time.  Changes can still be made by contacting the office.  


Once you have added an additional area of cover to your policy, it cannot be cancelled during the term of the policy.  However, when your policy becomes due for renewal you can remove it from the coverage that you require for the following year's policy.

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