Business Practices
We Cover
There are 631 definitions here. Please use the search functions below to find what you are looking for. If you require help please call.
You can have multiple practices on your policy at no extra cost. T3, T4 and T5 indicate practices which are charged at higher rates.
3D Body Scanning (T2)
3D Body Scanning is the action of capturing in 3D the human body using a 3D body scanner. It can capture a whole human body, or only specific parts, to generate a very detailed 3D model within a few seconds. These scanners show body composition, weight, measurements, fat percentage in the body, posture measurements etc. No health recommendations are given by the operator.
- The scanners are not suitable for pregnant women or individuals with cardio products such as pacemakers. The minimum age is 18.
Abe Healing (T1)
Abe Healings is a form of spiritual healing which involves pulling out, replacing and sealing energy interferences.
Access Consciousness Bars (T1)
Clearing the body and mind to enable more clarity and releasing negativity in a very gentle way.
Accreditation Agency (T1)
Acting as an agency for the accreditation of therapies, modalities and business practices.
- Strictly subject to and confined to accreditation of only those therapies, modalities and business practices this insurance policy provides cover for.
Acting Tuition (T1)
Teaching or tutoring involved with fundamental acting techniques, specialized voice training and the development of physical movement skills required for a drama setting usually for TV, film and theatre.
Acupressure (T1)
Acupressure uses the fingers to press key accupressure points on the surface of the skin to release muscular tension, promote circulation of blood and stimulate the body's natural self-curative abilities. Acupuncture and acupressure use the same points and meridians, but acupuncture employs needles, while acupressure uses gentle but firm pressure and integrates bodywork therapies, therapeutic touch, somatic work, healing imagery, energy psychology, and massage therapy techniques.
Acupuncture (T2)
Acupuncture is a method of encouraging the body to promote natural healing and to improve functioning, through stimulation of the central nervous system. Mainly used to relieve discomfort/pain but can also aid general wellness and stress relief. This is done by inserting fine needles (free or attached to an electro acupuncture machine) into the client's body using distal and local acupuncture points or ashu points (where there is pain).
- Needlestick Injury Policy must be in place
Advanced Cosmetic Procedures / Advanced Electrolysis (T3)
Advanced Cosmetic Procedures also known as Advanced Electrolysis is a treatment which uses either Short Wave Diathermy (High Frequency A/C) or Blend (a mixture of A/C and D/C) to treat a variety of skin blemishes, from skin tags, moles and age spots, to thread and spider veins, warts and milia, as well as vascular conditions.
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
- NVQ 2 Beauty Therapist (equivalent or above)
- NVQ 3 Beauty Therapist (equivalent or above)
- Aesthetician/Laser Aesthetician
Advanced Professional Certification for CPD (T2)
Advanced Professional Certifications refer to certifications awarded to individuals upon successful completion of a course focusing solely on the development of theoretical knowledge that builds upon and complements their existing qualifications and practical experience of the subject. There is no practical component taught in this course. The subjects studied may include but are not limited to Integrative Immunopathology, Integrative Oncology, BioMedical Sience and more.
Advanced Sound-Wave Energy (T1)
Introduced in 1995 Advanced Sound-Wave Energy is a dynamic tool for personal transformation. Advance Sound-Wave Energy therapy adjusts the body's magnetic field for physiological and psychological improvement, whereby providing a unique approach to reduction of stress with capabilities to reach emotions and attitudinal levels.
This advanced bio-energetic treatment produces positive results in individuals suffering from acute and chronic disorders. It uses vibrating inaudible sound waves via non touch application to work on the bodies subtle energy systems - the electrical waves around the body, the chakras, the bodies electromagnetic field and the polarized magnetic grid.
Tiny sound-wave vibrations are passed through the practitioner's aura to the recipient's energy field where they resonate through each of the multiple fields of the body to clear blocked energy, restore and reinforce natural polarity and align and reinforce proper energy flow.
- Cover is provided subject to no diagnosis, medical or otherwise, provided to the recipient of this therapy.
Akashic Records (T1)
The Akashic records are a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future in terms of all entities and life forms, not just human. Akashic Records sessions offer insight into what weighs heaviest on your heart and why, followed by steps on how to move forward. It offers guidance, clarity, helps find passion, improve and strengthen relationships, reconnect with your true self, offers support in finding your purpose and soul growth.
Alchemical Recoding (T1)
Alchemical Recoding applies a quantum physical approach to decoding psycho-emotional trauma. It is a new generation consciousness healing system that decodes the traumatic communication signals between the quantum fields of the mind, emotions, higher awareness and body. It serves as a catalyst for quantum shifts from trauma to higher functioning consciousness, tremendously enhancing quality of life.
- Subject to, exclusion of mental health patients or persons with any mental health history.
Alexander Technique (T1)
The Alexander Technique is a method that works to change everyday movement habits : sitting, lying down, standing, walking, lifting and other daily activities. It is a simple and practical method for improving ease and freedom of movement, finding new balance, support and coordination and releasing unnecessary tension. The technique teaches the use of the appropriate amount of effort for a particular activity, giving the client more energy for all their activities. It is not a series of treatments or exercises, but rather a reeducation of the mind and body.
Alkaline Wash (T2)
Alkaline Wash is an alkaline powder, which is mixed into a paste and applied to the skin for about 3-4 minutes. The treatment works by temporarily increasing the pH level of the skin. The alkaline wash may be used for a variety of treatments on the face and the body such as, but not limited to, removing unwanted hair, achieving a brighter complexion, improving skin tone and texture, softening fine lines and wrinkles, diminishing stretch marks etc.
Allergy Testing (T1)
An allergy is a condition in which an immune system regards an ordinary, harmless substance such as a food, pollen or dust, as a dangerous invader, and responds to it by producing its own antibodies to attack the substance. Symptoms can be an instant reaction or the development of an intolerance caused by repeated exposure to the cause. Allergy Testing is an attempt to identify the root cause of an allergy or intolerance.
- There must be no breaking of the skin involved in the testing process.
Allergy Therapy (T1)
An allergy is a condition in which an immune system regards an ordinary, harmless substance such as a food, pollen or dust, as a dangerous invader, and responds to it by producing its own antibodies to attack the substance.
This is when people suffer from one or more unpleasant symptoms. An allergy normally causes an instant reaction, such as in the case of a peanut allergy. However, with an intolerance, the culprit, such as milk or wheat, is usually eaten every day.
Therefore the symptoms, caused by the intolerance, never improve, and it is difficult to find the underlying cause.Medication may help to treat the symptoms, but not the root cause. If the symptoms don't clear up after a reasonable amount of time, then the root cause could be an intolerance.
Angel Card Reading (T1)
Communicating and receiving messages from guides, spirits, angels and the afterlife through the use of cards, in a similar fashion to Tarrot, where the cards used have assumed meanings that are shared with clients.
Angel Therapy (T1)
Angel Therapy is a non-denominational spiritual healing method that involves working with a person's guardian angels and archangels, to heal and harmonize every aspect of life.
Angel Work (T1)
Angel work is described as communicating and receiving messages from guides, spirits, angels and the afterlife.
Angelic Reiki (T1)
uses hands-on healing through which energy is transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional or physical healing.
Animal Assisted Therapy (T1)
Animal Assisted Therapy encourages animal interaction (walking, petting etc) which evokes feelings of relaxation, happiness, laughter and stress release. It uses animals to help children and adults with mental health needs, physical or learning disabilities to achieve increased health, wellbeing and quality of life. Typically uses dogs but a wide range of small animals can be used including fish, reptiles, rabbits, ferrets etc. all of which are assessed by a trained professional for their suitability, behaviour and temperament. Animals kept on leads when required. Can also facilitate listening therapy.
Animal Care (T2)
Animal care workers look after animals in different settings such as kennels, rescue centres, sanctuaries, catteries and other animal-related establishments. This would typically include checking animals daily and monitoring their health, cleaning out kennels, enclosures, cages or stables, preparing food and helping out at feeding times, cleaning and grooming animals, looking after sick or distressed animals, updating records and dealing with questions from colleagues or the public, and making sure animals are exercised regularly. Insured must comply with industry standards, requirements, ethics, policies and relevant statutes.
- For domestic, personal or leisure related animals only, excludes agricultural farm animals, livestock and cattle.
Animal Grooming (T2)
Provision of hygienic care, bathing and trimming services for animals, including but not limited to washing, clipping, drying, grooming, eye/ear cleaning, teeth brushing etc.
Animal Healing / Communicator (T1)
Hands on healing, communication with, channeling healing energies and the use of any other holistic therapies (insured by Westminster Insurance Ltd) used to help benefit the animal.
Animal Massage (T1)
Using knowledge of anatomy, physiology and massage techniques, this is the practice of applying structured or unstructured pressure, tension, motion, or vibration manually or with mechanical aids to the soft tissues of the body, including muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, joints and lymphatic vessels, to achieve a beneficial response. Includes evaluation of needs, assessment of progress and consultation with other professionals, veterinarians and animal owners.
Animal Microchipping (T1)
Microchipping is the process of injecting a tiny chip between the shoulder blades.
Animal Nutrition and Health Management (T2)
Animal Nutrition and Health Management practitioners promote, educate and increase understanding of how an animals food intake, activity and weight management can affect the animals health, well-being, and productivity. The work revolves around coaching, consultation, advice and creating individualized, breed-specific nutritional, fitness/exercise, lifestyle, weight management/control plans and menus for animals, home-prepared cooking recipes etc. The practitioners may work with all types of animals, including domestic and zoo animals, but exluding animals which are in anyway involved in the food consumption chain.
Animal Reiki (T1)
Reiki is a non-invasive complementary therapy which involves channeling Reiki energy into the animal to activate their natural healing process, restoring physical and emotional wellbeing. Reiki is delivered hands on or hands off.
Animal Yoga (T2)
Animal Yoga is the activity of incorporating animals with the regular yoga practice. It combines standard physical poses, postures, breathing exercises, and meditation with animal interaction or just animal presence to improve overall health. Popular animals included in such sessions are goats, alpacas, lamas, dogs, cats etc.
- Excluding horses, livestock, wild animals, cattle.
Antenatal and Postnatal classes (T1)
Antenatal and Postnatal classes (or Childbirth Education classes) take place either in a group or individual setting. Classes and new parent support talks consist of sharing information about pre and pro childbirth related topics, such as nutrition, positions for labour, new-born care, frameworks for effective decision making, mental wellbeing and self-care techniques etc. Classes take the form of a mixture of group activities and traditional teaching methods. No medical advice is given or implied- the courses are informative in nature and the onus is placed on clients to make their own informed decisions.
Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) (T1)
ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis) is an evidence-based therapy that helps improve challenging behaviours. Involves identifying the antecedent (causes) and resulting behaviour, helping with the development of skills and using positive reinforcement and conditioning to improve responses. It is used to treat and assist those experiencing issues with communication and language, motor skills, self-care (such as showering, and toileting), play and leisure, learning and academic skills.
- Written parental consent must be obtained for any services performed on/with/for minors
Appreciative Inquiry (T1)
Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a specific approach to organisational development equipping people and systems with a greater capacity for change, renewal and focused performance.
- Cover is conditional and dependant upon there being no guarantees as to the effectiveness or results of the procedure.
Aqua Detox Therapy (T1)
Aqua Detox Therapy involves the immersion of one's feet (or sometimes the complete body) in a bath of lightly salted water containing the Aqua detox electrolytic apparatus.
A flow of electrons is imparted into the water thus creating a bio-energetic field modifying the properties of the bath water to closely match that of the bodies natural fluids.
Aqua Natal Pre and Post-natal Exercises (T1)
Aqua natal exercise with the use of prescribed exercises for healthy pre and postnatal women. May include the use of small equipment such as noodles floats and introduce circuit style formats.
Aqua Sensory Infant /Child Therapy (T2)
Aqua Sensory Infant/Child Therapy incorporates baby massage, baby yoga and sensory movement and play techniques. It provides a supporting experience to parents/caregivers and a deeper sensory water connection for babies and children. The class may include the use of a range of instruments, equipment, and resources. It is designed to teach and instruct massage techniques, yoga-based exercises and to stimulate the aqua sensory senses. The infants and children may spend time with their parents and with the instructor doing directed activities.
- The parents/caregivers must provide prior written consent and always remain present and responsible for the well-being of the child. Excludes sessions in swimming pools for under 2 year olds.
Aqua Therapy (T2)
Aqua therapy, also known as hydrotherapy, provides a gentle and supportive environment which has been recognized for its benefits in both mental and physical health. Can take place in pools, whirlpools, whirlpool spas, hot tubs, and physiotherapy tanks. Equipment includes swim bars and belts, kick rollers, float systems, ankle cuffs, rafts, mats. Where appropriate, this can be combined with the delivery of other therapies covered on the insureds policy.
- Robust Health & Safety and wet floor exposure protocols must be in place
- Professional staff must be present at all times.
Aquaphobia Therapy (T2)
Aquaphobia Therapy for 1-1 or small group sessions. The practitioner partners with the client(s) to reduce their fear, enabling them to float and make progress in learning to swim. This takes place in strictly chest-height water until after the 12-stage program is completed, This exposure therapy uses a range of processes from somatic to positive psychology goal setting and using the fear curve. Also using flotation aids to support the client.
- Robust Health & Safety and wet floor exposure protocols must be in place
Aromatherapy (T1)
Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being. Sometimes it's called essential oil therapy. Aromatherapy uses aromatic essential oils medicinally to improve the health of the body, mind, and spirit. It enhances both physical and emotional health.
Aromatouch (T1)
AromaTouch, gentle oil application to the back and feet using very light touch. Each essential oil in the AromaTouch Technique was selected for its individual aromatic properties, and for their powerful aromatic properties when combined. The AromaTouch Technique uses specific guidelines and instructions for both dosage and application that make it a safe and effective way to receive the full benefits of essential oils. The AromaTouch Technique is gentle and can be adapted to accommodate young or sensitive skin so that anyone can benefit without the worry of overwhelming the body.
Art in Health (T1)
It compliments the counselling process in that it aids people in expressing themselves and their subconscious feelings which may otherwise not be released to be resolved. It is especially beneficial to those who find talking about an issue difficult or who are not sure where the problem stems from. It can also be used as a tool to aid relaxation and calm in a client.
Art Therapy (T1)
Art therapy is based on the belief that the creative process involved in the making of art is healing and life-enhancing. Through creating art and talking about art and the process of art making with an art therapist, one can increase awareness of self, cope with symptoms, stress, and traumatic experiences, enhance cognitive abilities, and enjoy the life-affirming pleasures of artistic creativity.
Art Tuition (T1)
Teaching or tutoring the theory and/or practical skills of art to children or adults.
Artist (T1)
To create art, paintings and mixed media sculptures.
Arts and Crafts (T1)
To run group sessions on designing and creating pieces of art and craft out of various materials such as but no limited to textiles (such as cross-stitch, crocheting, embroidery, knitting, lace making, macram, needlepoint, quilting, sewing, string art); wood, metal, or clay (like jewellery, pottery, sculpture), paper (such as calligraphy, bookbinding, collage, origami, papier-mch, and stamping), or glass (like beadwork, stained glass).
Ashiatsu Massage (T1)
Ashiatsu is a form of massage in which the therapist uses their feet to massage the body of the client. Overhead bars or ropes are used to support the therapist to ensure client safety. The goal is to provide a full body deep tissue massage which many claim is less painful than traditional deep tissue massage (using elbows and forearms etc) as the foot provides a larger surface area to glide over the tissue and create a firm stroke using the therapist's body weight.
Assertiveness Training for Work (T1)
Training the individual for work situations where the individual may have been prone to saying Yes when assertiveness may have been better employed. Learning in particular the difference between assertiveness and aggression, when to be assertive and when not to, the beliefs underlying assertive and non - assertive behaviour, what makes people behave the way they do, the characteristics of assertive behaviour - what to do and what to say, why body language is crucial and how to use it and how to handle other people's reactions.
Assisted Stretching (T1)
Assisted stretching is a type of stretching that involves a trainer/therapist helping to guide your body into a deeper stretch than you might be able to achieve on your own. Using techniques such as PNF, and static and dynamic stretching, assisted stretching helps to Improve flexibility, range of motion, and performance, reduce muscle soreness and stiffness, improve circulation, and reduce the risk of injury during physical activity.
Astro-Therapy (T1)
Astro-therapy uses correlations between celestial events and human experience to help increase self-awareness, to gain insight during periods of change, growth and opportunity and also to find meaning in times of difficulty.
Astrology (T1)
A group of systems, traditions and beliefs in which knowledge of the relative positions of celestial bodies and related details is held to be useful in understanding, interpreting and organizing information about personality, human affairs and other terrestrial affairs.
Put another way, the art of understanding the correlation between celestial events and human experience.
At Home Lab Education (T3)
Assisting clients to better understand and read their lab results. Providing them with knowledge and information to make an informative decision and make the best choice for themselves based on the lab results.
Approved Practitioners:
- adequate qualifications in analysing and interpreting lab results
Audiology (T1)
Testing hearing, fitting hearing aids and repairing of aids.
Auditory Integration Training (T1)
Auditory Integration Training (AIT) is a powerful music programme to help people with ADHD, ADD, dyslexia, hearing sensitivities, autism, developmental delays, poor concentration, and a variety of other special needs. The programme provides stimulation to the hearing mechanism, which produces more normal hearing following treatment. Hearing anomalies can affect many aspects of normal everyday life, especially behaviour, sensitivity to noises in the home, social interaction, speech and language development and learning. Professionals who seek to remediate speech/language and learning delays in their patients also implement it.
Aura Imaging Photography (T1)
The photographic process reveals visible auras around the objects photographed and uses the principles of colour therapy to interpret the photograph.Each of the seven colours of the spectrum, resonates with one of the main seven chakras of the body. These chakras are like spirals of energy, each one relating to the others. Chakra (pronounced sha-kra) is the Sanskrit word for ' wheel'. Colour Therapy aims to balance and enhance our body's energy centres / Chakras and also to help stimulate our body's own healing process using the seven colours of the spectrum.
Aura-Soma (T1)
Aura-Soma is a non-intrusive and self-selective system in which colour is the key. It is an ancient knowledge that has been refound and revitalised into a living system easily accessible to all and speaks to you through 105 beautiful bottles of rainbow coloured oils, special essences, pomanders and quintessences.
Aura-Soma is a system that brings you closer to the understanding of yourself. It uses the visual and non-visual energies of colour, the energies of herbs from essential oils and herbal extracts, and the energies of crystals and gems.
Aura-Soma can help improve your spiritual well being, moving you toward a deeper understanding of yourself. Aura-Soma enables you to be in touch with the essence of yourself that always reflects your inner beauty. When you have made contact with this inner source it also has an effect upon the outer aspects of yourself. To bring inner beauty out, to reflect your positive gifts and talents, to help you to be in touch with why you are here and what you are here for.
Auricular Acupuncture (T1)
Auricular Acupuncture is the art of inserting needles and/or studs (indwelling needles that remain on the client for few days and fall out by themselves) into acupuncture points on the outer ear. These points correspond to all areas of our body. This gentle stimulation creates a specific response, aids our natural healing mechanism and helps us to rebalance. By sending the right signals to different areas of our body, it promotes natural self-healing.
Auriculo Therapy (T1)
Auriculo therapy utilises electro-pulse stimuli of specific points of the ear.
It is non-invasive and completely painless. An important feature of this treatment system is that the intensity and duration of the treatment is customised for each client based on factors such as age, gender, quantity and brand of cigarettes smoked and number of years of smoking.
Aurora Therapies (T1)
Aurora Therapies involve colour readings using a set of bottles, linked to astrology, numerology and tarot. This is a type of counselling or lifecoaching for the client to establish how they are feeling emotionally and physically.
Autogenic Therapy (T2)
Autogenic Therapy (Training) is a desensitization-relaxation technique developed by the German psychiatrist Johannes Heinrich Schultz. It utilizes the body's natural relaxation response to reduce unwanted mental and physical symptoms. It uses breathing techniques, verbal stimuli, mindful meditation, to help people reduce stress and achieve relaxation of the body and mind.
- Practitioner must be qualified in this technique.
AVS Therapies (T3)
AVS Therapies are a combination of cosmic energy, breath-work and working on removing negative thought patterns, working at conscious and sub-conscious mind levels aimed to work at root cause of chronic diseases related to body and mind. Name variations: AVS Cosmic Therapy / AVS Mindfulness / AVS Cognitive Therapy.
- Excluding past life regression therapies.
Ayurveda Medicine (T2)
Ayurveda Medicine is an ancient Indian medical system which aims to promote good health rather than fight disease but can be geared toward specific health problems. Its natural holistic approach uses diet, herbal medicines (mainly from plants but may include herbs, animals, minerals and metals), exercise, meditation, breathing, physical therapy, and other methods. Ayurveda focuses on the imbalances of the dosha Vata, Pitta and Kapha and curates medicine that helps balance these doshas. Its believed that health issues can develop due to an imbalance of the doshas. The goal is to cleanse the body and restore balance of in body, mind and spirit. The practitioners take into account the unique physical and emotional makeup, the primary life force, and the balance between all three doshas.
- Pregnant/nursing woman and children only to be treated with Doctors consent. This is for holistic purposes only and is not to replace traditional methods of medicine/medical assistance from qualified medical practitioners. Excludes diagnosing or treatment of medical ailments, and prescribing.
Ayurvedic Massage (T1)
Body massage performed according to the teachings and doctrines of Ayurveda, the ancient science of perfect health as practised in India for thousands of years.
This is body massage conducted broadly in line with Swedish Massage techniques but with the added components of Ayurveda.
Ayurvedic Yoga Massage (T1)
Ayurvedic Yoga Massage comprises yoga-based assisted stretching and deep tissue muscle stimulation and massage to open and realign the entire body; a truly powerful system of body therapy.
Whilst similar, at first glance, to Shiatsu or Thai and traditional Ayurvedic stroking massage (abhanya), it is actually a completely different system of therapeutic bodywork as it uses a unique system of synchronized breathing and stretching, progressively moving deeper and deeper within the body.
B12 and Vitamin infusion (T3)
Using B12 vitamin or other vitamin cocktails via IV or IM injection.
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dentist
- Phlebotomist
- or equivalent to any of the above
Baby Massage (T1)
The teaching of and instruction in Baby Massage for parents in groups as well as individually dealing with the massage of babies safely.
Baby Yoga (T1)
The Sanskrit word yoga is translated as 'union' between mind, body and spirit. In the West, the most widely taught form of yoga is Hatha Yoga with classes offering students exercises to stretch and flex the body, develop breath awareness, relaxation and sometimes meditation. Baby Yoga is specifically adapted for mothers to practice with their babies.
Baby/Infant Reflex (T1)
This is similar to Baby massage in that a group of mums are taught how to give very simple reflexology to their babies, by qualified reflexologists.
Back Massage (T1)
Body massage originated in Sweden. Swedish body massage is the original massage technique involving a sequence of movements working superficially and deeper into the tissue layers.
Please see our definition of Swedish Massage.
Back massage is Swedish Massage and concentrates and specialises in massage of the patient's back to relieve tension and promote deep relaxation in the tissues and muscles.
Bates Method of Vision Improvement (T1)
Teaching people how to improve their eyesight without lenses or surgery.
Bates Method practitioners do not diagnose and treat disease, nor prescribe spectacles. The method is educational in nature: no guarantee of any particular degree of improvement can or will be given and all teachers accept pupils on that understanding. A Bates Method teacher must have successfully completed The Course offered by College of Vision Education or equivalent training and accreditation.
- Cover does not extend to include degenerative eye condition treatment work.
BB Glow (T3)
BB Glow is a semi-permanent foundation for your face. It uses scientifically proven nano needling technology to safely infuse nutrient-rich tinted BB cream into the top layer of your skin
Beauty Facial (T1)
Beauty facial includes skin type consultation and skin care treatments for the face, such as: steaming, exfoliation, extraction, pore cleansing, creams, lotions, facial masks, facial massage, toning, moisturising, brushing and mechanical peels.
Behaviour Modification & Learning Theory - Animal (T1)
Behaviour Modification and Learning Theory - for human/animal relationship improvement & understanding reasons for problem behaviours especially those created by human error/lack of understanding. Functional analysis assessment. Learning theories applied to help humans better communicate with their animals in order to work with them more safely. Understanding how animals learn and about various reinforcers used to modify behaviour. An understanding of basic human psychology and learning is also helpful.
Behaviour Therapy (T1)
Behavior therapy identifies the variables in the environment maintaining problem behavior and systematically making changes to the environment to reduce problem behavior and increase functional skills.
Behavior Therapy, using the principals of Applied Behavior Analysis,
involves hands on application of interventions with the client, this may
involve teaching the client to communicate with others, complete academic
tasks, conduct self help skills and develop social skills.
To teach these skills physical prompts may be used until the target skill becomes
independent (e.g guiding the hand to make a sign, prompting the mouth to
make a speech sound, guiding the hand to prepare meals).
Behavior therapy also involves increasing motivation through play, interaction and delivery
of reinforcers. It can also involve teaching others to implement the intervention, and providing supervision and training.
Precision teaching is just one area in which the principals of Behaviour Analysis are applied other areas include EIBI (Early Intensive Behavioral Interventions, Verbal Behavior programs, Self Management programs etc). The principals of Behavior Analysis can be applied to new and unique situations specific to the needs of individuals to make a difference to behaviors of social significance.
Cover extends to training others (family members, teacher, support staff) to implement behavioral interventions, cover for working in schools and family homes, giving expert witness and supervising others.
Bellydance Tribal Fusion Style (T1)
Tribal Fusion Belly Dance is a modern form of belly dance which was created by fusing American Tribal Style belly dance and American Cabaret belly dance. Artists frequently incorporate elements from Popping, Hip Hop, 'Egyptian' or 'Cabaret' belly dance, as well as movement principles from traditional forms such as Flamenco, Kathak, Odissi, and other folkloric and classical dance styles.
Belvaspata Healing (T1)
Belvaspata is a new sacred modality that heals with Light and Frequency. It was given to humanity through Master Almine Barton. In the angelic languages of the higher realms, Belvaspata means "healing of the heart". Belvaspata makes tremendous changes in peoples' bodies, relationships and lives. It is a transformational experience with immediate results.
Benefits Information Services (T1)
The role involves assistance and support to clients that enable them to access a full range of benefits, maximise their income and resolve benefit queries through the provision of accurate and up-to-date information, signposting, and making them aware of their rights and entitlements. The cover extends to assisting with filling the completion and submission of application forms etc. The aim is to provide information only so that the client can make their own informative decision.
- Excludes financial, legal and investment advice
Best Interest Assessments (T2)
A Best Interest Assessor works to ensure people who lack capacity to consent to their accommodation, health and support needs are adequately safeguarded. This would involve completing assessments under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and undertaking best interest' decisions per government guidelines. Includes, making applications to the Court of Protection or completing standard Deprivation of Liberty Safeguard Assessments on behalf of the local authority. This is a non-clinical assessor role.
- Excludes financial, legal and investment advice
Bio Detox Therapy (T1)
A new and exciting treatment which uses an electrical current to expel toxins from the body. It is great for relieving joint pain and as well as having health benefits, it is deeply relaxing. Recommended after a reflexology treatment or massage for optimum results.
Bio Energetic Testing (T1)
Bio-energetic testing measures the energetic integrity, impulses or fluctuations of body systems, glands, organs, intestinal flora imbalance, food intolerance/allergy etc. It provides analysis and evaluation of the energetic balance and health and determines the imbalances in the body. The process involves patients holding electrode and/or electrodes being placed on the skin. The energy wavelengths and/or electromagnetic conductivity coming from the body is measured and read by a machine.
- The Insured must have sufficient, relevant industry standard training and qualifications.
Bio-Magnetic Therapy (T1)
Bio-magnetic therapy is simple and natural. Magnets placed on the body increase blood flow in a specific area, much as exercising does; indeed often giving a similar feeling of euphoria.
Not only does the modern environment shield us from much of the natural geomagnetic field around the earth but research shows that over the last century it has actually declined by 5 percent, yet it is fundamental for our health and well being. Magnet therapy helps redress the balance.
Biofeedback (T1)
Biofeedback operates on the notion that we have the innate ability and potential to influence the automatic functions of our bodies through the exertion of will and mind. Biofeedback has recently been shown to give us what had previously seemed an impossible degree of control over a variety of physiologic events. Biofeedback can also be used to train persons to block the pain of colitis, neuritis, and other conditions. Many of these techniques have been scientifically proven. Using a special machine and sensors to record muscle contractions and skin temperature, you can learn to control normally involuntary processes such as heart rate and blood pressure that increase under stress. The machine "feeds back" the efforts and eventually you can recognize and control facets of the stress response by yourself.
Bioptron Light Therapy (T1)
Bioptron Light Therapy is a medical light therapy system. It is used with success in various hospitals and clinics throughout the world for healing. Bioptron uses the full colour spectrum of natural daylight (with NO ultraviolet rays). All UVB and UVA rays are filtered out. Bioptron is completely safe and has no side effects. It must not be confused with the inexpensive light boxes which are commonly used for the treatment for SAD; Bioptron is a completely different treatment.
Biorhythms (T1)
Biorhythm charts illustrate the principle that we are influenced by physical, emotional, and intellectual cycles. Many people report that they can improve the quality of their lives by monitoring the highs and lows of these cycles and acting accordingly. For example, you might try to schedule important exams during your intellectual highs, avoid talking to your significant other during your emotional lows, or arranging the lineup of your baseball team around their physical highs.
Bnwyfre (T1)
Identifies the life force streams that surround us on a daily basis and encourages them to work together for the greater good. Aura massage, oracle cards, divining rods and pendulums are just some of the methods used to identify the good and what is causing the disease.
- All treatments are to be carried out on people 18 years or older.
Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst(BCaBA) (T1)
Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA) The BCaBA conducts descriptive behavioral assessments and is able to interpret the results and design ethical and effective behavior analytic interventions for clients. The BCaBA designs and oversees interventions in familiar cases (e.g., similar to those encountered during their training) that are consistent with the dimensions of applied behavior analysis. The BCaBA obtains technical direction from a BCBA for unfamiliar situations. The BCaBA is able to teach others to carry out interventions once the BCaBA has demonstrated competency with the procedures involved under the direct supervision of a BCBA. The BCaBA may assist a BCBA with the design and delivery of introductory level instruction in behavior analysis. It is mandatory that each BCaBA practice under the supervision of a BCBA. Governmental entities, third-party insurance plans and others utilizing BCaBAs must require this supervision.
Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA, BCBA-D) (T1)
Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA, BCBA-D)
The BCBA and BCBA-D are independent practitioners who also may work as employees or independent contractors for an organization. The BCBA conducts descriptive and systematic behavioral assessments, including functional analyses, and provides behavior analytic interpretations of the results. The BCBA designs and supervises behavior analytic interventions. The BCBA is able to effectively develop and implement appropriate assessment and intervention methods for use in unfamiliar situations and for a range of cases. The BCBA seeks the consultation of more experienced practitioners when necessary. The BCBA teaches others to carry out ethical and effective behavior analytic interventions based on published research and designs and delivers instruction in behavior analysis. BCBAs supervise the work of Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analysts and others who implement behavior analytic interventions.
Body Conditioning / Swiss Ball (T1)
A swiss ball is an exercise ball constructed of elastic soft PVC with a diameter of approximately 35 to 85 centimeters (14 to 34 inches) and filled with air.
- Cover is provided for body conditioning exercises performed on the ball.
Body Facial (T1)
The treatment can involve cleansing, steaming, toning, extraction, using a peel, pinching, massaging, exfoliating, masking, brushing, and moisturizing. Removes ingrown hairs, and dead skin cells, unclogs pores, stimulates blood flow, smooths, hydrates and softens skin. The treatment may be performed on various body parts as well as the bottom & the outer genitalia area.
Body Piercing (T3)
Body piercing, a form of body modification, is the practice of piercing a part of the human body, to create an opening in which jewellery may be worn or where an implant could be inserted.
- Needlestick Injury Policy must be in place
- Sanitisation and infection control protocols must be in place
- Written parental consent must be obtained for any services performed on/with/for minors
- Full informed consent to be kept on file to explain all risks associated with the treatment including aftercare guidance.
Body Slimming Wrap/Scrub (T1)
Application of gels and a "wrapping" method using bandages to aid in fluid reduction, assisting the reduction of cellulite, inch loss and improvement in circulation. Application of body scrubs or brushing following with body oils for moisturising/ cellulite reduction/relaxation using massage techniques.
Body Talk (T1)
The human body is designed to heal itself. When all parts of the body and its systems are communicating healing happens naturally. Stress can interupt that communication, resulting in discomfort and disease. Body Talk identifies these breakdowns and uses a light tapping technique to restore communication, helping the body to heal itself.
Body Talk is safe, non-invasive and effective in all areas of health care, both conventional and complementary.
Boost Me Therapy (T1)
Boost Me Therapy is a somatic approach that works on all of the key systems to activate and reconnect the mind, body and energy. It combines the power of the unconscious mind and physical touch as a mixed, somatic based modality, to keep the body and mind boosted. It includes elements and aspects of relaxation techniques, pituitary gland boost, lymphatic drainage massage, reflexology and acupressure, abdominal release and boosting process linked to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, breath work, spinal and neck release based on Tuina and massage techniques, chakra balancing and NLP anchor.
- Insured is only covered to work up to the level of competency provided by this course. Individual business practices (eg reflexology) must be added separately to the policy in order to offer the service beyond this limited and basic level.Excluding spinal manipulation techniques
Botox (T5)
Includes but not limited to: Botulinum Toxin (Botox, Advanced Botox, Azzalure, Bocoture and Dysport). Use of Botox injections to relax the muscles to stop wrinkles getting worse or forming.
- Needlestick Injury Policy and Photograph Requirement Policy must be in place
- Batch numbers must be recorded on patient files.
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
- Phlebotomist
Bowen Technique (T1)
A Bowen treatment consists of a series of gentle moves on skin (or through light clothing), with the client usually lying on a bed or comfortable treatment couch.
A treatment session usually lasts from half an hour to an hour and frequently results in a deep sense of overall relaxation, allowing the body to recharge and balance itself.
Brainwave Optimisation (T1)
Brainwave Optimization Brain Training is a completely non-invasive, individually tailored process of balancing and harmonizing the brain.
BrainWorking Recursive Therapy (T1)
BWRT stands for BrainWorking Recursive Therapy, a modern model of psychology and psychotherapy created by UK professional therapist, Terence Watts, MCGI. It uses a totally logical, practical and down-to-earth working method in which its not necessary for you to talk about anything you would rather not discuss. The practitioner only needs to know how you feel and how you would prefer to feel instead. BWRT is unlike other therapies, using the latest discoveries in neuroscience coupled with your own unique brain processes to help you get better
Breastfeeding Counselling Support (T1)
Breastfeeding Counselling/Support involves an individual trained in all aspects of breastfeeding and counselling based support, which is delivered either on an individual or group basis, both pre-birth and post-birth. The role is to provide information to mothers so that they can make informed decisions about their feeding journey, as well as teaching breastfeeding skills. No medical advice is given or implied. The onus is placed on clients to make their own informed decisions.
Breath Therapy (T1)
Breath Therapy is a personal development tool a key ingredient in physical, emotional and mental health. Breath Therapy uses a variety of circular and conscious connected breathing techniques and process exercises to bring physical and emotional stress to the surface for release and integration. This clearing of blocked energy, negative beliefs and outworn habit patterns, unifies and integrates the body, mind, and spirit.
Business and Management Auditing (T1)
To determine the extent to which an organisation is meeting the audit criteria.
Business Coaching (T1)
The role of the Business Coach is to coach business owners to improve their business through guidance, support and encouragement. They help the owners of small and medium sized businesses with their sales, marketing, management, team building and so much more. Just like a sporting coach, your Business Coach will make you focus on the game.
Business Consultancy (T1)
Business Consultant - Working independently or with a team on a business project or task, either of which has been defined in agreement with the business.
Business Development Consultancy (T1)
Sales activity for an organisation.
Business Event Planning (T3)
The act of planning and organising business events where professionals carry out business-related activities such as but not limited to corporate gatherings, fundraisers, tradeshows, charities, exhibitions, conferences, seminars, networking, awards ceremonies etc. Includes choosing locations, hiring caterers, coordinating with other vendors such as entertainment and florists, and can include marketing.
- Excludes financial, legal and investment advice
- Robust Health & Safety protocols must be in place
- Sanitisation and infection control protocols must be in place
- Cover is limited to events up to 2,000-person capacity only and excludes cover for financial loss due to event cancellation.
Buteyko Breathing (T1)
Buteyko (pronounced Bu-tay-ko) is a treatment for those with asthma and other breathing disorders. It was developed in Russia in the 1950's by a Russian doctor called Konstantin Buteyko, from whom the technique gets its name.
- This must not involve diagnosis or any guarantee of results.
Cacao Ceremony (T2)
Cacao Ceremony is a holistic healing therapy that has been used by ancient cultures worldwide for centuries. This therapy involves a communal gathering with a sacred circle (or one on one circle), music etc. and drinking ceremonial cacao which brings the participants to the same energetic frequency. The ceremony helps re-balance the energies within, restore good health, get clarity, set intentions, inner processing, mood elevation, increase vitality, enhance intuition and empathy and soothe symptoms of PMS etc. This is for holistic purposes only and is not to replace traditional methods of medicine/medical assistance from qualified medical practitioners.
- Excludes diagnosing or treatment of medical ailments, and prescribing. The Cacao must only be given at the recommended dose.
Camera Operator (T1)
A camera operator, also called a cameraman or a camerawoman, is an operator of a film or video camera.
- For the purpose of this insurance this is agreed for film and video of an amateur nature only i.e. no high profile A-list films. Also excludes all filming of a pornographic nature
Candle Massage (T1)
Candle massage is a unique treatment that uses a melted candle, which secretes butter oil not wax, to massage into the skin. The oil is a warm temperature and is very soothing for the muscles. This treatment combines massage with the candle oil which melts away tension and soothes the skin. The treatment can ease tension, reduce stiffness and help with blood circulation. It can leave you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. The oil can nourish and moisturise the skin as well as combating stress, aches and pains. We light the massage candles and then blow out and pour the oil onto the skin then perform the body massage.
- Robust Health & Safety protocols must be in place
Carboxy Therapy (T4)
Carboxy Therapy is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment which infuses gaseous carbon dioxide into the skin. It dissolves fat cells, stimulates blood flow, improves skin elasticity and reduces cellulite. It is a popular treatment for stretch marks and dark under eye circles.
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
- Phlebotomist
Career Coaching (T1)
Career Coaching deals with the issues that surround an individual's career. This includes assessment of client values, skills, careers and personality for the purpose of designing ideal work/job profile.
Designing and creating with the client an ideal work profile which includes outlining type of work to be performed, work environment, personality traits, etc. Assisting with resume and CV editing and revision, interview preparation and practice, networking preparation and practice.
Celebrant Services (T1)
To conduct civil ceremonies, religious, non- religious, bespoke ceremonies, baby namings and vow renewals.
Certified Nutritionist (T1)
Providing nutrition consultancy, advice and support to improve/maintain health, body composition and or sports performance. Assessing clients food and nutrient intake through dietary analysis, addressing their health and fitness goals and subsequently designing personalised nutrition interventions, including meal plans, education processes and where necessary recommending safe and efficacious natural supplements. Through appropriate dietary counselling and behaviour change techniques, as well as holistic advice on exercise and sleep, a Certified Nutritionist will help clients implement agreed positive changes into a varied and healthy lifestyle.
Coverage excludes:
- the recommendation of Very Low-Calorie Diets
- the supply or recommendation of any appetite suppressants, metabolic aids or diet pills however in respect of any supplements falling outside of those, the following exclusions/writebacks apply
1. the supply of any dietary or nutritional supplements or other related products, unless they have been sourced from local third party suppliers and whom against you, have a legal right of recourse;
2. the failure of any dietary or nutritional supplements or other related products to fulfil the purpose for which it was designed, or to perform as specified, warranted or guaranteed.
Change Management Consulting/Coaching (T2)
Change Management is the practice of applying a structured approach to transition an organization from a current state or operational culture to a future state to achieve specific expected benefits. Change Management provides approaches, tools, and techniques that empower an organization to successfully achieve these desired results. Change Management provides value by enabling people to adopt the change and operate in a new future organizational structure. The more seamless the transition is for an organizations people, the more effectively and efficiently the organization will be in achieving the benefits of the desired future state.
- Excludes financial, legal and investment advice
Channelling (T1)
Channelling is described as communicating and receiving messages from guides, spirits, angels and the afterlife.
Chaplain Services (T2)
Chaplain Services refers to providing spiritual and emotional support and guidance often in non-religious settings including but not limited to healthcare, military, workplace or educational institutions by chaplains who are members of the clergy or trained laypersons. Chaplains in the military also perform religious rites, conduct worship services, and provide confidential counselling.
Chartered Occupational Psychologist (T1)
Occupational psychology is the science of people at work. Rigour and methods of psychology are applied to issues of critical relevance to business, including talent management, coaching, assessment, selection, training, organizational development, performance, well-being and work-life balance.
Chartered Occupational Psychologist (T1)
Occupational psychology is the science of people at work. Rigour and methods of psychology are applied to issues of critical relevance to business, including talent management, coaching, assessment, selection, training, organizational development, performance, well-being and work-life balance.
Chavutti Thirumal (T1)
Chavutti Thirumal is a form of massage, which has its origins in Ayurvedic medicine and has been practised in India since ancient times. This is a full body oil massage, but it differs greatly from other forms of massage, in that, to perform Chavutti Thirumal, the practitioner uses her bare feet to carry out specific strokes; some are short, but generally they are long controlled strokes. Chavutti was borne out of the ancient Indian art of Kalarippayattu a fighting system which is indigenous to Kerla in Southern India. Kalari embodies elements of dance, yoga and Ayurvedic medicine and this extraordinary massage was originally developed to heal, as well as to promote suppleness and flexibility, thus enabling the Kalari practitioners to perform their art with fluidity and dexterity.
Chemical Peel (T2)
Using an exfoliant product made from natural and man-made sources and typically applied to facial skin. This is a technique used to improve and smooth the texture of the skin and can improve scarring. Restricted to peels up to 40% strength such as but not limited to glycolic, mandelic, lactic and salicylic.
Chi Kung/Qigong (T1)
Chi Kung/Qigong is a system of coordinated body-posture and movement, breathing, and meditation said to be useful for the purposes of health, spirituality, and martial arts training.] With roots in Chinese medicine, philosophy, and martial arts, qigong is traditionally viewed as a practice to cultivate and balance the mythical life-force qi. Chi Kung/Qigong practice typically involves moving meditation, coordinating slow-flowing movement, deep rhythmic breathing, and a calm meditative state of mind. People practice qigong for recreation, exercise, relaxation, preventive medicine, self-healing, alternative medicine, meditation, self-cultivation, and training for martial arts.
Chrysalis Effect Certified Practitioner (T1)
The Chrysalis Effect is a non invasive coaching programme specifically for the supported recovery of those suffering with symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome, M.E.and Fibromyalgia.
- Strictly on the condition that the individual's General Practitioner is fully aware that this additional teatment is being provided.
Cleaning Services (T3)
Professional services dedicated to the cleaning and upkeep of various environments, such as homes and offices. These services typically involve routine tasks such as sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, mopping, and waste removal. Additionally, they may offer specialized cleaning for carpets, windows, and upholstery, as well as deep cleaning and sanitization.
Clinical Psychology (T4)
Clinical psychology is the psychological specialty that provides continuing and comprehensive mental and behavioural health care for individuals and families; consultation to agencies and communities; training, education and supervision; and research-based practice. They use the science of psychology to treat complex human problems and promote change. They also promote resilience and help people discover their strengths. They utilize a range of therapeutic approaches and models and may offer supervision, teaching, training, and mentoring among other systems change interventions such as reflective practice.
Coach Supervision (T1)
Supporting and supervising the development of new and experienced Coaches. Coaching is generally described as: A personal service to an individual or group that is non-judgemental and non-directional but will challenge, stimulate and guide the person being coached towards their stated aims and goals.
Coach Training/Tuition (T1)
Acting as a teacher or individual tutor to train Coaching but excluding any liability arising from the management and control of a Training Establishment, Clinic or College.
Coaching is defined as a personal service to an individual or group that is non-judgemental, non-directional and does not provide advice or direction, but will assist to perform, challenge, stimulate and guide.
- Excluding Sport Coaching and Financial Coaching.
Coaching - Life and Executive Coaching (T1)
A personal service to an individual or group that is non-judgemental, non-directional and does not provide advice or direction, but will assist to perform, challenge, stimulate and guide.
- Excluding Sport Coaching or Financial Coaching
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (T1)
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is the term for a number of therapies that are designed to help solve problems in people's lives, such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or drug misuse.
CBT was developed from two earlier types of psychotherapy:
- Cognitive therapy, designed to change people's thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and expectations
- Behavioural therapy (also called behaviourism, designed to change how people acted
Cold Water Therapy / Cold Hydrotherapy (T2)
Cold water therapy is the practice of using cold water exposure, either by swimming or taking cold showers or baths to treat health conditions or stimulate health benefits. Its also known as cold hydrotherapy. This therapy may also incorporate breathing and meditation techniques to achieve multiple benefits such as increased energy, better sleep, reduced stress levels, heightened focus and determination, increased willpower, stronger immune system etc.
- Robust Health & Safety and wet floor exposure protocols must be in place
- Subject to the insured having robust protocols in place to ensure correct temperature settings at all times, clients are monitored in terms of how long they have the treatment for.
Colonic (T4)
Clean water is inserted into the colon via a small tube inserted into the anus. This is then pumped out along with any waste material. Coffee, yoghurt or other substances can sometimes also be used instead of the water.
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
- NVQ 3 Beauty Therapist (equivalent or above)
- or equivalent to any of the above
Colour Breathing (T1)
This is a simple, non-invasive and effective way to relax. It brings together proven relaxation and stress management techniques which men, women and children of all ages find accessible and really enjoy using. Colour Breathing enables you to relax different areas of your body whilst focusing on the vibrant colours of the related Colour Breathing Disks.
Colour Breathing is a particularly useful tool for those who have difficulty with visualisation and other relaxation techniques. The Colour Breathing Disks are becoming widely acclaimed for helping people to help themselves relax. Many people including Nurses, Doctors, Counsellors, Teachers and Life Coaches are now using the Colour Breathing Disks and technique successfully with their clients and patients.
Colour Reflexology (T1)
Colour reflexology teaches you different ways of sending colour light vibrations through the foot reflexes to reinforce and improve the effectiveness of reflexology treatments.
Colour Therapy (T1)
Using the seven colours of the spectrum, Colour Therapy aims to balance and enhance our body's energy centres (called Chakras) and help stimulate our body's own healing process. Colour Therapy uses colour to re-balance the Chakras that have become depleted of energy. Each of the seven colours of the spectrum, resonates with one of the main seven Chakras of the body. These Chakras are like spirals of energy, each one relating to the others. Chakra (pronounced sha-kra) is the Sanskrit word for ' wheel'. Colour has a profound effect on us on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. If our energy centres become blocked or depleted, then our body cannot function properly and this, in turn, can lead to a variety of problems on any level.
Colourworks (T1)
Colourworks uses psychology of colour to enlighten all aspects of life. It uses a system of dual coloured oils and essences which powerfully translates conscious and sub-conscious thoughts and feelings into words the client can relate to, thereby releasing patterns and programming that no longer serve them.
Community Development Work (T1)
To work in specific housing estates to facilitate the formation of residents associations, organise community events for families and children in the estates, link residents to other community groups and services.
Community First Responder / Emergency Care Assistant (T2)
CFR/ECA may provide pre-hospital emergency care or first aid at public events, in the workplace, as a secondary part of their job role and alongside emergency staff professionals. Includes management of patient's airways, bleeding, fractures, medical emergencies, limited to the competencies of the Practitioner's qualification.
Approved Practitioners:
- Practitioner must hold a Nationally Recognised Qualification at PHEM Competency/Skills Framework Level C which must be no more than 3 years old. (eg FREC Level 3, FPOS Level 3)
Companionship (T1)
Going to adults and the elderly peoples private homes as a companion, carer, keep them company, to help alleviate loneliness, depression etc.
Compassionate Inquiry (T2)
Compassionate inquiry is a powerful tool that can bring the clients awareness to events that occurred in childhood that were painful and difficult to bear, and that the client has protected themselves from experiencing. For healing to occur, the therapist needs to maintain a safe relational container with the client, so that the original painful feelings can be held, experienced and expressed.
- Excluding past life regression therapies.
Computer Technical Support (T1)
Home & Business call out and workshop based computer support.
- Subject to obtaining appropriate permissions/rights prior to use of third party content/images for web/graphic/logo design and also client sign off/approval prior to launch - also sign off prior to procurement of any products/services on behalf of the client.
Cooking Demonstrations (T1)
Cooking Demonstrations/classes aim to provide hands-on experience in specific areas related to food preparation and presentation. It may cover various types of cuisine and/or an overview of healthy eating, non-clinical nutrition & dietetic advice. Clients may also engage in the cooking and a tasting session of what is cooked.
Copy-editing, Proofreading and Copywriting (T1)
Advising on and supplying high-quality English language materials for web, print, or interaction. This includes ascertaining the client's desired outcomes, editing any supplied copy, translating (or reviewing translations), proofreading, and copywriting new copies as required.
Cosmology (T1)
Cosmology is about how the universe works and how we as individuals fit into this. It is quantum mechanics from spiritual perspective.
Counselling (T1)
Counselling is a professional relationship that helps individuals, families and groups in dealing with their personal and interpersonal conflicts. It allows an individual to have an opportunity to improve upon their understanding of themselves, including their pattern of thoughts, behaviours, feelings and the ways in which these may have been problematic in their lives. It also helps to examine how to tap into existing resources or develop new ones that enhance their lives and relationships. Counsellors have a broad range of experience in developing "helping relationships" and working with many different situations. Most common types of counselling include (but are not limited to) marriage/relationship, mental health, stress, bereavement and grief, addiction, rehabilitation, education and career goals.
Courtroom Coaching / HMCTS Intermediary Services (T1)
The goal is to assist, prepare and provide support to clients in a court, tribunal hearing or at conferences to prepare for a hearing. The services may range from helping clients to feel at ease, cope with pressure and understand the questions and process, to providing impartial recommendations to HMCTS about the persons specific communication needs.
- Excludes financial, legal and investment advice
- Provided always that what the client says in court/hearing is directed / managed by a legally qualified third party.
Craniosacral Reflexology (T1)
The skull and the sacrum are reflected by treating certain specific points on the bones of the feet. Areas of congestion and restriction in function of any part of the body are felt as an imbalance in the motion of the impulses. CSR is a therapeutic method combining the use of pressure on specific areas of the foot, which relate to the 12 cranial nerves and to the pulse of the Cerebro-Spinal Fluid (CSF) that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. CSR integrates the principles of Reflexology, Cranial Osteopathy and Cranio-Sacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy (T1)
This is a comprehensive therapy which can be used effectively for the treatment of many conditions at all ages. It is extremely gentle, non-invasive, and causes no discomfort or disturbance to the client; nor does it have any risks or adverse side effects.
In treating the cranio-sacral system, the practitioner is seeking out and identifying areas of restriction, compression or tension through the body which may in turn be impeding proper function of organs, muscles, nerves, blood vessels and body tissues in general. These restrictions may be the result of injury, infection, inflammation, emotional tension or underlying pathologies. They may also be caused by the compressive pressures of the birth process.
Creative Journaling (T1)
This is a tool for self-expression that helps healing, growth and the ability to express oneself. It encourages writing, drawing and doodling freely without the need for correction - nothing is 'wrong'. Similar to keeping a diary, Creative Journaling does not require special skills, and the tools learned in Creative Journaling can be used anywhere and anytime. The process stimulates creativity and the clears the mind of clutter.
Cross Cultural or Intercultural Training (T1)
Looking at different cultures and the impact it makes on teams and the organisation.
Cryolipolysis (T1)
A cooling head is applied to the fat area of body, which is then cooled to a safe lower temperature. It is medically proven that when the fat cells are cooled to a low temperature, they naturally die and are then flushed out by the body through a natural process.
Cryotherapy Pen (T3)
The device uses a state-of-the-art cooling technology that does not require handling of potentially dangerous gases and liquids. In addition to not being exposed to possibly hazardous substances, the device also offers an ergonomic design and consistent treatment temperature.
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
- NVQ 3 Beauty Therapist (equivalent or above)
- Aesthetician, Cryotherapist, ITEC A.
Crystal Healing (T1)
Crystal Healing therapy works on many different levels - physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual. It is claimed that this gently removes energy imbalances, therefore easing clients maladies, and in so doing clients may feel balanced, healed, soothed and energised.
Crystal Readings (T1)
A talking to, non hands-on practice which aids learning how to communicate and receive messages from guides, spirits, angels and the afterlife through the use of crystals in a similar fashion to Tarot. Also similar to Angel Cards and Numerology, where the crystals used have assumed meanings that are shared with clients.
Cuddle Therapy (T1)
The practice of administering hugs for the purpose of curing or healing, or of preserving health. Treatment of disease through the simple, physical means of hugging. Cuddle therapy is a form of touch therapy within the wellness space. Cuddle therapy is platonic in nature and involves hugs, hand-holding, gentle arm rubs and back massages.
Culture Change Training (T1)
Providing a general introduction to the "British" culture for newcomers, both adults and children, and / or a cultural introduction for employees and their families moving between different cultures.
This service is usually provided to employees of large international companies who have employees in many different countries, and use this service to ease the cultural transition for their employees and their families when they move within the same firm between countries.
- No cover is provided if the training has any involvement with immigation or the grant of British Citizenship.
Cupping (T1)
Cupping is a method by which suction is created on the body to relax and detox the body and in some cases add heat. Traditionally, a flame is used to create suction in fire cupping using glass cups, ceramic or bamboo cups. More modern non fire options include screw cups, pump cups and silicon cups.
Daily Living Activities Support (T2)
This service is designed to assist individuals in completing their daily tasks. This includes, but is not limited to, cleaning, cooking, helping around the home, helping them leave their home, accompanying them to shops or on walks, taking them to medical appointments, the bank, and other general everyday activities.
Dance Movement Therapy (T1)
Dance Movement Therapy is the psychotherapeutic use of movement and dance through which a person can engage creatively in a process to further their emotional, cognitive, physical and social integration. It is founded on the principle that movement reflects an individual's patterns of thinking and feeling. Through acknowledging and supporting clients' movements the therapist encourages development and integration of new adaptive movement patterns together with the emotional experiences that accompany such changes. Dance Movement Therapy is practised as both individual and group therapy in health, education and social service settings and in private practice.
Dance Teaching/Tuition (T1)
Teaching people, and acting as a tutor, in both group sessions and one to one in all different areas of dance including: Ballet, Ballroom, Hip Hop & Contempory etc. Covering the stretches, movements and timings.
Dance Therapy (T1)
The theory underlying dance therapy is that body movement reflects the inner state of the human, and that by moving the body within a guided therapeutic setting, a healing process begins. Emerging inner conflicts and issues from the unconscious to the consciousness of the person are addressed on all levels - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Seeking the full integration of mind and body, and bringing harmony between all the aforementioned levels of the human being is what dance therapy is all about.
Daoyin Tao (T1)
Daoyin Tao is Chinese Face Neck and Shoulder Massage and is a synergy of softened and adapted traditional Chinese and modern Western massage techniques which creates a subtle yet powerful harmonious blend. Daoyin Tao offers a totally holistic therapy experience.
De-cluttering Practitioner (T1)
Advising on the discipline and process required to de-clutter your space and your life.
De-cluttering is a thinking process that assists you to make decisions about what to keep and what not to. It is not prescriptive concerning what should be thrown out, but rather the process of how to make your own decisions and develop your own disciplines about what to keep and what to dispose of to best help you meet your goals aims and ambitions.
- The cover specifically excludes any claim arising from the disposal of an item(s) where it is later claimed to have been wanted or valuable.
De-cluttering Practitioner (APDO-UK Member) (T1)
Cover is provided to an apdo-uk member whilst engaged in the process of Professionally Organising a home, office or other aspect of life for a client. Professional Organising can include decluttering.
- Cover is subject to Members remaining bound by the apdo-uk code of ethics. Cover is strictly subject a statement signed by the client before services are provided, that the client is responsible for all or any items disposed of in the decluttering process.
Deeksha Healing/Oneness Blessing (T1)
Deeksha or Diksha is a hands-on transference of divine energy that brings about a state of oneness, or enlightenment. It involved placing the hands onto the crown of the head, usually for about 1 minute and is an Energy Healing Process.
Deep Tissue Massage (T1)
Massage is the practice of applying structured or unstructured pressure, tension, motion, or vibration manually or with mechanical aids to the soft tissues of the body, including muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, joints and lymphatic vessels, to achieve a beneficial response.
Deep tissue massage, as the name implies, concentrates on the deeper tissues of the body to aid the process of injury healing, relieve psychological stress, manage pain, and improve circulation.
Where massage is used for its physiological, mental, and mechanical benefits, it may be termed "therapeutic massage" or manipulative therapy.
Dementia Care Training (T1)
This is the ability to facilitate action and guide change by individuals in groups or oganisations in dealing with and achieving the best possible outcomes for those with dementia.
To train is to teach, direct, encourage, inspire, and co-ordinate.
Depression at Work Awareness Training (T1)
Training to raise partipant's awareness of, and ability to effectively manage, depression and anxiety at work. This training helps give managers, employees and organisations the knowledge and skills to do this with confidence
Dermal Fillers (T5)
This involves the use of absorbable materials to plump or perfect the face and body. These materials can be based on hyaluronic acid, collagen, calcium hydroxylapatite & Poly-L-Lactic (PLLA). The products used must be MHRA or FDA approved. The injector must have a right of recourse against the supplier/manufacturer and products are purchased from the local supplier/representative only who holds full products coverage and a written right of recourse against the manufacturer, wherever based.
- Needlestick Injury Policy and Photograph Requirement Policy must be in place
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
- Phlebotomist
Dermaplaning (T3)
Dermaplaning is a skin care treatment that removes dead skin cells and vellus hair.
- Robust Health & Safety protocols must be in place
- Sanitisation and infection control protocols must be in place
Detox Therapist (T1)
This is a consultation treatment, rather than a manual treatment, where a client completes 5 questionnaires in relation to their exposure to heavy metals, chemicals, gastrointestinal health, liver health and fungal levels, and depending on their level of toxicity in each area a detox plan is provided. This is entirely diet based, foods rich in nutrients to help cleanse the body and remove toxins. Food journals are kept to track improvements etc. It is purely based on nutrients from vegetables, fruit pulses etc no added tablets or manufactured additions.
- Subject to no Very Low Calorie Diets (as per Dieticians and Nutritionists).
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy - DBT (T1)
Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is a type of cognitive-behavioural therapy. Its main goals are to teach people how to live in the moment, develop healthy ways to cope with stress, regulate their emotions, and improve their relationships with others.
Diamond Light Activation Rites and Healing System (T1)
The System is based on an esoteric blueprint of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and refers to a 10 Chakra System within the body, which through an Activation process aligns each Chakra to its corresponding planet as shown in the Tree of Life. It is a very gentle and nurturing system and is designed to align both the feminine and masculine aspects within the Practitioner, while opening the energy centres to higher frequencies of energy.
Dietary Cooking (T1)
Advising on and helping to make baked goods with emphasis on baking for people with food allergies/sensitivities.
Dietary Supplements Advisor (T1)
Assess a client's general health and design a personalised supplement plan. Educate and appraise your client. Provide guidelines for safe intake. Inform about bad combinations and contraindications. Check on the intake of supplements through questions and client journals. Encourage your client to follow a balanced diet and a healthier lifestyle. Work with your client to implement strategies for new healthy habits to stick. Follow up on health improvements. Adjust a supplementary plan where necessary.
- Insurers will not be liable for any liability caused by or arising from (a)the failure to provide or administer any medical or other treatment or any breach of professional duty by or on behalf of the INSURED (b)the making up dispensing sale or supply or the provision or administering of any medical or other treatment including drugs or medical preparations (c)any medical or clinical diagnosis consultation check-up investigation assessment test or analysis (d)the use of X-rays or general anaesthetic or the giving of any injection or inoculation or any operation performed.This Endorsement applies to the Public and Products Liability Insurance Section only
Dietitian (T3)
Dietitians are health care professionals who are trained to provide advice and counselling about diet, food and nutrition. They use the best available evidence coupled with good judgment about the client's or communities unique values and circumstances to determine guidance and recommendations.
- Subject to no Very Low Calorie Diets (VLCD, less than 800 calories a day) unless in conjunction with family GP/doctor with continuous monitoring upheld. Full qualifications obtained.
Diversity & Dignity at Work Awareness Training (T1)
A teaching program to raise awareness about diversity & dignity at work and what they mean, to understand how diversity impacts us as employees, our function, our customers and communities, to raise awareness and understanding for the business case for diversity, to understand company policy on diversity and dignity at work. To clarify roles and responsibilities as Supervisor/Employee and become familiar with relevant legislation.
Divorce Consultation (T1)
Support, coaching, information and guidance through the legal process with individuals and with couples. Occasional attendance at court as McKenzie Friend. Cheaper (both financially and emotionally) ways through divorce.
Dog Behaviour Training (T1)
Training dogs for competition and/or appropriate everyday behaviour using a knowledge of animal behaviour.
Dog/Cat Boarding (T1)
Offering a home boarding service where people can leave their dogs/cat as an alternative to kennels.
Dog/Cat Breeding (T3)
Dog/Cat breeding can involve the provision of a male dog/cat or a female dog/cat. Includes selection of appropriate healthy animals, care during pregnancy, supervision and care during whelping, early training and the sale of litter.
- Insured must comply with all licensing, local authority and legal requirements.
Domiciliary Care Activities (T3)
Providing care activities to service users, the aim is to assist those in need of care, to live as safely and comfortably as possible in their own homes. May involve overseeing the patient's taking of prescribed and pre-packed medication, but strictly in accordance with their prescription with no amendments made to medicine or dosage.
- Subject to no provision of any nursing activities.
Doula - Birth and Postnatal (T1)
A Doula is someone that provides non-medical support to a woman and her family during pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period and miscarriage. This covers spending time with a woman and her family during the antenatal stage, supporting a woman in labour, helping with breastfeeding and helping to practically care for the family at home. No medical advice is given or implied- the courses are informative in nature and the onus is placed on clients to make their own informed decisions. A Doula is not a replacement for a midwife, and does not perform clinical tasks.
- It is understood that in accordance with UK law, no assistance will be granted in the case of a Doula engaging in practise constituting medical advice (explicit or implied) or performing clinical tasks.
Dowsing (T1)
Dowsing is a type of divination that uses hand held tools or instruments to search for that which is otherwise hidden from view or knowledge. It can be applied to searches for lost objects and pets, to locate underground water, metals or ores, gemstones, oils, malign earth vibrations etc without the use of scientific apparatus.
Drama Therapy (T1)
Drama Therapy is a health and human services profession that seeks to facilitate physical integration and personal growth for individuals, couples, families and various groups through the use of theatrical and dramatic processes. Drama Therapists work in a wide variety of settings including hospitals, schools, mental centres, prisons, and businesses.
Drama/movement Workshop Leader (T1)
Leading drama and movement workshops for adults and children.
Dream Therapy (T1)
Analyse people's dreams to help them understand issues within the waking world that need resolving.
Dry Needling (T1)
This treats trigger points around the body to alleviate muscle pains and tensions.
Ear Irrigation / Micro-Suction (T1)
Ear irrigation/micro-suction is used to remove excess earwax, or cerumen, and foreign materials from the ear.
Ear Piercing (gun and stud method only) (T1)
Using a piercing gun to pierce holes in a clients ears, excluding the piercing of any ear cartilage.
Educational Coaching and Tuition (T1)
Acting as a Supply Teacher and/or providing additional teaching facilities such as lectures, tutorials and examination materials and marking on formal subjects.
- Up to, but not beyond, the formal qualification held by the teacher.
Educational Consultancy (T1)
Educational Consultancy working within and consulting in an educational establishment where the work undertaken is:
- Observation of the pupil
- Use of assessment tools to record progress and inform planning
- Discussion of the pupil with school staff
- Providing advice on differentiation across the curriculum
- Providing advice on individual education plans, targets, strategies, teaching methods and resources
- Devising and supervising specific individual programme of work
- Demonstrating specific approaches and resources
- Staff training
Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) (T1)
Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS), also known as neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) or electromyostimulation, is the stimulation of muscle contraction using electric impulses. Electric stimulation works by attaching electrodes to the skin and using the control unit to transmit currents to targeted muscle groups. EMS essentially stimulates the nerves and induces muscle contractions, mimicking the way the muscles naturally contract. Electric muscle stimulation (EMS) has many benefits including but not limited to: building muscle strength, accelerating recovery from injury, improving sporting performance, relieving cramps, retaining muscles, enhancing range of motion, improving cosmetic muscle tone, increasing aerobic capacity, helping with weight management, promoting tissue healing, preserving muscle mass, etc.
- Excludes use around the eye area and treatment to professional sports people.
Electrolysis (T1)
A probe is inserted into the hair follicle and an electric current passed down to cauterise the hair bulb, preventing growth. The hair is then removed from the follicle with tweezers.
Electroporation (T3)
An electronic device designed to infuse the skin with serums to create various benefits.
Emmett Technique (T1)
Emmett Technique is a gentle muscle-release therapy. The treatment consists of applying gentle pressure to activation points in the muscles: this could be a hold, flick or switch across the tissue. It is most often performed over clothing and can be applied alongside any other bodywork therapy to enhance the results. Practitioners seek to ease pain and discomfort, and most clients will notice the difference in pain levels or range of movement before leaving the therapist.
Emotional Freedom Technique Therapy (T1)
EFT is a non-invasive meridian energy therapy - a form of counseling intervention that stimulates acupressure points by pressuring, tapping, or rubbing these points while focusing on situations that represent personal fear or trauma. The stimulation of these energy points on the body releases blockages and allows the problem feelings to be released and move through the body.
EmoTrance (T1)
EmoTrance uses the intention of your mind to soften and release blocked energy allowing it to find a natural route out of your body. It does this very elegantly by noticing what an emotion (as an example) feels like in your body. You then describe it and then observe it soften and flow through and out of your body.
Everything is just energy, what people say and do to us is just energy, neither positive nor negative. How we handle what we receive makes it a positive or negative experience for us and this is determined by whether we can accept it and let it go or whether it comes and gets stuck. For example, the kick in the stomach, pain in the heart, weight on the shoulders.
Encounter Groups (T1)
A typically unstructured psychotherapy group in which the participants seek to increase their sensitivity, responsiveness and emotional expressiveness, as by freely verbalizing and responding to emotions.
End of Life Doula (T1)
Supporting and coaching individuals coming to the end of their life and comforting their loved ones.
Energy Cone Technique (ECT) (T1)
This is similar to Meridian Energy Therapy.
It brings emotions and negativities of the client to the awareness of both client and clinician.
These realisations are subsequently removed (or dealt with) with the express intention of the conscious mind. ECT is non invasive, non intrusive, and may be used as a completely confidential technique. There is no necessity for either the therapist or the client to know details of the trauma in order to effectively release it from the system.
ECT focuses on the discovery of Energy Cysts, or Cones, predominantly in the palms of the hands and the dispersal and elimination of that trapped energy in, through and out of the energy body. It can be applied to consciously acknowledged problems, but more often than not it is applied to the unknown and unacknowledged issues that lie beneath all manner of our problems from stress, distress, self esteem issues, phobias and traumas, and much more besides.
ECT may be used alone or in conjunction with other techniques.
Energy Healing (T1)
Energy healing (or bio-field/bio-energy therapy) is a broad term that encompasses various therapeutic techniques with diverse philosophical and geographical origins. It is based on the belief that all living things possess energy (bio-energy) the balance or imbalance of which is related to health and illnesses. It is a holistic approach where the healer uses energy, colour and light healing techniques to catalyse healing in the patients energy field. May include help to restore mental, emotional and physical wellbeing and/or improve and restore a more youthful and healthier appearance. Energy healing may be known by different names such as but not limited to Chakra Healing, Aura Healing, B.E.S.T Healing, Contact Healing, Distant Healing, Pranic Healing etc.
Equine/Alpaca Assisted Therapy/Guided Development (T2)
Equine/Alpaca Assisted Therapy uses horses, donkeys or alpacas to help children and adults who may have mental health needs, physical or learning disabilities to achieve increased health, wellbeing and quality of life. Interaction evokes feelings of relaxation, happiness, stress release and healing for the client, breaking down barriers and enabling them to release blocked emotions. Guided Development can help: increase personal confidence, courage and awareness. build effective relationships through trust and authenticity develop skills work through uncertainty and uncomfortable emotionally charged situations experience different leadership positions and the associated impact face fears and expand emotional, social and team intelligence. Animals are assessed prior to their participation in the assisted therapy to ensure their suitability, behaviour and temperament.
Executive Associate (accredited by the IIB) (T1)
Executive Associate (accredited by the Institute for Independent Business)
Cover is provided for accredited Associates and Fellows of the Institute for Independent Business subject to achieving and maintaining accredited status for the period of the policy, and whose work is conducted according to the Institute's Code of Ethics.
External Examination Access Arrangements Assessor (T2)
Access arrangements are available to give those candidates with difficulties which significantly affect their performance during examinations fair opportunities to demonstrate what they know and can do in each subject. The role involves: liaising with schools to identify candidates who may be eligible for EAA, visiting settings to independently assess students using approved standardised tests, completing paperwork & online submissions in line with the JCQ procedures, confirming whether students meet the criteria for Access Arrangements or Reasonable Adjustments.
- Excludes financial, legal and investment advice
Approved Practitioners:
- Must be qualified in line with the Joint Council for Qualifications requirements.
External Quality Assurance (T1)
External quality assurance for the qualifications being delivered and assessed. This includes: approval of centres, monitoring of learning delivery, monitoring of assessment practice, and monitoring of internal quality assurance practices. External quality assurance is carried out to ensure that qualification delivery, and internal quality assurance are of a high standard and assessment practice is valid and reliable. External quality assurance also aims to support the development and improvement of learning delivery, assessment and internal quality assurance practice in centres.
Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) (T1)
EMDR seems to directly influence the way that the brain functions. It helps to restore normal ways of dealing with problems (ie information processing). Following successful EMDR treatment, memories of the event are no longer painful when brought to mind. What happened can still be recalled, but it is less upsetting. EMDR appears to mimic what the brain does naturally on a daily basis during dreaming or REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. EMDR can be thought of as an inherently natural therapy which assists the brain in working through distressing material.
Eyebrow Treatments (T1)
Tidying, maintenance and enhancement of the eyebrow. Includes eyebrow measuring, shaping, blending, tweezing, waxing, threading, plucking, perming/brow lamination and tinting/henna brows. You will perform a sensitivity patch test on the client using the exact substance that is to be applied during the eyebrow treatment at least 24 hours before applying the client's eyebrow treatment for the first time and will not proceed with the treatment if the results of the test are not satisfactory.
Eyelash Lift and Tint (T1)
Eyelash is lifted or permed and coloured. Lower lashes are secured with gel pads or micro pore tape. An eyelash shield is adhered to the eyelid and the lashes are then adhered to the shield with the use of glue. The root of the lash is then treated with Perming lotion for the allocated time. Perming solution removed. The root of the lash is then treated with Fixing lotion for the allocated time. Fixing lotion is then removed. Eyelash tint can then be applied if requested for the allocated time. Tint is then removed. Lashes are then treated with Nourishing lotion for the allocated time. The lashes are removed from the shield and the shield is then removed from the eyelid the eyelashes are then thoroughly cleaned.
Eyelash/Eyebrow Extensions (T1)
A beauty treatment used to enhance the appearance of eyelashes and/or eyebrows by adding length, volume and definition. It involves the application of synthetic and/or natural fibers that are attached to the natural eyelashes and/or eyebrows. An LED light device with light emission of up to 0.2 joules may be used to cure glue.
- The device must be ISO and IEC-certified for usage on the skin around and on the eyes.
Face and Body Painting (T1)
Face/Body painting: The business activity of painting the faces and bodies of children and adults in a fun environment using professional makeup products.
Face Reading (T1)
Making predictions using the face and the body about the past, the present and the future. Similar to palmistry but using the face instead of the hand.
Facilitator (T1)
A facilitator leads a group about their purpose. It encompasses the support role of a trainer but is not concerned with the actual subject matter or purpose of the meeting except so far as is necessary to guide the group in an effective manner. The role is also likely to assist in the design and implementation of the meeting process and structure best suited, required or necessary for the group to achieve its goals and objectives.
If an independent person is facilitating / leading the process of meetings, retreats, team-building or strategy sessions this provides participants or attendees the opportunity to concentrate all of their attention on the content without the potential distraction of concern regarding meeting structure.
Faith Healing (T1)
Faith healing, or divine healing, is the use of spiritual means in treating disease, sometimes accompanied (in extreme instances) with the refusal of modern medical techniques. Another term for this is spiritual healing. Faith healing is a form of alternative medicine.
Family and Systemic Constellations (T1)
Family and Systemic Constellations is a therapeutic method which draws on elements of family systems therapy to reveal a previously unrecognised systemic dynamic that spans multiple generations in a given family and to resolve the challenging effects of that dynamic by encouraging the subject to accept the factual reality of the past.
- If there is any involvement with children it is a condition of cover that the Therapist must be DBS certified to enhanced level, and the insurers will not be liable for any liability caused by or arising from any actual or alleged physical mental or sexual abuse.
Far-Infrared Detoxification (T1)
The Detox station/blanket works on the body using Far-infrared (FIR) rays to penetrate deeper and heat the body directly from the inside. Some of the health and beauty benefits attributed to this therapy are weight loss, detoxification, pain relief, stress reduction, improved circulation, rejuvenated skin etc.
Fat Dissolving (T5)
Includes the use of but not limited to Desoface/Desobody, Aqualyx, Sunekos and Lipo-lax provided that the product is CE or FDA approved. Fat dissolving injection treatment that reduces fat cells in the treated area. It is used to treat small, exercise resistant, pockets of fat and for body contouring,
- Needlestick Injury Policy must be in place
- Subject to a £250 excess
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
- Phlebotomist
Fat Emulsion Administration (T4)
Provides cover solely for the act of Fat Emulsion administration by means of IV, solely after consultant recommendation. Includes but not limited to Clinolipid, Intralipid, Nutrilipid, and Omegaven.
- Needlestick Injury Policy must be in place
- Sanitisation and infection control protocols must be in place
- Excludes any advice, medical assessment, diagnosis, check-up, test, analysis or prescription. Excludes claims related to miscarriage, or adverse effects on a fetus.
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- The insured must have appropriate training and work within legal and industry requirements and guidance.
Feng Shui (T1)
The Chinese art of positioning objects in buildings and other places based on the belief in positive and negative effects of the patterns of yin and yang and the flow of chi, the vital force or energy inherent in all things.
Fertility Testing and Artificial Insemination in Animals (T1)
Fertility Testing services include sperm collection from the donor animal, semen analysis and chilling if required; Vaginal swab collection and analysis; blood analysis; blood collection; progesterone testing etc. The act of artificial insemination involves installation of semen into the cranial vagina or uterus of the recipient animal.
- The insured must work within the legal regulations and industry requirements and guidance.
Fibroblast (T4)
A laser pen is used to tighten the skin. Sometimes otherwise known as plasma skin tightening, brow lift and non-surgical eye lift, this is a new and revolutionary treatment which can also be used in other areas to help tighten and rejuvenate skin and remove skin tags.
- Device must be CE or FDA approved; Subject to a £250 excess;
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
- NVQ Level 3 together with one year's previous experience
Fire Massage (T2)
Fire massage is an ancient massage technique that helps with reducing stress, fatigue and pain; improving circulation, flexibility and sleep, eliminating toxins, enhancing immunity etc. Although the specifics may vary, fire massage generally involves placing a cloth soaked in alcohol and a special elixir over the face, back, legs, belly or other problem areas. The cloth is ignited and allowed to burn before the therapist smothers the flames with a wet towel. The area is covered with a poultice, film, and/or a wet towel before and during the therapy to protect the skin.
- Robust Health & Safety protocols must be in place
First Aid at Work Training (T1)
Training First Aid at Work according to the HSE guidelines.
Approved Practitioners:
- Subject to the trainer being approved by the HSE to undertake First Aid Training. This is a recognised qualification.
First Aid in the Workplace (T2)
The provision of first aid in the workplace, provided that the practitioner has done training appropriate to the level identified in the workplace needs assessment. This may be: First Aid at Work (FAW), Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW), or other first-aid training appropriate to the particular circumstances of your workplace.
- Includes blended but not purely online training. Any training material utilised in the training has correct licenses if obtained from a third party.
Approved Practitioners:
- The Trainers training must have been completed no more than 3 years ago.
First Aid Response (T3)
Training First Aid at Work according to the HSE guidelines.
Approved Practitioners:
- Subject to the trainer being approved by the HSE to undertake First Aid Training. This is a recognised qualification. Subject to a £500 excess
First Aid Training (T1)
First Aid classes for adults and young people. They teach people basic first aid skills in an age appropriate, engaging and fun way. No qualification of First Aider is given to the participant.
Approved Practitioners:
- First Aid Instructors are all qualified first aiders themselves in line with Emergency First Aid at Work Guidelines set out but the HSE or Paediatric First Aiders as per OFSTED Guidelines.
First Aider (T1)
The management of an unconscious, bleeding or arrested patient.
Approved Practitioners:
- Practitioner must hold a First Aider Certificate at PHEM Competency Framework Level A which must be no more than 3 years old.
Fitness Instruction (T1)
Acting as a fitness instructor either on a one to one basis or with a group. Involves engaging clients in exercise routines and weight loss programs, and helping them to reach their individual goals. May include guidance on the best equipment to use and recommendations on the best workout routines.
Floatation Tank Therapy (T1)
Floating is "a method of attaining the deepest rest that humankind has ever experienced." Lie suspended in a warm solution of Epsom salt only 25cm deep. The salt solution in a floation tank or floatroom is so dense that you float effortlessly. Gentle music helps you to relax. In short, "It's complete mental and physical relaxation"
Flower Remedies (T1)
The emotions play a crucial role in the health of the physical body. Flower remedies directly address a persons emotional state in order to help facilitate both psychological and physiological well-being. By balancing negative feelings and stress, flower remedies can effectively remove the emotional barriers to health and recovery.
Focusing (T1)
Focusing is direct access to a bodily knowing. When the individual is quiet and thinks in a structured manner - the structured manner as taught by focusing practitioners.
Food and Wellness Coaching (T1)
Coaches, focusing on physical activity and healthy eating principles for optimal health outcomes. Combining theory from Coaching Psychology, Behaviour Change and Positive Psychology, coaches can assist clients in overcoming resistance to change by using a step by step, structured approach. Wellness Coaches support clients in working out what they want, why they want it, whats stopping them and only then together create a plan for action. Through this supportive relationship, Wellness Coaches empower their clients with a focus on facilitation, rather than prescription. The client then takes responsibility and feels more confident as they experience small successes and ultimately achieve more significant change than they would on their own.
Foot Health Practitioner (T1)
The Foot Health Practitioner undertakes the routine work necessary to maintain the health of the foot which may include, but is not limited to: nail trimming & correction, reduction of thickened nails using drills and nippers, skin conditions and their treatment, heel pain, corns, callus, verrucae, cryotherapy, blisters, nail reconstruction, treatment of cracked heels, athletes foot, management of ingrowing toenails (without invasive surgery), diabetic foot assessment and monitoring, treatment of fungal nail infections, and general advice and guidance on foot care and footwear.
Approved Practitioners:
- A condition of cover is that the work carried out by the practitioner does not exceed the scope of practice of the qualification held by the practitioner, and that customers with Diabetes are not treated unless the practitioner also has the experience and additional qualifications in dealing with clients of this nature.
FPOS / Pre-Hospital Provider / ECFR (T2)
Non health care professional may provide pre-hospital emergency care or first aid at public events, in the workplace, as a secondary part of their job role and alongside emergency staff professionals. Includes minimising risk of infection, scene management, safe handling of the patient, oxygen delivery, airway/ bleeding/ shock/exposure management, basic life support, and recognition and initial care of illness or injury, limited to the competencies/skills of the Practitioner's qualification.
Approved Practitioners:
- Practitioner must hold a Nationally Recognised Qualification at PHEM Competency/Skills Framework Level D which must be no more than 3 years old. (eg FPOS Level 4)
Frequency Therapy - Health (T1)
Frequency therapy uses frequency technology that may range from low frequency to terahertz frequencies to promote and stimulate the bodys own healing response. Frequency devices are used to bring back balance into the body by vibrating at the same rate as the healthy cells in the body which leads to relaxing and rejuvenating feelings. Some of the benefits of this therapy include (but are not limited to) pain and tension relief, wound and scar healing, reduced inflammation in tissues, increases blood circulation etc. Frequency Therapy can be used on humans, animals and plants.
Functional Medicine (T4)
Functional medicine focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of illness (often chronic illness/disease) rather than treating symptoms. It generally involves lots of testing, assessment of organ health and considers the interconnection of various bodily systems and factors such as family history, lifestyle, diet, stress, genetics, and environment. Functional Medicine practitioners use this holistic approach to complement conventional treatment.
- Insured must include on the policy any treatments being provided by themselves rather than referred to others.
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
Galvanic Facials (T2)
Galvanic facials use a direct galvanic electrical current to introduce water-soluble substances through the skin's surface in an effort to improve ingredient absorption and moisture retention. The treatment makes the skin glow, minimizes fine lines and wrinkles, improves skin elasticity, boosts blood circulation, detoxifies, and prevents acne.
Approved Practitioners:
- NVQ 2 Beauty Therapist (equivalent or above)
Gardening (T2)
Weeding, pruning, digging and garden tidying, growing and cultivating plants,excluding landscaping,design and construction.
Gem Remedies (T1)
Gemstone therapy is a new-age alternative healing method that has its roots in both the Hindu religion and medieval medical practices.
Geopathic Stress (T1)
It is generally accepted that there are three main causal areas to Geopathic Stress. Earth Radiation, Electromagnetic Radiation and Psychic Energies.
The term Geopathic Stress relates to a process by which natural or man made energies are thought to deplete the immune system which leads to a variety of illnesses, dependent on individual weaknesses. It is frequently thought to be a cause of Sick Building Syndrome.
Sick Building Syndrome describes a situation whereby people experience symptoms of ill health that seem to be linked to spending time in a building - but where no specific cause can be identified.
Gestalt (T1)
Gestalt Therapy uses our individual awareness to encourage personal growth and develop our potential, to become whole. We do this by noticing how we are living now and exploring how we may create any fixed patterns of behaviour that leave us feeling dissatisfied, uncomfortable or ill at ease. Gestalt encourages a non judgemental awareness of our present experience from moment to moment. Noticing what we experience (perceptions, sensations, feelings) and how we behave (express & communicate) in the present creates an opportunity to explore changes in our behaviour and attitudes now. This may enable us to complete previously unresolved experiences and to develop more satisfying ways of expressing ourselves.
Gift Wrapping (T1)
Providing a wrapping service to make gifts look beautiful. Gifts to be wrapped in unique styles and presented to a professional standard.
Graphic Designer (T1)
The design and creation of graphics and artwork for print and the web. Cover is granted only where the Insured : a) obtains the clients sign off on the designs prior to print/launch, b)undertakes sufficient checks prior to the launch/issue of any websites or publications to ensure that they do not contain any potentially defamatory statements, and c) obtains the appropriate licences/permissions prior to the use of third party content/data/IP in any designs/online content or publications.
- Cover is granted only where the Insured : a) obtains the clients sign off on the designs prior to print/launch, b)undertakes sufficient checks prior to the launch/issue of any websites or publications to ensure that they do not contain any potentially defamatory statements, and c) obtains the appropriate licences/permissions prior to the use of third party content/data/IP in any designs/online content or publications.
Guardian ad Litem (T1)
Guardian ad Litem provides children involved in family law proceedings with an independent voice in court.
A Guardian ad Litem is appointed by the Court and advises on what is in the best interest of the child concerned. The Guardian ad Litem also makes the judge aware of the child's own wishes. The Guardian ad Litem consults with the child, the child's family, any other organisations who know the child and the family.
Guasha (T2)
Involves scraping the skin as a massage, working with the tissues & muscles, removing blockages tensions & knots, detoxing the body, working with the lymph nodes, removing dead skin and excess hair. For health & beauty purposes. .
- Robust Health & Safety protocols must be in place
- Sanitisation and infection control protocols must be in place
Guided Self Healing (T1)
Guided Self Healing (GSH) is a unique integration of traditional and body-centered psychotherapies, energy healing and spirituality, which works deeply and efficiently to help you:
- Become self accepting
- Resolve difficult symptoms at their root cause
- Discover the wisdom and learning in your life stories
- Increase your access to your own deep wisdom
- Live with greater health, happiness and choice
Hair Extensions (T1)
Fake or real hair is attached 1/4 inch to clients own hair with a small ring/attachment or glue (with light to set) to create a natural flowing look which usually lasts 2-3 months. Also includes hair extension ornaments/accessories such as feathers, beads, wig ponytail, fibres, loose hairs etc.
- Cover excludes loss or detachment of the extensions.
Hair Replacement Services (T3)
Bespoke wig making for hair loss on head and facial.
Hairdressing and Barbering (T1)
The act or process of cutting, styling, dressing, colouring, or chemically curling/straightening. Including barber services such as trim, cut, shape, and taper hair using scissors, razors, clippers, and combs, facial hair maintenance, custom shaves, wet shaves and a number of grooming services.
- Patch test required for colouring or chemical application. The insured will use sharp equipment adequately and with duty of care to the customer.
Happiness Cure (T1)
A therapy that follows the principle that our mind governs and has a major influence on how we feel and how we are and that by having more happiness in our life this will have a beneficial effect on health and well being.
Havening - Amygdala Depotentiation Technique (ADT) (T1)
Removing responses to traumatic events. Clearing unhelpful emotions and responses (linked to specific contexts or not). Embedding helpful affirmations and other positive messages.
Hayfever Treatment (T4)
A Kenalog injection does not cure hay fever but temporarily reduces the symptoms and most people experience relief for an entire season.
- Prescriber or GP referral required if insured does not have Prescribing rights.
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
- Phlebotomist
Head Spa Therapy / Scalp Brush (T2)
Head Spa Therapy / Scalp Brush is a holistic approach focusing on scalp and hair health that combines techniques from haircare, massage and aromatherapy. The treatment includes: cleansing (thoroughly washing the scalp and hair to remove dirt and buildup), exfoliation (using a scalp scrub to remove dead skin cells and unclog hair follicle), nourishing treatment (applying serums, oils, or masks rich in vitamins and minerals to the scalp and hair), massage (incorporating techniques like acupressure to enhance relaxation and blood circulation) and it may use steamers and high-frequency brushes. Apart from improving scalp health and hair quality it also reduces stress and promotes overall well-being. This therapy may be also known as Japanese Head Spa, Indian Head Spa, Korean Head Spa, Turkish Head Spa etc.
Heal Your Life (T1)
HYL uses various techniques such as affirmations and meditation, and other tasks getting the person to confront and overcome emotional barriers, resulting in an emotionally beneficial response.
Healing Codes (T1)
Healing Codes - is a healing process that works on the source of issues, by using unconditional love and four points on the client's head.
Healing Dowsing (T1)
To dowse is to search, with the aid of simple hand held tools or instruments, for that which is otherwise hidden from view or knowledge. It can be applied to searches for a great number of artefacts and entities. It is most commonly known by most people in association with searching for underground water; not surprising considering the absolute need for water by man and his animals and cultivated plants which sustain him.
Healing InSight (T1)
Healing InSight is a new system which guides a person into a better feeling state. The method actively directs them to their personal priority belief statements and facilitates their vibrational realignment. This enabling of belief change through various energy healing and energy psychology principles can positively transform their beliefs and their life.
Health & Lifestyle Training (T1)
Poor health and lifestyle are major contributors to serious illness and premature death. The government identified the need for Health and Lifestyle Trainers, trained individuals who can work in communities to educate and support positive change. This course follows the Department of Health guidelines and covers the study areas required for working as a private Trainer or to demonstrate competence with a view to entering the NHS arena. The course will teach how to follow National Occupational Standards to ensure good practice, helping people make better choices and facilitate positive change through appropriately designed training.
Health & Safety Consultancy (T1)
General inspection of a premise for H&S matters and/or fire risk.
- The insurers will not be liable for any liability caused by or arising out of manual work.
Health and Wellness Coaching (T1)
Coaching individuals or groups to assist them in achieving their personal health goals. This could be losing weight, gaining more energy, dealing with IBS, menopause or fertility issues, helping with the recovery from an illness, pain management coaching etc.
Health Assessments (T2)
Carrying out an assessment of the overall health of a person via non-invasive methods, which include: measuring heart beat, blood pressure, O2 levels, temperature, weight, height and body size, checking eye health and may include taking a blood sample for sugar level/cholesterol checks. Include general guidance on healthy living and signposting to health professionals but excludes medical diagnosis and prescription.
Health Kinesology (T1)
Health Kinesiology uses gentle muscle testing combined with questioning and monitoring to gather genuine energy information from the body. It employs a variety of balancing methods to help alleviate imbalances and make significant life changes: magnets, flower essences, aromatherapy oils, self-touch, body positions, thoughts and memories that mirror the traumas at the heart of the clients mental, emotional and physical stresses. Health Kinesiology is a complementary practice that aims to balance the whole energy system and, in doing so, facilitate a self-healing process
Hearing Coaching (T1)
Hearing coaching is a model of coaching that is being developed to support deaf and hard of hearing people. The model is being developed and endorsed with input from a leading acquired deafness charity, ENT surgeons, GP and experts in the coaching field.
Hearing Therapy (T1)
A Hearing Therapist's role is to provide a comprehensive rehabilitation service for adults who have hearing difficulties and/or associated disorders.
Heat Therapy (T3)
Heat therapy, also known as thermotherapy, is the use of heat in treatment. Applying heat to an area increases the blood flow, bringing along proteins and oxygen. This therapy method is great for decreasing joint stiffness, reducing pain and inflammation, and relieving muscle spasms. Heating of superficial tissues can be achieved using hot packs, towels, sunlight, heat wraps.
Helix Healing (T1)
Helix Healing 'Facilitators of Change' practitioners undertake an attunement to connect them with the Helix Healing energy at source. Each attunement process is tailored to the individua's soul progress at that particular stage of their life journey. Each attunement takes 13 days for the individual's system to process and during this time, clearance of old issues & worn out belief systems will take place. Archangel Metatron works to assist with the process. Helix Healing therapy sessions are non-invasive and clients remain fully clothed throughout. Helix Healing 'Facilitator of Change' practitioners work direct with the collective to facilitate a healing session. Practitioners work within a client's energy field and connect with the client on a soul level,using specific symbols, sacred geometry and coloured energy vortexes. These are utilised to balance and align the energy centres & subtle bodies and raise the individuals energy vibration through releasing worn out belief systems and clearing energy blocks. Helix Healing is not a hands-on therapy. Therapy sessions can take place with the client seated, lying down or standing. Standing therapy sessions take place whilst the client is standing on a coloured spiral and take place within a specifically created vortex of coloured energy. Helix Healing can be used for positive effect on people, animals, house and ground healings, past life healing, and for spirit release work.
Hellerwork (T1)
Hellerwork is a powerful system of somatic education and structural bodywork, based on the inseparability of body, mind, and spirit. Deep tissue bodywork combined with movement education and dialogue of the mind/body connection guides the client to new options, both physically and emotionally. Hellerwork encourages the client to make the connection between movement and body alignment. Hellerwork restores the body's natural balance from the inside out.
Henna Body Art (T1)
Henna paste is applied to the skin in thin lines through a squeezable tube, much like an icing tube. The henna paste is left on the skin for at least 30 minutes in order for the colour to form.
Herbalism (T1)
Herbalism (very similar to homeopathy & flower remedies) - A Herbal therapist works with and suggests certain herbs or combinations of herbs, to help clients with minor ailments.
Many Herbal therapists will grow or produce their own herbs for this purpose, this is encouraged in some courses. Also off the shelf products may be used, for example herbal teas and tinctures, derived solely from nature.
High Frequency Therapy (T2)
High Frequency Therapy is a technique used to treat a variety of conditions, including acne, enlarged pores, fine lines and wrinkles and puffy or dark eyes. It helps with skin rejuvenation, healing and restoring the skin's health. It can also be used for scalp treatments by revitalizing the scalp, stimulating blood circulation and encouraging the scalp to increase the rate of hair growth
Approved Practitioners:
- NVQ 2 Beauty Therapist (equivalent or above)
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (T2)
HIFU is an ultrasonic focusing technique that uses a non-invasive direct focus on the muscle layers to help the body heal and can have rejuvenating effects on muscle elasticity, aid skin tightening and help blood pressure.
Approved Practitioners:
- NVQ 2 Beauty Therapist (equivalent or above)
- Must have completed a specific High Intensity Focused Ultrasound course.
Hijama Cupping Therapy (T1)
Hijama Cupping Therapy is a natural, holistic preventative and curative treatment. It can be administered to treat many muscular, skeletal, glandular, hormonal, digestive, respiratory, circulatory, reproductive, lymphatic, immunological, neurological and emotional conditions. The extraction of a small amount of toxic blood, acids, fats and debris from the body allows ample movement of healthy,oxygenated blood round the body. Hijama has the ability to distinguish between healthy blood and toxic blood. Through the Hijama process, you remove only toxins, acid and any other harmful agents from body and not the healthy blood.
Hippotherapy (T3)
Physiotherapy treatment using a horse to facilitate movement in the client. Client can be placed in different positions on a horse supported by a physiotherapist plus 2 assistants and encouraged to perform exercises. The sensory motor feedback from the horse promotes normal movement patterns in the client. Balance reactions are stimulated which helps strengthen the core muscles, improve balance and help restore function.
Hoarding Practitioner (T1)
A Professional Hoarding Practitioner provides person-centred practical help, advice, advocacy and support to people affected by hoarding or chronic disorganisation, particularly where there are safety and/or wellbeing issues that need to be addressed.
Holistic Massage (T1)
Holistic massage is an ancient discipline used to improve health and wellbeing by treating the mind, body and spirit. It maintains our general health and fitness, complements traditional medicine in the treatment of specific conditions and symptoms, and offers relaxation in our often hectic lifestyles.
Massage is the therapeutic application of touch using a range of movements or strokes upon the skin, muscles and joints. It has significant benefits for all the body's essential systems.
Holistic Psychotherapy (T1)
An approach to psychotherapy promoted by Russian-born Reiki practitioner Katya Salkinder, M.A. It is a means of releasing energy blocks created by unresolved emotional conflicts.
Holographic repatterning (T1)
Holographic repatterning (HR) compares a human being to a hologram - a holographic plate can accommodate millions of images; one only has to change the angle of the light to see a different picture. HR can therefore be described as 'a method to identify and transform non-coherent frequencies that cause us to resonate with life depleting patterns that are preventing us from resonating with life-enhancing patterns'.
The HR practitioner believes that no matter how a problem manifests itself it could be physical pain or emotional disfunction, the underlying issue has to be identified and shifted. This is commonly referred to as an energy block.
In HR, a pattern is identified through discussion and a technique learned from kinesiology - a method of taping into body intelligence developed by an American chiropractor called muscle checking. The principle is biofeedback, meaning that the body and mind respond at a purely unconscious level.
Home Staging (T1)
To prepare a home ready for re-sale or renting. This may include, but is not limited to, cleaning, advising on re-design and colour schemes as well as repositioning of certain household objects such as flower vases etc.
Homeopathy (T1)
Natural form of medicine that uses immeasurably small doses of medicines to stimulate the body's own defence and healing process. Homeopathy focuses on bringing the entire body back into homeostasis or balance.
Hopi Ear Candling / Thermo-Auricular Therapy (T1)
A Hopi ear candle is a cotton tube, impregnated with beeswax, honey and therapeutic oils, that is painlessly inserted into the ear to draw out impurities, relieve pressure in the head and sinuses, and aid hearing problems.
The candles are made from natural ingredients that include sage, St Johns wort, camomile and beta-carotene. Otherwise known as thermo-auricular therapy, the original source of the technique seems to be from medical ceremonies performed by a native American Indian tribe called the Hopis (meaning 'peaceful people').
Clients are usually advised to remove makeup and jewellery before the treatment starts. Fully dressed the client lies down on their side, with their head supported on a pillow so the auditory canal is vertical. The candle is then lit and the non-burning end is placed gently into the outer ear passage and is turned lightly to seal it in place.
The candle then generates a pleasant crackling sound and a warm, comfortable feeling while it draws out the impurities from the ear. After around 10 minutes the process is repeated on the other ear. This is followed by a period of relaxation, and sometimes a facial massage concentrating on the sinus areas.
When lit, the ear candle generates a gentle heat which, when combined with the therapeutic oils, produces a light suction action. This is known as the chimney principle, and works by drawing impurities gently to the surface, where they can be removed.
Most deposits evaporate and are carried away through the candle chimney, but some are found in the condensed candle wax residue after it is removed from the ear. None of the candle residue actually goes into the ear.
Hormone Injections (T3)
Injecting hormones via intramuscular injections (IM). It provides cover for the act of injecting the prescribed hormones only.
- Subject to a £1,500 excess The cover excludes any advice, medical assessment, diagnosis, consultation, check-up, test. analysis or prescription. Excludes treatment to professional athletes/sports doping as well as gender reassignment-related exposures.
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dentist
- Phlebotomist
- or equivalent to any of the above
Hot & Cold Stone Massage (T1)
Hot & Cold Stone massage is a unique form of massage therapy using stones to warm and cool the body in a specific body sequence. The hot stones help warm up muscles and reduce aches. The cold stones help with injury and recovery (aiding reduction in inflammation, pain and swelling). The stones used can be but are not limited to volcanic, marble, Himalayan salt stones etc.
Approved Practitioners:
- Cover is dependent upon successful completion of a Hot Stone Massage Diploma Course.
House sitting (T1)
Looking after and keeping secure another persons house while they are away by living there temporarily.
Human Resources Consulting (T1)
Advising management on human resources strategies, plans, processes and organisational design. Analysing the organisation's current HR programmes and suggesting solutions to existing problems. Developing, reviewing, and applying HR policies and procedures for resourcing and talent planning to support development. Reviewing employee engagement, relations, performance and rewards. .
Hyaluron Pen (T3)
The Hyaluron Pen system works by pushing a natural product with slight pressure to allow for a fine stream to penetrate the skin which puts the product into the upper layer of the dermis naturally and without needles.
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
- Phlebotomist
- or equivalent to any of the above
Hyaluronidase/Hyalase Treatment (dissolving dermal fillers) (T5)
Including but not limited to the use of Hyaluronidase and Hyalase. Filler dissolving is a treatment that can be used to quickly break down dermal filler safely and comfortably. The treatment works by injecting the enzyme that exists naturally in the body.
- Needlestick Injury Policy and Photograph Requirement Policy must be in place
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
- Phlebotomist
HydroFacial (T3)
HydroFacial (also known as HydraFacial, AquaPeel or Hydrabrasion) combines cleansing, extracting, and depositing serums into the skin for an effective exfoliating treatment that also nourishes and hydrates. This treatment uses a vacuum-like machine to suck up dead skin and extract clogged pores.
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
- NVQ 3 Beauty Therapist (equivalent or above)
Hydrogen Therapy (T1)
The therapy involves inhalation of hydrogen mixed with normal air through a ventilator circuit, facemask, nasal cannula or by drinking hydrogen dissolved in water. The therapy is used to improve overall health and wellness, help the body to heal itself, and other benefits due to its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics.
- Subject to the insured having full informed consent procedure in place including explanation of all associated risks with the treatment. Medical history to be assessed prior to treatment.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (T3)
Breathing oxygen in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber at pressures of up to 1.5 2.00 ATA. By breathing in up to 100% oxygen under pressure the body absorbs more oxygen and circulates it round the body increasing the concentration of Oxygen in cells. This, reduces inflammation, increases white cells, promotes angiogenesis and supports healing.
- Excluding treatment of professional athletes/sports people.
Hyperhydrosis Treatment (T5)
Including but not limited to MiraDry, this is a treatment designed specifically to reduce sweat and doesnt involve any surgical incisions or cuts. It provides an alternative to botox treatment for the elimination of sweat glands.
- Needlestick Injury Policy and Photograph Requirement Policy must be in place
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
- Phlebotomist
Hyperton-X Kinesiology (T1)
Hyperton-X Kinesiology is an effective system for release of tight and restricted muscles and for muscle balance and neurological (brain) integration.
Hyperton-X uses a correction method based on Proprioceptor Neuro-Muscular Facilitation (P.N.F.) stretching. This releases stress which is held in the muscles of the body - which has the effect of improving physical as well as mental performance levels.
Hypnobirthing (T1)
Hypnobirthing is a complete antenatal education. Birthing classes are intended to help pregnant mothers have the most natural childbirth possible, using easily-learned self hypnosis and breathing techniques.
- A Hypnobirthing practitioner is not required to be present at the birth and no insurance cover is provided while a practitioner attends a birth.
Hypnotherapy (T1)
Hypnotherapy processes interact directly with inner consciousness to find core causes of problems in a clients life. Clients can examine beliefs and thought processes that are giving rise to emotional, physical, mental and spiritual problems and make changes at the core level from which the outer manifestation originates. With changes at the inner levels of consciousness the outer projection changes.
- No cover is provided against claims that arise as a result of staged shows for entertainment purposes.
I-Ching Readings (T1)
Learning how to communicate and receive messages from guides, spirits, angels and the afterlife through the use of coins or yarrow stalks to cast a pattern known as a hexagram of the I-Ching. Similar to tarot cards, oracle cards or numerology, the I-Ching hexagrams have assumed meanings that are shared with clients.
Identity-Oriented Psychotrauma Therapy (T1)
Identity-oriented Psychotrauma Therapy (IoPT) is founded on the theories and practice developed by Professor Franz Ruppert. It is a form of therapy that supports people to heal the psychological splits and loss of identity that occurs as a result of traumatic life experiences.
Ignite Your Spirit Therapy (T1)
IYS Therapy reveals the radiant spirit, disperses the clouds and sets us free to be who we really are, shining with an inner lustre, sparkle and happiness. Even long-term problems can be diminished or alleviated by this potent healing modality. The difference one feels is usually immediate but can kick in over a period of several days or even weeks. For some conditions multiple treatments are required; the client will be advised by their professional and highly qualified IYS Therapist about what is best for them. When the burden of stale energy is removed, the body can naturally heal itself of most things When you Ignite Your Spirit, life has more colour, freshness and vitality than ever before. The client will feel more at peace, happier and more open to positive experiences. This is true wellbeing. IYS Therapy was devised by Shakti Durga and is a culmination of many years studying with various international masters and spiritual teachers to create this unique healing modality that works on the clients physical, mental, emotional, etheric and soul bodies.
Image Consultant (T1)
An image consultant will assist you in the following ways: to align your personal image with your professional goals, assess the impact of your current personal image, stay ahead of the competition with a dynamic and up-to-date appearance, choose the right cuts, fabrics, and prints for your figure, style preferences and lifestyle, discover how to make the most of your own personal colouring, learn how to apply a day make-up in the correct colours, achieve authoritative and accessible looks, discover the best hairstyles and accessories for you, create an easy to coordinate wardrobe for work and leisure, avoid the common pitfalls of image impact and enjoy the increased confidence from looking your best.
Independent Social Worker (T3)
An independent social worker conducts comprehensive assessments, consultancy and reports for a number of agencies including TUSLA, the Courts and in private proceedings. Insurance is subject to the Insured being trained by a government approved organisation.
Indian Head Massage (T1)
Indian Head Massage is a technique of manipulating soft tissues in the upper body. The therapist uses a range of different massage pressures and rhythms to stimulate the upper body parts including but not limited to the head, neck, face, shoulders/shoulder blades, scalp, upper arms etc. A typical massage lasts about 20 minutes.
Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) (T1)
Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) is a developing area of rapid therapeutic change work that explores the area of undesired emotions and our ways of being. The process explores the question, "How did we learn to feel the way that we do?" and opens up the possibility of creating the appropriate change in our emotional lives. By teaching resources and skills inside the problem state, IEMT appears to bring the client more into the present moment and enables them to stay out of past negative experiences.
Integrated Energy Therapy (T1)
Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) is a gentle non-pervasive form of hands-on healing using the violet angelic energy ray - clearing energy blocks that have accumulated in the body that hinder the natural flow of energy - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Integrative Art Therapy (T1)
Art Therapy is a protected title, and it is an offence if you use a protected title if you are not registered with the Health Professionals Council (HPC). It is also an offence to imply that you are one of the professions that the HPC regulates if you are not.
If you have any doubt whatsoever regarding your regulated status please check direct with the HPC. Insurance cover is invalid if you practice without HPC registration.
Integrative Art Therapy is based on the belief that the creative process involved in the making of art (all art forms) is healing and life-enhancing. It combines and co-ordinates different art forms together (visual, music, performing and puppetry are examples of how wide the range of art forms used can be). By creating art and talking about art and the process of art-making with an integrative art therapist, one can increase awareness of self, cope with symptoms, stress, and traumatic experiences, enhance cognitive abilities, and enjoy the life-affirming pleasures of artistic creativity.
Integrative Medicine (T4)
Integrative medicine is the practice of offering evidence-based holistic therapies sometimes to complement conventional medical treatments to address the whole personmind, body, and spirit. The goal is to enhance overall well-being and health considering all aspects of a person's life.
- Insured must include on the policy any therapies/treatments being provided by themselves rather than referred to others.
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
Intense Pulsed Light (T3)
Intense pulsed light, commonly abbreviated as IPL, is a technology used by beauty practitioners to perform various skin treatments including hair removal and photo rejuvenation. Using a handheld device, a professional will target multiple wavelengths of light onto the skin. This light heats cells in the skin and breaks them down. The body then removes the damaged tissue naturally.
Interim Management (T2)
Interim management, also known as temporary management or transition management is the process of assuming operational management responsibility on a temporary basis during periods of change or transition within a company, business, organisation etc. It involves carrying out tasks in accordance with the board's instruction, which may involve employee management, organising activities, working to achieve KPI's, and supporting business operations etc.
- Excludes financial, legal and investment advice
Interior Design (T1)
To advise on the colour schemes, decor, styles of rooms and general motif. Providing advice and designs for commercial and domestic interior and exterior lighting schemes.
Internal Family Systems Therapy (T1)
IFS posits that the mind is made up of multiple parts and underlying them is a person's core or true Self. Each part has its own perspective, interests, memories, and viewpoint. A core tenet of IFS is that every part has a positive intent, even if its actions are counterproductive and/or cause dysfunction. The IFS method promotes internal connection and harmony to bring the mind back into balance. IFS therapy can help with general life stressors like grief, relationship, and career issues, and improve resilience and self-esteem. Though it is non-pathologizing (does not reduce a client to their diagnosis), it may treat several mental health issues and conditions.
Internal Quality Assurance (T2)
This would typically include services such as checking that assessors meet the requirement for their role, planning and preparing monitoring activities, working alongside assessors, trainers and employers to ensure the standardisation of assessment practices, Observing trainer and assessor performance, providing constructive feedback, Providing support to trainers and assessors, Sampling assessment records and decisions, meeting with learners, planning how and when you will monitor trainers and assessors, identifying and facilitating best practice throughout the organisation etc.
Interpreting and Translating (T1)
Helping people whose first language is not English make themselves understood, or working with professional bodies to help translate what people have said.
- Subject to no translating of any financial or legal documents.
Intraoral Massage (T2)
Intraoral massage is the use of massage techniques which involve working on the muscles inside of the mouth. The benefits of the treatment range from improved circulation, smoother facial lines, and increased collagen production, to tension release in the jaw for clenchers, teeth grinders, and most significantly, sufferers from temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and/or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders.
Introduction Agency (T1)
The facilitation of the introduction of one person to another for romance or friendship.
Intuitive Artwork (T1)
Producing Creative Artwork intuitively that is being channelled from spirit/angels and using this artwork to sell images that can be used for meditation, visualisation or healing work.
Intuitive Counselling (T1)
Listening to a client, asking questions in a manner which has them having to think and feel why they really feel the way that they do. The client is never led. They come to their realisations themselves.
Iridology (T1)
Iridology is an alternative medicine practice in which patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris are examined for information about a patient's systemic health. Practitioners match their observations to iris charts which divide the iris into zones that correspond to specific parts of the human body. The eye, therefore, acts as a "window" into the body's state of health. Iridology is a practice that is not recognized by mainstream medicine.
Iridologists highlight systems and organs in the body that are healthy and those which are described as overactive, inflamed, or distressed. These may point to a tendency in the patient towards certain illnesses, to reflect past medical problems, or to predict health problems which may be developing.
Since Iridology is not a method of treatment, its practitioners have often studied other branches of alternative medicine, such as naturopathy, and used the study of the iris as a diagnostic first step.
IT Instruction and Confidence Building (T1)
Working with individuals or groups to build confidence in using computers.
Basic instruction and familiarisation with computer operating procedures and working with spreadsheets, word processors, simple graphics, presentations, databases and browsers.
Kalari Foot Massage (T1)
In Kalari, massage is done by the GURUKKAL. This is a form of massage, and for descriptive purposes may be likened to Chavutti Thirumal. Please see our definition for a description. Kalari embodies elements of dance, yoga and Ayurvedic medicine and this extraordinary massage was originally developed to heal, as well as to promote suppleness and flexibility, thus enabling the Kalari practitioners to perform their art with fluidity and dexterity.
Karuna Reiki (T1)
The Karuna Reiki system was developed by Willian Lee Rand and other healers at the International Center for Reiki Training and is derived from Usui Reiki. Karuna Reiki means compassionate action. Treating client with Reiki using symbols and toning and healing using hands on and off the physical body. Training and attuning groups of people in Karuna Reiki.
Keratolytic scalp treatment (T3)
The scalp treatment cream is applied to the scalp in sections and thoroughly massaged. A scalp steamer may be used that gently steams the scalp for 10-20 minutes, moist heat improves penetration of the keratolytic and aids scale softening. The cream is washed off, shampooed then the softened scale or crust can be gently scraped off.
Key therapy (T1)
Key Therapy is a non-invasive biofeedback neuro stimulation created by placement of an electrode device (known as a physiokey) on the skin.
Approved Practitioners:
- The Insured must have sufficient, relevant industry standard training and qualifications.
Kinesiology (T1)
The scientific study of man's movement and the movements of implements or equipment that he might use in exercise, sport or other forms of physical activity.
Kinesiology Taping (T1)
Kinesiology Taping is perfect for all types of physical therapists, coaches, first-aiders and even athletes who want to achieve quick, simple, safe effective relief from muscular strains and ligament/joint sprains. Kinesio Taping gives support and stability to your joints and muscles without affecting circulation and range of motion. It is also used for Preventive Maintenance and to treat pain.
- Excludes treating high profile/professional sport people.
Kinetic Chain Release (T2)
Kinetic Chain Release is a simple yet extremely effective system of medically recognised and approved, gentle joint mobilisations and stretches, developed by Scottish Physiotherapist Hugh Gilbert, that brings the body back into physical balance quickly and easily, frequently providing a high degree of relief and even instant resolution in many cases from the pain and discomfort caused by conditions such as Chronic Back Pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Migraines and Headaches.
Ku Nye (Tibetan) Head Massage (T1)
The treatment involves breathing work, a singing bowl and a seven stage massage and acupressure of the scalp, face, throat, neck, shoulder, upper arms, hands and feet.
Kundalini Yoga (T1)
Kundalini Yoga, the Yoga of Awareness, consists of simple yogic techniques that can be enjoyed by everyone, no matter age or physical ability. It is a complete science that includes breath (pranayam), yoga postures (asanas), sound, chanting (mantra) and meditation. It is designed to provide you with the experience of your highest consciousness through the raising of your Kundalini.
Landscape Design (T2)
Visiting clients on site, surveying and levelling work (measuring garden size and shape, slopes and level changes, soil type etc.) producing sketches and designs, planting plans, etc. Also can include project management of landscaping works.
- Excluding structural landscaping
Laser Hair Removal (T4)
Laser hair removal is the process of hair removal by means of exposure to pulses of laser light that destroy the hair follicle.
- Patch test requirement applicable. Subject to a £1,500 excess
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
- NVQ 3 Beauty Therapist (equivalent or above)
Laser Therapies (T4)
A therapy which uses laser technology to perform various skin treatments including but not limited to pigmentation issues, treating fine lines and wrinkles, removing birthmarks and scars, skin refreshment and tightening, thread veins and fungal nail treatment, non-invasive body contouring (fat removal) etc.
- Subject to patch test requirement and skin type checked on the Fitzpatrick scale.
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
- NVQ 3 Beauty Therapist (equivalent or above)
- For skin types 5 or above, must have minimum 1 year experience.
LaStone Therapy (T1)
LaStone is a multifaceted technique designed to benefit the client and therapist. This is a bodywork and massage technique alternating hot and cold to the body.
Laughter Therapy (T1)
Practitioners working with individuals or groups to promote the beneficial effects of laughing for the purpose of bringing more laughter and happiness into people's lives, the benefits are claimed to be: 1) Laughter releases endorphins, giving us the 'feel good factor' 2) Acts as aerobic exercise and is like 'internal jogging' 3) Unleashes inhibitions, breaks down barriers 4) Great team building tool encourages better communication 5) Helps boost our immune system which helps us resist disease 6) Tones muscles, improves respiration and circulation 7) Encourages positive thinking and creativity 8) Relaxes the whole body by reducing stress and tension.
Lava Shells Massage (T1)
A hands on therapy, Lava Shells Massage is a similar treatment to a hot and cold stone massage except that it uses polished tiger clam shells, filled with Lava Gel and an activator to create a self heating tool that stays hot for an hour. This is used to massage the body. A milder heat and smaller shells are used to massage the face. Glacier (cold) shells can also be incorporated into the therapy.
Leadership Training (T1)
The training of leadership. Leadership is the ability to facilitate action and guide change by individuals in groups or organisations. To lead is to direct, supervise, encourage, inspire, and co-ordinate.
A good leader develops personal leadership skills and encourages and trains new leaders who will follow.
LED Light Therapy (T2)
LED Light is used to treat a range of facial skin conditions. The client will lie down under the LED lights which will help to improve the condition of the skin by reducing anti-inflammatory effects post-treatment, reducing sebum production, improves skin texture, stimulates collagen production, improves cellular activity.
Approved Practitioners:
- Practitoners must be trained in the use of LED Light Therapy.
Leech Therapy (T1)
Ayurveda leech therapy is a kind of blood purification therapy, where leeches are used to suck impure blood from the infected part of the body. They also secrete anticoagulants in form of peptides and proteins that help reduce blood clots and inflammation. Can be used a part of Panchakarma treatment to cleanse the body.
Life Coaching (T1)
A life coach is a type of professional who helps people make progress in their lives in order to attain greater fulfilment. Their service is non-judgmental, non-directional and does not provide advice or direction. Life Coaches aid their clients by assisting them to identify their goals, providing encouragement, and stimulating and guiding them to become a better version of themselves. A life coach may work in various areas of life including but not limited to general life, relationships, skill improvement, confidence, productivity, spirituality, stress, transformation, divorce, menopause, fertility etc.
- Excludes sports and financial coaching
Light Meditation Therapy (T2)
Using a pulsing light to achieve meditation, relaxation, reduce stress, increase concentration, brainwave optimization and promotes bodys natural ability to heal.
Light Therapy (T1)
Light therapy is a method used for the treatment of various conditions including SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), regulating sleep patterns, enhancing blood flow and oxygenation and stimulating the body's natural process of healing. It includes exposure to outdoor daylight or specific indoor artificial light sources. Depending on the treatment, the light therapy utilises different lights in the visible spectrum such as but not limited to red and near-infrared light, blue light, green light and yellow light. Infrared light therapy involves the use of infrared radiation to produce local heat.
Live Blood Analysis (T1)
A tiny pinprick of blood is put on to a glass slide and then viewed on a computer screen so the practitioner and client can look at the variations in the size, shape, ratio, and fine structure of the red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and other blood structures. The insights gained from thelive blood analysis, correlated with other clinical data, enable the analyst to understand his/her clients individual state of health on a much deeper level. This visual demonstration of the condition of a clients cellular health encourages lifestyle change in order to improve the condition of the blood and overall health.
Lomi Lomi Massage (T1)
Lomi Lomi Hawaiian massage is an ancient form of massage, created by the early Polynesian settlers to Hawaii. It is a form of full-body massage that is performed on the entire body at once. The therapist uses long, slow, free-flowing strokes that go from head to toe and vice-versa in a continuous and rhythmic movement, feeling like gentle waves moving over the body. There is no set routine or sequence, the massage is rather guided by the therapist's intuition, using a combination of learned strokes and techniques. Its aim is to release tensions and through the healing touch, liberate negative energies trapped in the body.
Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) (T1)
It is non- invasive and the light can be passed over the body with or without contact. It is a pleasant and relaxing therapy.
Lymph Drainage Massage (T1)
A form of massage therapy applied to parts of the body or successively to the whole body, to aid the process of lymphatic drainage. It can be used to clear congestion, waste and fluid from the system.
It can boost the imune system, reduce fluid retention and help detoxify the body.
Lymphoedema and Lipoedema Management (T2)
The treatment of people with lymphatic conditions post-surgery, injury, immobility or cancer treatment as well as general lymphatic dysfunction (primary or secondary lymphoedema). Involves essential management skills of compression, movement and drainage (including Fluoroscopy guided manual lymphatic drainage) , skincare, risk reduction and understanding and assisting with technical skills, in addition to a focus on health, wellness, and lifestyle skills.
M Technique (T1)
The 'M' Technique is a method of structured stroking. Each movement and sequence is done a set number of times, in a set pattern, at a set pressure and set speed that never changes.
Approved Practitioners:
- Cover is provided subject to the practitioner being qualified to Practitioner Certification or above with a Certified M Technique instructor.
Magnesium Wrap (T1)
Far Infrared (FIR) Magnesium Wrap is a process using magnesium salts and far infrared energy to relieve pain and promote general health. The ingredients are magnesium oil, or diluted magnesium flakes (magnesium chloride), or Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate). The focus is on aches, pains, muscle spasms, back ache, and sports injuries (with the understanding that doctors assessment and consent will be requested prior to the treatment). The treatment utilises relaxing and pain relieving properties of magnesium salts and far infrared energy.
Magnetic Crystal Sound Healing (T1)
This is non intrusive way of balancing the chakras using crystals, magnets and sound resonance from tuning forks, also aromatherapy sprays may be used to help the client feel spiritully uplifted.
Magnetic Therapy (T1)
Magnetic field therapy uses different kinds of magnets on the body to help boost overall health and treat certain conditions including but not limited to depression, mental and physical health, neurological conditions, insomnia etc. The thought behind magnetic field therapy is that certain problems happen because the body's magnetic fields are out of balance. If a magnetic field is put near the body, it's believed things will go back to normal. Magnets are placed close/on to the body in order to cause bones to heal faster, relieve pain and induce other therapeutic effects.
Makeup Artistry (T1)
The business activity of makeup artist using professional makeup products, typically working with (but not restricted to) models, photographers, designers, and weddings strictly subject to using professional makeup products and no permanent or semi permanent makeup or procedures.
Management & Team Training (T1)
The training of individuals or groups (often managers, supervisors, team leaders), to develop or improve their understanding and implementation of various workplace and soft skills, to improve their own performance, and their management and training of others. Skills/subjects taught will be dependant on the expertise of the trainer but may include: - appraisal, - customer service, - communication, - disciplinary, - interview - presentation, - personal effectiveness, - performance, - self-management, - sales, - team leadership, - team working, - time management.
Management - setting up & running a small business (T1)
The training of the individual in the knowledge of and dealing with the various elements needed to set up and run a small business.
- Excludes financial, legal and investment advice
Management Consultancy (T1)
Management Consultancy can mean many things. The cover offered under this business practice is strictly subject to the following definition. The training and advice to individuals and teams in tools and processes to improve the business value of management decisions, facilitation of decision making exercises, review and assurance of recorded decisions made (e.g. business cases and project plans).
Management Consultant to the Social Care Industry (T1)
Acting in a business advisory role as a management consultant to the Social Care Industry.
Mandala Life Coach (T1)
It is a complete therapy, where the founder Paula Tooths - collated useful skills of meditation, naturopathy, coaching and mandala reading; it is intended to achieve a balanced being and an understanding of the self.
Manicure & Pedicure (T1)
Discussion with the customer regarding treatment options prior to commencement, services may include: removal of nail polish, cleaning, trimming, filing, polishing and buffing of nails, the application of artificial nails (gel, silk or acrylic), nail polish or nail art using an airbrush or other tools, trimming and oiling of cuticles, the softening or removal of rough skin and calluses, and the soaking/cleansing, massage and moisturisation of the hands and/or feet.
Manipulative Therapy (T1)
Manipulative therapy is massage which is is the practice of applying structured or unstructured pressure, tension, motion, or vibration manually or with mechanical aids to the soft tissues of the body, including muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, joints and lymphatic vessels, to achieve a beneficial response.
A form of therapy, massage can be applied to parts of the body or successively to the whole body, to aid the process of injury healing, relieve psychological stress, manage pain, and improve circulation.
Where massage is used for its physiological, mental, and mechanical benefits, it may be termed "therapeutic massage" or manipulative therapy.
Manual Handling Instruction (T1)
Training staff on how to do manual handling projects correctly. Teaching them how to lift correctly and how to identify when they need mechanical equipment to move an object safely.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (T1)
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is an advanced therapy in which the practitioner uses a range of specialised and gentle rhythmic pumping techniques to move the skin in the direction of the lymph flow.
This stimulates the lymphatic vessels which carry substances vital to the defence of the body and removes waste products.
It can boost the imune system, reduce fluid retention and help detoxify the body.
Manual Upper Layer Benign Skin Lesion Removal (T4)
Removal of benign skin lesions above or in the upper layers of the skin using different techniques with or without local anaesthetics. The techniques that may be used under this heading are: Shave excision: technique used for skin lesions that rise above the skin or are in the upper layer of skin. It uses a small blade to remove the outermost layers of skin after the area is made numb. The area removed includes all or part of the lesion. Simple scissor excision: technique is used for skin lesions that rise above the skin or are in the upper layer of skin. The skin lesion is grabbed with small forceps and lightly pull up. Small, curved scissors will be used to carefully cut around and under the lesion. A curette (an instrument used to clean or scrape skin) maybe used to cut any remaining parts of the lesion. Curettage and Electrodesiccation: It may be used for superficial lesions that do not need a full thickness excision. This procedure involves scraping or scooping out a skin lesion. A technique that uses high-frequency electrical current, called electrodesiccation, may be used before or after.
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
- Phlebotomist
Market Research Consultancy (T1)
Working as a market researcher as a member of, or adopting the core principals of, the Code of Conduct of the MRS. Cover is conditional upon and strictly subject to all activity being research only.
Marketing Consultancy (T1)
Provide general marketing advice including where and when
to place advertising and promotions, type of messages to attract desired
target market and brand image (logo) and the management of
implementation including copywriting, briefing designers and printers
and project managing the process to deliver ads, mail shots, brochures,
leaflets, press releases etc.
- Cover is provided strictly on the condition that the practitioner does NOT undertake ANY direct marketing work and this would include the following:
- Telemarketing: The act of selling, soliciting or promoting a product or service over the telephone
- Database management and list broking: The creation of a database to the clients' specification or updating of existing data, eliminating mailing wastage that results from out of date contact information. Information fields can also be added to enable capture and reporting of information specific to the clients' requirements, thus allowing in depth analysis of the client database, and highly selective customer mailing lists.
- Mail shots are mailings to potential customers to create new business or to existing clients to promote a product. These can involve huge numbers of mailings at any one time. Text messaging and the Internet are now also used in addition to the traditional postage method.
Mary Network Healing (T1)
Mary Network Healing is a technique that results in emotional, physical, mental and spiritual healing.
It calls upon the power of the divine feminine to extract unresolved pools of emotions and unproductive thought forms. These blocks were created by a person's inability to deal with these emotional traumas at the time they occurred. These blocks often obstruct the flow of energy through the body and result in physical, mental and emotional pain.
The Mary Network healing techniques allow the practitioner to release blocked energy that has been held in the client's body. The practitioner guides the client to release the trauma held in the body's memory cells. Then the practitioner helps the client rejuvenate these memory cells, filling this void with golden-white light. Thus healing takes place within the physical body.
Massage (T1)
Massage is a form of therapy applied to parts of the body or successively to the whole body including muscles, connective tissues, tendons, ligaments, joints and lymphatic vessels to aid the process of injury healing, relieve stress, manage pain, improve circulation etc. There are five basic movements/strokes that are used: effleurage, petrissage, tapotement, friction and vibration/shaking. These are commonly applied with hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearms, feet or with mechanical aids and/or handheld tools (including but not limited to spiky balls, massage sticks, foam massage balls/rollers, thumb tools, wooden tools etc).
- Excludes massage practices insured by Westminster Insurance Ltd that are listed separately.
Maternity Reflexology (T1)
Maternity Reflexology can be of great support to the client whilst their body is going through so many changes it can help them remain relaxed and balanced, as well as helping to relieve some of the common symptoms of pregnancy. It helps reduce fear and anxiety.
Matrix Reimprinting (T1)
Matrix Reimprinting is a meridian energy therapy developed from EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). It is a therapy that allows you to access and transform painful memories that may be holding you trapped in the past. Matrix Reimprinting uses classic EFT techniques that are based on the traditional Chinese Medicine Meridian Energy system that has been used in acupuncture for thousands of years. It also incorporates the laws of quantum physics, to produce a dynamic therapy where the results are both rapid and lasting. Matrix Reimprinting uses conventional EFT which involves tapping on acupuncture points with your fingertips whilst at the same time focussing on the issue to be changed. This will remove the emotional intensity out of a past memory. What you are then left with is to be able to recall your most traumatic and stressful life memories without any emotional disruption or stress, which is extremely beneficial, as negative past memories keep the body in a state of stress and can contribute to disease. However, with Matrix Reimprinting the memory is actually transformed. You can go into any past memory, say and do what you wished you had said and done, bring in new resources, and create and transform the picture you have of that memory.
Medical Chemical Peels (T4)
Medical Glycolic Skin Peels up to 70% strength, also known as skin peels or chemical peels. A product based exfoliant made from fruit or sugar cane acids which stimulate the collagen and elastin production which is what makes the skin look firm and smooth. The additional benefit of having a skin peel is that it creates an exfoliating effect on the skin, which will leave the younger and fresher looking skin. Glycolic peels are the mildest form affecting the superficial layers of the skin.
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
- Phlebotomist
Meditation Guidance (T1)
The teaching of or guidance in meditation which is described as a state of concentrated attention on some object of thought or awareness.
It usually involves turning the attention inward to the mind itself. Meditation is often recognized as a component of Eastern religions, having originated in Vedic Hinduism. It has also become mainstream in Western culture.
It encompasses any of a wide variety of spiritual practices which emphasize mental activity or quiescence. Meditation can be used for personal development, or to focus the mind on God (or the gods). Many practice meditation in order to achieve peace, while others practice certain physical yogas in order to become healthier.
Mediumship (T1)
Mediumship is described as communicating and receiving messages from guides, spirits, angels and the afterlife.
Mental Health First Aid Training (T1)
To train participants in being able to: - recognise the signs and symptoms of someone in emotional or psychological distress, including but not limited to a psychotic episode or suicidal thoughts, - know how to safeguard someone experiencing a mental health crisis until they can be referred for qualified help, - understand where appropriately qualified help can be found and how to access it, - appreciate the effect this can have on the helper, and know how to implement self-care. Subject to being fully qualified and have experience in dealing with individuals with mental health issues. Any third party content used for training, please ensure you have obtained permission rights to use such material.
- Excludes training therapy for suicidality unless other, specific qualifications are held that cover this service.
Mental Health Support (T1)
The Practitioner can: - recognise the signs and symptoms of someone in emotional or psychological distress, including but not limited to a psychotic episode or suicidal thoughts, - know how to safeguard someone experiencing a mental health crisis until they can be referred for qualified help, - understand where appropriately qualified help can be found and how to access it, - appreciate the effect this can have on the helper, and know how to implement self-care.
- Excluding offering therapy for suicidality unless other, specific qualifications are held that cover this service.
Mentoring (T1)
Mentoring is a learning partnership where someone with more experience (mentor) offers guidance, assistance, support and advise to someone with less experience (mentee) in their process of learning, growth, unlocking potential, and achieving their goals.
Meridian Energy Therapy (T1)
Meridian Energy Therapy is a non-invasive energy therapy similar to and sometimes described as Emotional Freedom Therapy.
Meridian Psychotherapy (T1)
Meridian Psychotherapy integrates the teachings of meridian interventions with traditional psychotherapy. Meridian Psychotherapists teach their clients how to interact with their own meridians. This therapy is highly effective because there is a demonstrable link between the Meridians and the Emotions. During treatment the client is encouraged to focus on his or her problems while interacting with his or her own meridian system, until a satisfactory Standard Unit of Discomfort (SUD) is determined. As with other psychotherapeutic treatments, the client can experience the 'abreaction of repressed trauma' during these meridian interventions.
Mesotherapy/Nappage (T3)
Mesotherapy/Nappage is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment that uses injections of vitamins, enzymes, hormones, plant extracts and polynucleotides to promote skin rejuvenation and regeneration, and remove excess fat.
- Excluding Mesotherapy (PPC) for removal of localised fat, and excludes the application of botox, dermal fillers and profhilo.
Approved Practitioners:
- NVQ 3 Beauty Therapist (equivalent or above)
Meta-Medicine (T1)
Meta-Medicine means "beyond medicine" a fundamentally new philosophy of health and healing.
Instead of providing any form of medical diagnosis and treatment it focuses on the individual's experience of illness and the meaning it holds for them something medical practitioners rarely have the time to do. Meta-Medicine is therefore NOT another form of "alternative medicine", nor does the "meta-medic" offer any form of "complementary" therapy for specific ailments.
Instead the purpose of Meta-Medicine is to provide a genuine complement to both orthodox and alternative medicine helping the individual to discover the meaning of their physical and psychological "dis-ease" rather than looking for the causes and cures of named "diseases".
Medical diognosis is specifically excluded from the cover provided.
Metabolic Effect Fitness (T1)
A physical training regime consisting of a 30 minute science and rest based workout which incorporates the latest technology in endocrinology, health, fitness, strength and conditioning research.
By changing hormones, rather than simply eating less or exercising more, the body naturally regulates fat burning, appetite, and mood so the body fat stored, often for years, gets released safely and permanently.
Metamorphic Technique (T1)
- (MT) offers a new and fascinating way to look at life and offers the possibility of changing it.
- The practice of MT involves a light touch along the spinal reflex points on feet, hands and head.
- It may be either seated or lying down.
- MT evolved from reflexology, through the work of Robert St John, a well known naturopath.
- Most people find a MT session very relaxing and enjoyable. It can be used by anyone young or old, healthy or infirm, human or animal.
- Within the first few minutes of touching the feet, babies often go into a state of deep stillness with great attention and awareness seemingly focused within.
Metamorphosis (T1)
Metamorphosis was originated by Robert St John and his original work. His training as a reflexologist led him to the theory that he did not need to work on the whole foot, hand and head to help his clients. He worked on specific reflex points to relax his clients and help them to feel more positive. Because of the changes he noticed in his clients attitude after the sessions he named it Metamorphosis.
Metaphysical Practitioner (T1)
A Metaphysical/Spiritual Healing Practitioner is one who learns the healing technique in a spiritual or religious setting; the healer feels this ability is a gift from God(dess), or that he or she is an instrument of Spirit, or an etheric healer to work through. Metaphysical and spiritual healing includes: magnetic, colour, crystal, mental, mediumship, scientific prayer and all psychic healings.
Metatronia Therapy (T1)
Metatronia Therapy is a multi-dimensional hands-on healing energy/resonance brought to us by Archangel Metatron, using his healing vibration, codings and Sacred Geometry. It is a very high, fine and transformative healing frequency, similar to Reiki but a different vibration, more transformational and more evolved light frequency. Reiki is very Earth based, where as Metatronia Therapy links us with One Source Frequency which is pure Source/Creator energy /vibration.
Mickel Therapy (T1)
A body-mind approach to healing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ME and Fibromyalgia sufferers. The treatment involves face to face talking therapy with no medication, diet change or need for supplements.
Micro-current (T1)
Micro-current stimulation delivers tiny electrical impulses that mirror the bodys own natural bio electrical field. In most cases, treatment is virtually sub-sensory.
Microblading (T3)
Microblading is a form of semi-permanent make-up where pigment is implanted under the skin with a manual handheld tool instead of a machine.
- Treatment will not proceed in the existence of any contra-indications.
Approved Practitioners:
- Provided that the Insured has received training of an acceptable industry standard
Microdermabrasion (T3)
Microdermabrasion is a non-chemical, non-invasive procedure that uses aluminium oxide crystals, walnut shells or polishing grains to remove the outermost layer of dry, dead skin cells and reveal younger, healthier-looking skin.
- Patch testing required before treatment.
Approved Practitioners:
- Provided that the Insured has received training from an accredited and regulated training provider
Microneedling/Nanoneedling (T3)
Use of needles to prick the skin to allow collagen to repair the skin to look more youthful, remove pigmentation, increase elasticity. Rolling or pressing it gently into the skin before applying active ingredients.
- Needlestick Injury Policy must be in place
- Sanitisation and infection control protocols must be in place
Micropigmentation / Tricopigmentation (T3)
Micropigmentation, also referred to as semi-permanent make-up or dermal-pigmentation, is a process whereby pigments are implanted beneath the top layer of skin, by needle micro insertion. Can be used to re-align facial features such as eyebrows, lip line and eye line. Tricopigmentation is an alternative, more temporary option, used on the scalp as a treatment for hair loss.
- Treatment will not proceed in the existence of any contra-indications.
Approved Practitioners:
- Insured must have received training from an accredited and regulated training provider,
Mind Calm Practitioner (T1)
Mind Calm is the modern-day meditation technique that gives you 'peace with mind'. Instead of having to fix, change and improve your thoughts, emotions, body and life circumstances BEFORE peace is possible, Mind Calm can help you to live more in the present moment, engage with life in a more consciously aware way, learn to resist life less and as a result - feel much more calm, confident and content.
Mindfulness Meditation (T1)
Clearing your mind of daily clutter to live more freely in the moment. Why your physiology plays an important part in how you feel. Learn mindfulness skills and meditations to understand your emotions and the connection between your body and mind using your own senses to help you live in the moment. A fun and empowering exercise to help you achieve more in life. Various seated and moving meditations. Simple breathing and focusing to help you through any challenge
Mineral Clay Detox Wrap (T1)
Far Infrared (FIR) Mineral Clay Detox Wrap uses clay and far infrared energy to promote detoxification. The focus is on detoxifying properties of clays and far infrared. Far infrared promotes deep sweating, while clay works through absorption and cation exchange, which allows it to absorb toxic waste through the skin. The use of both leads to the removal of excess water and transdermal detox, as well as many other benefits.
Mineral Weight Loss Wrap (T1)
Far Infrared (FIR) Mineral Weight Loss Wrap is the use of magnesium salts, clay and far infrared energy to promote weight loss. The focus is on boosting circulation and sweating, which aims to speed up metabolism and sweating, leading to removal of excess water and impurities. Clay aims to absorb impurities and draw toxins out of the body. There are also multiple other benefits to using the treatment .
Minimally Invasive Laser Lipolysis (T4)
The procedure is carried out by introducing a fine-optic probe that transmits laser energy under the skin via tiny microscopic incisions. This targets and disintegrates fat cells, turning them into a liquid that is either drawn out during the treatment or absorbed and expelled naturally by the body over the course of the next few weeks. The treatment can be performed on different body parts including but not limited to mid and lower face, mandibular border, under chin, neck, eye lids and under eye, eye brow, inner arm, abdomen and peri-umbilical area, inner thigh, knees and ankles.
- Subject to patch test requirement and skin type checked on the Fitzpatrick scale. Informed consent must be obtained - including explanation of all associated risks with the treatment provided Subject to a £5,000 excess
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dentist
- For skin types 5 or above, must have minimum 1 year experience.
Mizan Therapy (T2)
Mizan Therapy is based on a gentle, non-invasive massage and traditional healing techniques to address conditions involving the abdominal area, womb, reproductive systems, and digestive systems and to promote health and well-being on both physical and emotional levels. It can be combined with the use of oils. Includes benefits to women pre and post birth. The treatment works by releasing tension within the abdominal muscles, soft tissue, ligaments and pelvic cavity that may be impinging on the function of the reproductive, digestive and lymphatic systems. Aims to improve the flow of blood and lymph circulation, restore balance, treat painful menstrual cycles and heavy periods, and release emotional trauma etc.
- Excluding spinal manipulation techniques.
MLM consultant (T1)
Acting as a distributor for a multi level marketing company. Including sales visits in potential customers homes.
Mobiliser (T1)
The Back In Action Mobiliser is a massage mat specifically designed for the back - made and distributed by Back in Action - cover is provided for businesses that offer use of the Mobiliser to clients.
Modelling (T1)
To act as a model for third parties to help in the sale or promotion of products and services.
Moxibustion (T2)
Moxibustion is traditional Chinese technique that involves the burning of mugwort, a small spongy herb, to facilitate healing. The intention is to warm and invigorate the flow of Qi in the body.
Murder Mystery Event (T1)
Murder Mysteries are a range of theatrical murder mystery events held in various venues. The events will include actors and audience participation in a range of murder mystery themes .
Music Instruction (T1)
To instruct someone on how to play a musical instrument, to help achieve a better skill and understanding of the instrument.
Music Therapy (T1)
Music therapists use music-based experiences to address client needs in one or more domains of human functioning: cognitive, academic, emotional/psychological; behavioral; communication; social; physiological (sensory, motor, pain, neurological and other physical systems), spiritual, and aesthetics. Music experiences are strategically designed to use the elements of music for therapeutic effects, including melody, harmony, key, mode, meter, rhythm, pitch/range, duration, timbre, form, texture, and instrumentation. The benefits of music therapy include but are not limited to improved heart rate, reduced anxiety, stimulation of the brain, and improved learning.
- Written parental consent must be obtained for any services performed on/with/for minors
Musical Performances (T1)
To perform local music events at pubs, weddings, parties and other small local events.
Myers Briggs Type Indicator (T1)
The Type Indicator instrument is a questionnaire based on the Myers Briggs model of personality. Once it is established what a person's personality preferences are then a Myers Briggs Practitioner can assist the individual to understand their type. By having this information, individuals can make clearer career choices, and understand how they deal with stress and various situations in their life.
Myofascial Therapy (T1)
Used to optimise movement efficiency and structural balance Myofascial Therapy may involve use of massage techniques that focus on a specific area of the body, exercises based on pilates, yoga, dance, stretching and fitness. Benefits may include but not limited to improving dynamic stability, elastic strength, movement ease, and energy flow.
Nature Therapy (T1)
Nature Therapy takes us out of our busy lives and heals us - reconnecting us with our environments and ourselves. It introduces us to Eco-therapy, the power of Trees, and messages in Nature. It improves individuals mental and physical health by connecting with nature and outdoor surroundings. Some examples of Nature Therapy are Forest Bathing and Garden Therapy also referred to as Therapeutic Gardening which may involve the use of gardening tools solely in connection with the therapy itself.
- Excluding professional gardening services.
Naturopathy (T1)
Naturopathy treats health conditions by utilizing the body's inherent ability to heal. Naturopathic physicians aid the healing process by incorporating a variety of alternative methods based on the patient's individual needs. Diet, lifestyle, work and personal history are all considered when determining a treatment.
Naval Candling (T1)
Navel candling is also known as stomach or tummy candling. A hollow herbal candle is lighted and placed over the belly-button. During the candling process, a gentle and relaxing massage could be applied to the abdominal area to aid in circulation. As with ear candling, the burning candle creates a vacuum and the gentle heat created assists with the dispelling of toxins. Benefits of navel candling includes aiding the removal of toxins through the body's lymphatic system and also alleviation of stomach flatulence, stomachache, endocrine disorders and gastric problems caused by irregular eating habits. In addition, navel candling can also aid in the relief of mild cold symptoms and enhance the body circulatory system.
- Robust Health & Safety protocols must be in place
Negative Energy Clearance (T1)
Negative energy clearance is the act of removing negative energies, entities and spirits from space one occupies and/or a person to manifest blessings and bliss. Everything is energy including thoughts, emotions, and actions that leave energetic imprints in spaces such as home, office, building, land, in a person's energy field etc. There are many ways to perform energy clearance by using a variety of tools and methods such as but not limited to smudging, use of essential oils, flower essences, dried herbs, sage, palo santo, sound, salt, ring bells, wind chimes etc.
Networking Leadership (T1)
Organising, facilitating and leading networking meetings for professionals.
Neuro Linguistic Programming (T1)
NLP is the acronym for Neuro Lingusitic Programming.The goal-oriented approach to problem-solving and modelling success developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, characterised by a focus on structure and process rather than content.
Neuro Linguistic Programming Training (T1)
Acting as a teacher or individual tutor to train NLP but excluding any liability arising from the management and control of a Training Establishment, Clinic or College.
NLP is the acronym for Neuro Linguisitic Programming, the goal-oriented approach to problem-solving and modelling success developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, characterised by a focus on structure and process rather than content.
Neuro Massage (T3)
Neuro massage is a specialized massage that aims to alleviate chronic muscle pain and nervous system disorders, problems, conditions, disabilities and/or injuries. These may include but are not limited to people with post stroke conditions, neurodegenerative conditions (MS, Parkinsons, motor neuron disease etc), Alzheimer disease, brain injuries, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries, transverse myelitis, and dementia.
- Doctor’s prior consent for treatment must be sought where applicable. Excluding spinal manipulation. Maximum £2,000,000 limit. Subject to a £500 excess.
Approved Practitioners:
- The person insured must be specialty trained, and possess necessary knowledge, skills, understanding of risk factors, causes and management of such conditions to provide safe and effective massage to individuals who have such conditions
Neurokinesis (T1)
Working with the brain to remove the emotional charge to the memories. Through a hand technique using the meridians points in the hand to work with the brain to interrupt the pattern and cycle of old thoughts and habits.
Neuroplasticity Therapy (T2)
Neuroplasticity refers to the brains ability to adapt. It refers to the physiological changes in the brain that happen as the result of our interactions with our environment. When we learn something new, we create new connections between our neurons. This happens on a daily basis, but its also something that we can encourage and stimulate. It can be achieved by learning a new skill, new language, listen different music, practice mindfulness, use alternate hands for daily routines, brain games, etc.
Approved Practitioners:
- Subject to individuals being fully trained and qualified in the techniques offered.
Neutral Space Relaxation (T1)
Very light touch to the head and body to facilitate relaxation in the body (fully clothed on a massage couch). Relaxation and stress resolution/management.
- All treatments are to be carried out on people 18 years or older.
No Entry PDO Thread Lift (T2)
This is a no-needle process which involves applying melted threads to the top layer of the skin. It uses TDN (Transfer Double Nanosphere) technology to infiltrate the melted threads and active ingredients into the skin and fill fine lines and wrinkles, achieve instant face-lifting effects, pore tightening, to increase dermis density and skin elasticity, achieve skin whitening, hydration etc. This procedure enables lasting skin improvement from the inside out and ensures a unique lifting effect and regeneration of the skin. All products are applied to the skin without any use of needles.
Non-Surgical Breast and/or Buttock Lift (T1)
This uses a combination of vibration therapy and suction to help increase the blood flow and muscle stimulation resulting in larger and/or firmer breasts or buttocks.
- Excluding use of any form of cosmetic injectables.
Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty (T5)
NSR is a non-surgical procedure using fillers to help the reshaping and straightening of the nose. It is a temporary procedure that needs to be repeated every 18 months.
- Needlestick Injury Policy and Photograph Requirement Policy must be in place
- Subject to a £250 excess
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
- Phlebotomist
Nonviolent Communication (T1)
It supports deep empathic understanding of oneself and others, healing of past emotional pain and trauma, processing and managing anger in oneself and others, and the resolution and management of conflicts in individual, interpersonal and social contexts.
Numerology (T1)
Numerology is the study of the symbolism of numbers. It is claimed that it can be used to determine a persons personality, strengths and talents, obstacles, inner needs, emotional reactions and ways of dealing with others. Whether you use numerology to examine your life, take advantage of unexplored opportunities, confirm your talents or simply figure out where to go next, practitioners claim numerology can be a penetrating tool that helps you understand yourself and loved ones better, presenting the whole picture, revealing all the diverse parts of your personality and how they come together to create the person you are.
Nutri-Energetics (T1)
Nutri-Energetics is the pioneering force behind a revolutionary new approach to evaluating and promoting clinical wellness. The NES program aims to harmonise the body's Bio-field known as the human body-field (HBF) or energy field using new discoveries made by biophysics scientists.
Nutri-Energetics Systems Professional (NES-Pro) combines Peter Frasers discovery and mapping of the Quantum Electro-Dynamic (QED) human body-field, with the simplicity of computer technology.
This has lead to the development of the most advanced system for whole body-field analysis and treatment currently available.
The NES-Pro enables the therapist to identify the root energetic cause of illness, and prescribe a personalized corrective treatment regime of
Nutri-Energetics Systems Infoceutical remedies.
- Cover is provided subject to no diagnosis, medical or otherwise, provided to the recipient of this therapy.
Nutritional Therapy (T1)
Advising on dietary and lifestyle changes required for the maintenance of good health.
Occupational Health Assessments (T3)
Occupational Health Assessments are crucial for ensuring the safety and well-being of employees in the workplace. They involve evaluating the physical and mental demands of a job against an employee's capabilities, with the goal of preventing work-related injuries and illnesses. These assessments aim to identify potential health risks and interventions. Employers utilise these assessments to comply with legal requirements, improve productivity, and reduce healthcare costs, ultimately fostering a healthier work environment.
Approved Practitioners:
- Must be a qualified occupational health professional.
Occupational Therapy (T1)
Occupational therapy involves working with people of all ages with physical or mental challenges that impact their ability to perform daily activities. The therapists in this field carry out practical assessments and following the assessment may give advice, arrange equipment and/or recommend alterations that would help the individuals involved better adapt and perform their daily tasks. Local authorities and regulated, commissioned providers often provide the equipment and adaptations. It may also involve coaching and support within the context of occupational therapy.
Oncology Massage (T2)
Oncology Massage (T2) Oncology Massage is undertaken by practitioners who are trained in the biology of cancer, the different types of treatment and their side effects, and protocols to deliver a safe massage. They apply modified and new manual therapy techniques, using advanced soft tissue skills. Benefits can include the reduction of anxiety, pain, nausea and depression, and increased dopamine levels.
- All patients must be referred by their GP, Consultant or Medical Practitioner who is part of their specialist Oncology team, prior to treatment commencing. If the referral is given verbally only, the client must confirm this in writing and give their informed consent to proceed with the treatment.
Oracle Card Reading (T1)
Learning how to communicate and receive messages from guides, spirits, angels and the afterlife through the use of cards, in a similar fashion to Tarot. Also similar to Angel cards and numerology, where the cards used have assumed meanings that are shared with clients.
Ordained Ministry (T1)
An Ordained Minister is one who has been certified by a reputable organisation as a Metaphysical/Spiritual/Holistic Healer and who has completed the further education and performance requirements which evidence their ability and qualification to administer to the needs of others, conduct worship services to perform dedications, funerals, Baptisms, weddings and blessings and all other duties that devolve upon him or her as a Minister/Servant of God(dess).
Including: pastoral care, pastoral/spiritual (problem) counselling, healing prayer, seminars, lectures, teaching of mediation, healing, psychic/spiritual development, medium-ship, psychic readings, healing and channelling.
- No cover is provided if the substance of the claim could fall under the provisions of the Unfair Trading Regulations 2008.
Organising Business Activities (T1)
Providing the following services (but NOT as an employee) to small companies. The administrative and clerical tasks involved with managing a clerical team, design and manage internal management processes, interview, recommend and train new clerical employees (but NOT make final employment decisions), process paperwork, record accounts, design and support IT, deal with the clerical aspects of complaints (but not the actual complaint determination) respond to enquiries and support the management when they are unavailable.
Oriental Body Massage (T1)
This is a massage of the hand, arms, feet and other body parts with an Eastern flavour. It is a fusion of Eastern Hand Massage techniques, reflexology & acupressure. Hands contain many thousand sensory nerve endings which makes them one of the most sensitive areas of the body. The early Chinese developed the technique of acupressure thousands of years ago. This provided the basis for reflex zones and the relative points and connections between different parts of the body. It is well documented that the early Chinese, Japanese, Indians and Egyptians worked on the hands, feet and other body parts to promote good health and many of the long-established principles developed then are now available to be used in the modern practice.
Oriental Face Massage (T1)
OFM refers to the use of Natural Facelift Rejuvenation Massage, Indian Face Massage, Japanese Face Massage, Tibetan Face Massage and Face Yoga Massage. These techniques may be used separately or fused together to work on the facial muscles to ease tension, smooth away fine lines, increase elasticity, release toxins, reduce stress and achieve relaxation.
Osteopathy (T4)
Osteopathy is a type of complementary and alternative therapy which primarily consists of moving, stretching, massaging and manipulating a person's muscles and joints. Its practitioners believe that the health and wellbeing of an individual depends on their bones, muscles, ligaments and connective tissue functioning smoothly together.
- Subject to a £500 excess
Approved Practitioners:
- Osteopath
Outdoor Activities Instruction (T3)
This is to cover a range of outdoor activities which take place in the countryside in the UK. Outdoor activities are leisure pursuits engaged in the outdoors, often in natural or semi-natural settings out of town. These activities would typically include but are not limited to backpacking, camping, hiking, biking, climbing, bushcraft, campfires, overnight camp/retreat with adults etc. Some activities may involve the use of tools such as knives, saws, fires etc.
- Excluding abuse and any general childcare. Minors must be chaperoned at all times by a parent/guardian or professional adult who has obtained prior consent from the parent/guardian.
Oxygen Therapy (T1)
Oxygen Therapy is adding nutrients back into the skin via gel and activating the gel with a spray (like a makeup application air spray) called activator. Oxygen Serum and activator are packed with active ingredients which help to restructure the skin, visibly plumping out lines and wrinkles. This means the treatment continues to work long after you leave the salon, stimulating cell regeneration for a firmer and more youthful look.
P-Shot and O-Shot PRP (T4)
The P-shot for men and the O-Shot (also known as V-Shot) for women are two types of platelet-rich plasma treatments that use the patient's own blood to release growth factors that help stimulate stem cells, collagen production and tissue repair. The P-Shot stimulates tissue growth and new blood vessels to increase blood flow, resulting in a healthier organ. The O-Shot helps activate weakened stem cells to renew, revive and rejuvenate the organ.
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
- Phlebotomist
- NVQ 3 Beauty Therapist with one year's previous experience
Palmistry & Solestry (T1)
Making predictions using the hands/feet and the lines, shape, form of the hands/feet about the past, the present and the future. They may also give an insight into the person's character and emotions.
Paranormal Practice (T1)
The investigative study of paranormal activity undertaken by an experienced paranormal practitioner, provided without warranty.
Parenting Classes (T1)
Babies and Children may be present but are the sole responsibility of their parent / care giver at all times. The class leader may assist a parent to position their child comfortably in a number of traditional holds. Parenting classes take place either in a group or individual setting. Classes consist of sharing information about parenting topics, including but not limited to: attachment parenting techniques; research on infant development; babywearing techniques, use of baby carrying/carriers, communicating effectively with babies, toddlers and children; factoring evolutionary history into parenting expectations; ways to strengthen a bond with a baby, toddler or child; establishing a good relationships with your children; differences in traditional parenting cultures around the world; childhood sleep habits; potty training. Classes take the form of a mixture of group activities and traditional teaching methods. No medical advice is given or implied - the courses are informative in nature and the onus is placed on clients to make their own informed decisions.
Party Planning (T2)
Party planning/consultancy and organizing includes planning and organizing parties as well as other promotional activities, helping to set up and arrange dcor and equipment, setting up themes and/or style of the venue. Includes choosing locations, hiring caterers (excluding the provision of catering services), coordinating with other vendors such as entertainment and florists, and providing entertaining activities as part of the party. This would typically include but is not limited to birthday parties, wedding corners for children, christenings, sleepover Teepees, balloon garlands, anniversaries, pamper parties etc.
- Excluding weddings, pony parties and cover for financial loss due to party cancellation. Limited to gatherings not exceeding 50 people. Children must be supervised by an adult at all times.
Past Life Regression Therapy (T2)
Past life regression therapy is a type of journey (a gentle form of hypnotherapy) taken while in a relaxed meditative state where a person can recallby seeing, hearing, or feelingpast lives they've lived. During a typical session, the clients are guided into a meditative state using breathwork and relaxation techniques. The idea is to return to prior life spans in search of information that can improve life today. Some of the benefits of this therapy include reconnecting with your past experiences, exploring unresolved emotions, insight into current relationships, reducing fears, a better understanding of life's purpose, resolving karmic patterns etc.
- Excluding the exercise of implanting false memories.
Pastoral Supervision (T2)
Pastoral Supervision is a practice that involves regular, planned, intentional and boundaried space in which a practitioner skilled in supervision (the supervisor) meets with one or more other practitioners (the supervisees) to look together at the supervisees practice. It is an accompanied intentional dialogue between soul, role and context. It helps with growing in vocational identity, role competence, self-awareness, spiritual and theological reflection, quality of presence, response to challenge, accountability, mutual learning, skill development, management of boundaries, professional identity and the impact of the work upon all concerned parties etc.
Patient Moving Handling (T1)
As with manual handling this trains people how to help move people safely.
PDO Threads (T5)
Polydioxanone Thread (PDO) lift is a non-surgical, minimally invasive procedures for facelift, improvement in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and it stimulates natural collagen production.
- Subject to a £250 excess
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
- Phlebotomist
Peak State Therapy (T1)
Whole Hearted Healing is a regression technique merging the original out of body trauma using love and acceptance to permanently heal trauma damage. Peak states are acquired through regression to key early developmental events to heal damage using Gaia commands and music.
Pendulum Dowsing (T1)
Pendulum dowsing, using a weight suspended by a thread or cord, wherein the dowser holds the cord in one hand and allows the pendulum to swing freely. The dowser then observes how the pendulum is swinging and interprets the motion to offer insights. It can be used to detect and cleanse negative energies from closed or open spaces or a person, identify and heal pathogens, balance the body's energy fields, find lost objects and pets, search and locate underground water, metals or ores, gemstones, oils, malign earth vibrations etc.
Permanent Jewellery (T1)
Permanent jewellery refers to a piece of jewellery (usually a necklace, anklet, ring or bracelet) that is welded together instead of secured with a clasp. The process involves using welding tools to attach both ends of the jewellery.
Personal Concierge Service (T3)
Helping individuals or families with organising any aspect of their lives so that they have more time, freedom & energy for themselves.
Personal Development (T1)
Personal Development, also known as self-growth or self-improvement, involves activities that enhance an individual's capabilities and potential. It includes activities focused on increasing self-awareness, setting achievable goals, and refining interpersonal skills across various areas such as mental, social, spiritual, physical, and emotional.
Personal Photo Organiser (PPO) (T1)
Personal Photo Organisers provide their clients with solutions to organising, sharing and securing their digital and film photo collections. Services include: transferring digital photos from devices to a computer, scanning prints and slides, organising digital photos into a logical folder structure (eg. by date/event), arranging printed photos into organised storage boxes, editing of digital photos, creating traditional photo albums and digital photo books, creating other personalised photo products, creating video slideshows, converting outdated media into viewable formats, installing back up systems and technology instruction/education. Solutions are provided for clients to either have the work undertaken for them, to have the PPO working alongside them, to show clients how to do it themselves or a combination. Consultations, photo gathering and backing up may be undertaken in person, by post or remotely. Personal Photo Organisers ensure, prior to the commencement of any work, that they have obtained a signed statement from clients to confirm that they are the Copyright or License Holders of any images and photographs provided to the PPO. The role of a Personal Photo Organiser is recognised and supported by the Association of Personal Photo Organizers (APPO) and the Association of Professional Declutterers & Organisers UK (APDO-UK), who both have Codes of Ethics for their members to adhere to.
Personal Safety Training (T1)
A practical and down to earth approach to personal safety the purpose of which is to reduce the amount of abusive and violent incidents in the local and national community through empowerment and education. The training is for services, agencies and organisations and the voluntary sector as well as individuals, families and small groups. Cover is available provided the practitioner is a qualified teacher and PBUK endorsed trainer. This training reflects Theme 1 in Protective Behaviours in that "We all have the right to feel safe all the time", therefore participants are never asked to say or do anything that would lead them to feeling unsafe and with this right comes the responsibility to observe other people"s right to feel safe.
Personal Trainer (T3)
A personal trainer will work with an individual to help them achieve their fitness goals.
Pet Sitting and Dog Walking (T1)
To feed, give water and clean waste for pets which may include dogs, cats, rabbits, rodents, birds, reptiles and fish in the owners houses only. To walk their dogs on a lead locally for exercise.
- Dangerous Dog Exclusion The following dogs, as outlined in the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, and/or any dog crossbred from these, are specifically excluded from cover under any section of this Policy: Pit Bull Terrier, Japanese Tosa / Tosa Inus, Dogo Argentino (also referred to as Argentine Dogo and Argentinian Mastiff), Fila, Brasileiro. Including any type, as defined in the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, considered to match the description of a prohibited type, any breed crossed with the above, and any other breed or type deemed be dangerous by the Secretary of State and subsequently added to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991
Pet Ultrasound (T1)
Ultrasound scanning of pets to confirm pregnancy or not. There is no medical diagnosis or anything prescribed, it is just to confirm pregnancy.
- Subject to no equine unless for personal use and pleasure only (not competition horses).
Phlebotomy (T3)
Blood samples are taken. Some have to be centrifuged. The samples may then be sent to the laboratories for processing and testing.
Approved Practitioners:
- Phlebotomist
- Individual must be a trained/qualified in phlebotomy and medically trained.
Photography (T1)
Taking professional photographs, typically working with (but not restricted to) models, designers, aerial shots and weddings.
Photography (T1)
Portrait photographs of people or animals, or photographs to commemorate an event such as a wedding.
Physical Mediumship (T1)
Physical mediumship is the process whereby someone, in Spirit, usually known as a spirit operator (as compared to a spirit communicator), works or operates through the mental and physical energies of the medium and causes something physical to happen on the Earth plane. It is objective in nature; that is, when the phenomena occur, everyone is able to see and/or hear them. An example of this is the Ouija (wigi) board.
Physical mediumship (T1)
Physical mediumship is the process whereby someone, in Spirit, usually known as a spirit operator (as compared to a spirit communicator), works or operates through the mental AND physical energies of the medium and causes something physical to happen on the Earth plane. Physical mediumship is objective in nature; that is, when the phenomena occur, everyone is able to see and/or hear them. An example of this is the Ouija (wigi) board.
Physiotherapy (T4)
Physiotherapy is a degree-based healthcare profession. Physios use their knowledge and skills to improve a range of conditions, taking a 'whole person' approach to health and wellbeing, which includes the patient's general lifestyle. They help improve movement after injury, operation, ageing or disability.
- Excludes spinal manipulation and treatment to professional athletes/sportspeople.
Approved Practitioners:
- Qualified Physiotherapist registered with the HCPC.
Pilates (T1)
A technique invented 70 years ago by Joseph H. Pilates. According to The Pilates Studio, pilates (pronounced puh-LAH-teez) focuses on improving flexibility and strength for the overall body, but doesn't build bulk. Some of the first people to use pilates were legendary dancers Martha Graham and George Balanchine. More than just exercise, pilates are a series of controlled movements to engage one's body and mind.
Plasma Gel Bio-filler (T4)
Plasma Gel Bio-filler is an organic plasmotherapy treatment that uses a clients own blood plasma to create gel. It stimulates the body's natural wound-healing response, initiates the biological process to create new collagen and elastin. This regenerative procedure can be used to restore volume and shape in the face, hands, and parts of the body, adding plumpness to areas that have lost volume, also smoothing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
- Needlestick Injury Policy must be in place
- Sanitisation and infection control protocols must be in place
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
- Phlebotomist
- NVQ 3 Beauty Therapist with one year's previous experience
Plasma Shower (T3)
Plasma Shower is used for skin tightening across the face & body, and the treatment of acne, stretch marks and various skin vegetations. Plasma Shower treatment uses advanced technology to generate plasma energy which is then applied directly to the skin using a special handpiece.
- Skin types on the Fitzpatrick scale must be checked and experience in dealing with high-risk skin types 5&6 if relevant.
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
- NVQ 3 Beauty Therapist (equivalent or above)
- Aesthetician Optometrist.
Platelet Rich Plasma / Platelet Rich Fibrin (T4)
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) and Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) Therapies use an individual's own blood and in this way uses their own healing system to help promote the healthy activity of their skin cells, to improve musculoskeletal problems, to trigger hair growth, to stimulate collagen growth, tighten lax skin, improve skin tone, smooth out fine lines and wrinkles.
- Needlestick Injury Policy and Photograph Requirement Policy must be in place
- Excluding P-Shot and O-shot PRP.
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
- Phlebotomist
- NVQ Level 3 together with 1 year's previous experience.
Play Therapy (T1)
A therapy used primarily for children aged between the ages of 4 to approximately 10/11 years old. It is a way for the child to be able to communicate his or her feelings regarding any abuse or trauma that he/she may have suffered.
It is based very much on the child being in control of the sessions and the therapist being alongside the child, reflecting back the child's feelings, in order for the child to be able to make sense of and come to terms with his or her past experiences.
The child would only ever have the
sessions after agreement with the parents and that the child was happy to engage.
Plum Blossom (T3)
Tiny, closely spaced pricks with a single needle tip held between fingers, or multiple needles attached to a small head and struck lightly and repeatedly on the skin.
PNF - Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (T1)
PNF is a more advanced form of flexibility training that involves both the stretching and contraction of the muscle group being targeted. PNF stretching was originally developed as a form of rehabilitation, and to that effect it is very effective. It is also excellent for targeting specific muscle groups, and as well as increasing flexibility, (and range of movement) it also improves muscular strength.
Polarity Therapy (T1)
Energy healing bodywork, nutrition, exercise, and communication, gently releasing blocks in the system and encouraging a greater feeling of relaxation.
- All treatments are to be carried out on people 18 years or older.
Polyvagal Therapy (T1)
Polyvagal therapy uses a variety of techniques to promote a sense of safety and calm by regulating the autonomic nervous system. These techniques involve holistic activities such as but not limited to mindfulness and meditation, breathing techniques, rhythmic movement and self-love, vocalization, humming, relaxation that help to reduce stress and anxiety, as well as improve overall health and well-being.
Pony Party Practice (T2)
It is a service that includes activities such as grooming, pampering and decorating the ponies with bows, coloured hair clips, bands for the mane and tail, glittering hooves. The parties may include arts and crafts sessions such as but not limited to creating decorations for the ponies, horseshoe crafts etc. Animals are assessed prior to their participation in the assisted therapy to ensure their suitability, behaviour and temperament. The ponies are to be supervised at all times by a qualified and experienced staff member.
- Excluding pony rides. Maximum £2,000,000 limit.
Post-Surgery Home Care (T4)
Providing post-surgery care services to patients, which will vary dependent on the surgical procedure, discharge instructions and general overall health. Typical post-surgery care includes management of pain, nausea and other post-operative symptoms, checking vital signs, wound care (keeping bandages, dressing etc. clean, dry and safe), seroma aspiration, assisting with taking only pre-prescribed medications etc.
- Excluding surgical activity in its entirety.
Approved Practitioners:
- Insured has to be adequately trained and qualified to offer these services.
Pre & Post Natal Exercise (T1)
Pre & Post Natal Exercise classes provided always that all exercise is wholly based upon Pilates and / or Yoga principles.
Pregnancy Massage (T1)
A pregnancy massage is a specially adapted gentle and soothing massage tailored specifically for the mother-to-be. It includes any hands-on massage treatment for a woman during her pregnancy, providing massage for labour and for instructing couples on labour massage strokes. This type of massage may be provided by suitably qualified therapists who have the knowledge, confidence and awareness to work with pregnant clients.
Prescribing (T5)
The prescription of medication used in conjunction with the approved business practices on this policy. (Botulin Toxin A and dermal fillers must involve a face-to-face consultation first).
Approved Practitioners:
- Surgeon, Doctor, Nurse Prescriber, Dentist and Prescribing Pharmacist who maintain current registration with their relevant governing body and have completed the independent prescribing programme relevant to the field of practice and which is approved by their relevant governing body.
Pressotherapy (T2)
Pressotherapy is a non-invasive treatment that involves the application of air pressure - alternating between compression and decompression - on parts of the body. The pressure is applied with a specialised pressotherapy device or a suit that stimulates the lymphatic system. It can be used for cosmetic and medical reasons, including but not limited to detoxifying, relieving aches, pains and swelling, increasing blood circulation, cellulite reduction, body shaping, skin rejuvenation, enhancing skin tone etc.
Approved Practitioners:
- NVQ 2 Beauty Therapist (equivalent or above)
- NVQ 3 Beauty Therapist (equivalent or above)
Pricking (T3)
Pricking certain points of the body including the veins to release blood from that area which could be blood with toxins, or blood that is causing blockages or ailments. Involves the use of various tools including: surgical blades, hypodermic needles, lances, pricking needles, and plum blossom hammer.
- Needlestick Injury Policy must be in place
- Sanitisation and infection control protocols must be in place
Primal Integration Therapy (T1)
Primal Integration is a non-directive, full-range approach to growth and healing that integrates the natural wisdom of emotional expression with the clarity of cognitive awareness and the grounding of whole person healthcare. Modalities include: Deep feeling psychotherapy, Client-centered counseling, Zen meditation, Whole life development.
Primal Integration work can resolve many symptoms and their causes, such as depression, grief, anxiety, rage; addictions, relationship dysfunction, career and life direction; physical and stress-related illnesses; pre and perinatal trauma; physical, sexual and emotional abuse.
Primal Integration is a thorough, but non-directive approach that offers Four Levels of Involvement: cognitive, expressive, integrative, and universal. Most people looking for resolution to their problems can find a level that works best for their needs and degree of commitment.
Professional Organiser (T1)
A Professional Organiser (PO), engages in the following activities (assuming the activity is reasonable within the context of a PO role):
time management - paper management & filing systems - clutter control - space planning - wardrobe organising - event planning - errands - personal shopping - book-keeping - home office matters - financial management - memorabilia/photographs -packing/moving -
information management - training - computers -kitchens - cleaning - downsizing - relocating - students - organising of any sort - children's rooms - public speaking / seminars / training - Feng Shui - coaching within the organising context - space clearing - home staging - interior design - project management - concierge services eg finding, booking trades people
The practitioner will focus on:
- acting as a practical enabler and/or coach
- improving the safety and wellbeing of clients, whether in the home or the workplace
- maximising functionality, efficiency and comfort using effective processes, storage and organising solutions
- where necessary, expediting the removal of unwanted items
- ensuring appropriate and responsible sale, donation or disposal of such items
- helping clients to adopt positive and workable habits and processes for the future.
- Cover is wholly conditional upon adherance to a professional code of ethics at all times, and written confirmation from the client that all decisions to dispose of items remain with, and are the responsibly of, the client at all times.
Professional Organiser - APDO-UK member (T1)
A Professional Organiser (PO), as an APDO member may engage in the following activities (assuming the activity is reasonable within the context of a PO role) Time management Paper management & filing systems Clutter control Space planning Wardrobe organising Event planning Errands Personal shopping Book-keeping Home Office matters Financial management Memorabilia/photographs Packing/moving Information management Training Computers Kitchens Cleaning Downsizing Relocating Students Organising of any sort Children's rooms Public speaking / seminars / training Feng Shui Coaching within the organising context Space Clearing Home staging Interior design Project management Concierge services eg finding, booking trades people The practitioner will focus on acting as a practical enabler and/or coach improving the safety and wellbeing of clients, whether in the home or the workplace maximising functionality, efficiency and comfort using effective processes, storage and organising solutions where necessary, expediting the removal of unwanted items ensuring appropriate and responsible sale, donation or disposal of such items helping clients to adopt positive and workable habits and processes for the future
- Cover is wholly conditional upon membership of APDO and adherance to the APDO code of ethics at all times, and written confirmation from the client that all decisions to dispose of items remain with, and are the responsibly of, the client at all times.
PSYCH-K is a unique and direct way to identify and change subconscious beliefs that perpetuate old habits and behaviors that you would like to change.
It is a simple process that helps you communicate with your subconscious mind so you can change beliefs that sabotage your self-esteem, relationships, job performance and even your physical health! PSYCH-K is a user-friendly way to rewrite the software of your mind in order to change the printout of your life!
Psychiatry (T3)
Talking based therapy, either done one on one or in group settings. To help treat people with emotional and/or psychological issues.
- Cover available for prescribing duties if full prescribing rights are obtained. Excluding diagnosing
Psychic Readings (T1)
A psychic reading is a specific attempt to gather, see, perceive and discern information through the use of the senses of sight, sound, touch, taste, vision and instinct by those who claim to have psychic abilities. There are many types of psychic readings such as but not limited to Intuitive Reading, Psychometry, Spiritual Reading etc.
- Cover excludes practice on TV/radio or other media shows.
Psychic Surgery (T1)
Psychic surgery is the process of a person performing a non-invasive 'surgery' on a patient without the use of surgical tools and it removes harmful biological matter with his or her bare hands. The operation is performed through the abilities of the psychic surgeon, under the direction of a divine entity or spirits.
- Excludes providing a diagnosis and any guarantee of results.
Psychoanalysis (T1)
Psychoanalysis is a phycological approach that uses techniques like dream analysis, free association, and transference analysis to help patients uncover repressed feelings and emotional patterns. These techniques help people explore and understand their unconscious minds, how they influence their behaviour, what is driving their difficulties and bring about long-lasting personality change and life improvement.
- Excluding psychedelic drugs used in the services offered
Psychobiology (T1)
Psychobiology is the application of the principles of biology to the study of mental processes and behavior. A psychobiologist may compare the imprinting behavior in goslings to the early attachment behavior in human infants and construct theory around these two phenomena. Biological psychologists may often be interested in measuring some biological variable, e.g. an anatomical, physiological, or genetic variable, in an attempt to relate it quantitatively or qualitatively to a psychological or behavioral variable, and thus contribute to evidence based practice. Biopsychology is another synonym for biological psychology.
Psychology (T1)
Psychology is the science of the mind. The human mind is the most complex machine on Earth. It is the source of all thought and behaviour.
Psychology attempts to explain why humans think and behave in the way that they do and the many branches of psychology, which are extremely wide-ranging, are inevitably linked together.
Psychometric Assessment (T1)
The branch of psychology that deals with the design, administration and interpretation of quantitative and/or qualitative tests for the measurement of psychological variables such as intelligence, aptitude and personality traits.
Psychosynthesis (T1)
Psychosynthesis was conceived by the Italian psychiatrist Roberto Assagioli (1888-1974) and is a unified conception of human development and an organised system of techniques which can be applied in the fields of therapy, education and medicine.
It is concerned with the realisation of individual potential and harmonisation of all elements of the personality. Among the methods used are creative visualisation, free drawing, the training of the will, physical expression, writing, disidentification, meditation, interpersonal and group work.
Psychotherapy (T1)
Psychotherapy is the use of psychological methods, that aims to improve an individual's well-being and mental health, to resolve or mitigate troublesome behaviours, beliefs, compulsions, thoughts, emotions, psychosexual and intimacy issues; to improve relationships and social skills.
Approved Practitioners:
- Affiliate Member of The National Council of Psychotherapists (ANCP) (or equivalent)
Public Speaking (T1)
Engaging in speaking live in front of an audience, or on video, for the purpose of motivation and inspiration.
Encouraging the personal development of the individuals making up the audience. Speaking topics based around the business practices covered by this policy.
- Excludes financial, legal and investment advice
- Providing the speaker is delivering the speech at a 3rd party organised talks/events and is not organising the events themselves and the event organiser has the appropriate PL in place for the event itself.
Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy (T1)
PET is a non-invasive therapy developed in recent decades used to great benefit by thousands of people. Each individual-specific pulsed magnetic frequency pattern can be adjusted and fine-tuned for optimum bio-energetic balance and benefits. The therapy helps with increasing circulation, decreasing inflammation, accelerating bone healing, enhancing muscle function, reducing the effects of stress, improving blood oxygenation, sleep management, energy clearing, mental focus, stress reduction, improved energy etc
Quantum Holographic Echo Healing (T1)
Alignment of the chakras, clearing past emotional blockages, releasing past life memory, allowing the client to talk through this process, clearing the body's energy field and re-setting a positive thought pattern working through ancestral memories.
Quantum Physics Therapy (T1)
Using the power of the mind to both visualise then manifest exactly what is required in your life to help achieve an emotional balance and achieve your goals.
Quantum-Touch (T1)
In principal the Quantum-Touch practitioner learns to focus and amplify life-force energy ("Chi" or "Prana") by combining various breathing and body awareness exercises.
- Cover excludes practice on TV/radio or other media shows.
Radical Forgiveness (T1)
Forgiveness, is often regarded as 'letting bygones be bygones'. The need to forgive vs. the need to condemn can be a struggle and establishing forgiveness may still leave the 'will never forget' status. Radical Forgiveness, on the other hand, is simple, easy to do and effective immediately. Easy to do and requiring no special knowledge, skill or guru. Radical Forgiveness is not really something one does; it is a spiritual viewpoint one is willing to take.
Radionics (T1)
Radionics is a methodology for the detection and manipulation of subtle energies linked to physical matter: animal, vegetable or mineral. It is generally known as a system of vibrational healing wherein curiously configured black boxes are used to detect and treat disease conditions of a living body, be it animal or vegetable, anywhere in the universe. Radionics instruments consist generally of a circuit of resistors or capacitors arranged in a specific pattern or order, which provides a stable system of rates which may be dialed in to set the instrument for various organs or disease patterns. The mystery of the black boxes is no mystery once one understands the relationship between form, matter and energy.
Rahanni Celestial Healing (T1)
You remain clothed at all times, only taking off your shoes/footwear if desired. Either sitting in a chair or lying on a couch, the Practitioner will then connect to the Celestial Pink Angels and channel the healing light to the client through their hands, touch will be involved to gain the full benefit. The session usually lasts between 20mins to 40mins depending on the individual, you may feel warmth or a coolness in varying degrees and sometimes a light tingling sensation, usually a sense of peace and relaxation arises during the process. Rahanni means "Of One Heart" and is a gentle, yet highly effective therapy that heals very deeply at heart level. It can release negative energy and fears which we have accumulated from challenging experiences. Rahanni balances the masculine and feminine energies. It can bring a feeling of deep inner peace to the mind and body. Rahanni works on a high vibrational level therefore healing in a deep way. Rahanni works through a pink ray of light balancing the heart centre and healing emotions. It brings truth, love and compassion to each individual soul.
Rainbow Motion (T1)
Rainbow Motion offers a unique blend free dance, flowing movement, yoga, music, chanting and creative visualisation meditation. Rainbow Motion helps to release emotion in a positive way; it balances the body, calms the mind and nourishes the soul.
Rambler (T1)
To walk in groups through the countryside or idyllic villages, staying on designated pathways. Following a full written risk assessment of the routes to be taken unless keeping to designated pathways where prior risk assessment has been performed by land owners.
Rapeh Ceremony (T1)
Rapeh Ceremony is a traditional ritual involving the use of a sacred tobacco snuff called rap. This ceremony, practiced by Amazonian tribes, aims to clear, align, and ground one's energy, often facilitated by a shaman or guide who administers the rap through the nostrils using a specially designed pipe called tepi or kiripe.
- Robust Health & Safety protocols must be in place
- Sanitisation and infection control protocols must be in place
- Written parental consent must be obtained for any services performed on/with/for minors
Rapid Results Consultancy (T1)
Acting as a Consultant for Rapid Results in the field of business development, assisting business to develop across all areas of activity especially sales and profits.
- This cover is subject to and specific to Consultants acknowledged by Rapid Results as acting under their franchise or licence.
Raynor Massage (T1)
Using deep tissue massage, stretches and adjustments and working with the bodys energy systems to release both physical and emotional tension.
Reality Therapy (T1)
The core of Reality Therapy is the idea that regardless of what has 'happened' to us, what we may have done, or how our needs may have been unmet or violated in the past, to be happy and effective we must live and plan in the present.
It enables people to clarify how they can best fulfil their needs; to evaluate their own behaviours and make more effective and satisfying choices, both now and in the future and, importantly, without infringing the needs of others.
Reconnective Healing (T1)
Reconnective Healing is a form of healing that reconnects us to the fullness of the universe as it reconnects us to the fullness of our beings and of who we are. It is considered to be able to reconnect us to the universe and to our very essence not just through a new set of healing frequencies, but through possibly an entirely new bandwidth.
Recruitment Consulting (T3)
Working with organisations to help, advise and conduct/assist with their recruitment and selection processes. Including: creating a job description and person specification for the role(s); attracting candidates by drafting advertising copy for use in a range of media, as well as by networking, headhunting and through referrals; receiving and reviewing applications, including background checks; designing interview questions and assessment criteria; organising, managing and conducting the interview process; creating, managing and delivering assessment tests; assessing potential suitability for the role based on agreed criteria; creating a shortlist of candidates.
Reference Point Therapy (RPT) (T1)
A healing modality which works on clearing trauma by tracing it back to the original reference point, or anchor, for that trauma.
Reflective Repatterning (T1)
Reflective Repatterning is a psychological framework that uncovers very deeply held unconscious, conflicting values, emotions and belief patterns. The RR framework then clears the charge that creates friction between these patterns, leaving the receiver feeling calm, clearer and stronger.
Reflexology (T1)
A form of massage in which pressure is applied to certain parts of the body in order to promote relaxation and healing elsewhere in the body. A science based on the belief that each part of the body is interconnected through the nervous system to various parts of the body. Stimulating specific reflex points in the body can bring needed nutrients to poorly functioning areas of the body. This can help restore balance throughout the body.
Reiki (T1)
Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation and reduces stress and anxiety. Reiki practitioners use their hands to deliver energy to the body, improving the flow and balance of the energy to support healing. There are different types of Reiki that may be practised such as, but not limited to, Usui Reiki, Anusha Reiki, Jukiden Reiki, Rainbow Reiki, Imara Reiki, Tibetan Reiki, Crystal Reiki, Kundalini Reiki etc.
Relationship Consultation (T1)
Consultation, advice and training on the management of inappropriate behaviour in relationships in particular where relationships have, or are about to, break down. Such consultation, advice and training may be appropriate for, but is not limited to, parents and their teenage children, the staff of educational establishments and students or pupils in their charge, and romantic/couple relationships etc. The outcomes sought are a change in behavioural patterns and this often involve a change of thinking on the part of both parties.
Relaxation Therapy (T1)
The use of simple relaxation and breathing exercises to enable an individual to relax.
Relocation Advice Service (T1)
To provide advice on housing, schools and settling in for people moving to the UK from abroad, or who are moving around within the UK.
Remote Viewing (T1)
The technique to use the coordinates of a person's name/animal/or object to reveal details of either a diagnosis of a list of ailments within the person, or to describe a scene of an object anywhere within the world.
Report Preparation (T1)
To prepare and or audit a report(s) as disclosed to and agreed in writing by the underwriters agents.
- Subject to: The report-writing role ends at the report-writing audit stage and the writer is not responsible for ensuring that the plan is carried out in the correct manner.
Please note that all cases for this class of cover are considered on an individual basis, so acceptance of cover for this class of business area is NOT automatic.
Reproductive Reflexology (T1)
Reproductive Reflexology can be used as a stand-alone treatment to enhance the clients natural fertility or with all forms of assisted conception including Clomid, IUI, IVF and ICSI. Reproductive Reflexologists are specially trained, using structured and prescriptive treatment protocols, to support couples through all phases of their assisted conception programme.
Researcher (T1)
Working as a market researcher as a member of, or adopting the core principals of, the Code of Conduct of the MRS. The research may involve carrying out research with focus groups or individual interviews or questionnaires; usually this would be staff members or service users of organisations. The organisations would provide topic areas / questions they would like asked. The researcher will collect the data, write it up and feedback verbally or in writing to managers. Recommendations based on the research findings may be made, but this is not a professional advisory role.
- Cover is conditional upon, and strictly subject to, all activity being research only and no work being undertaken in medical or engineering industries.
Respite Care and Tuition (T3)
Respite care and tuition for children and young people with special educational needs (S.E.N.). Supporting children from birth to 25 years of age, to access leisure activities in the community, providing personal care, development of emotional literacy, functional life skills, administration of medications (strictly in accordance with prescription only), providing the family with respite from their care duties, support after surgery, etc. Specialising in child-centred care which involves developing strong trusting relationships with children and young people, forming healthy attachments which facilitate the children's capacity to learn and improve their mental health.
- Excludes provision of overnight care. The insured must be DBS checked with no prior claims on file.
Reverse Therapy (T1)
Reverse Therapy is the name associated with the Reverse Therapy Organisation's unique service.
It is a Bodymind healing process in which the Reverse Therapist teaches the client to attune to and understand the messages that the client's Bodymind is trying to communicate through the symptoms.
In this way Reverse therapy is really an educational process in which the client is taught how to eliminate the Bodys need to produce symptoms.
With the help of the therapist the client puts into words and action the underlying needs indicated by the symptom-message. These include the need for protection, self-assertion, intimacy and joy.
Records are used to track the effect of the client's actions on reducing the symptoms and to gather more information about other situations that trigger increases in the symptoms.
Rewind Technique (T2)
The Rewind Technique (also known as Fast Phobia Cure and Visual-Kinaesthetic Dissociation (VKD)) is a non-intrusive, safe and highly effective psychological method for de-traumatising people. This technique can bring relief after a difficult experience. It neutralises the disturbing feelings associated with the trauma you have experienced. The memory of what happened still exists, but it no longer provokes anxiety, panic, guilt, anger or sadness allowing you to move forward with your life. It is achieved by creating a safe space to tell the story, deep relaxation, and learning coping techniques. This technique helps with dealing phobias, anxiety, stress, traumatic birth experience etc.
Approved Practitioners:
- Subject to individuals being fully trained and qualified in the techniques offered.
Rhythmic Movement Training (T1)
Rhythmic Movement Training is a drug free approach to help physical, emotional, behavioural and cognitive challenges. It is a specialised movement programme for children and adults to develop their visual, auditory, motor, tactile and balance senses. The RMT movements replicate the natural rhythmic type movements that infants make which are necessary to integrate the primitive reflexes. The Infant Reflexes are responsible for developing and maturing the wiring system in the brain that should take place starting in utero and up to 4 years, ready for going into the learning environment to learn with enjoyment, adventure and with ease. This programme is movement based and natural. It is enjoyable to give and receive and can bring about profound and life-long results.
Rhythmic Movement Training International (T1)
Rhythmic Movement Training International (RMTi) is a reflex and sensory integration programme based on movements and other activities that replicate our earliest movement patterns to establish, strengthen or retrain the foundations of posture, central nervous system (CNS) maturity, sensory processing, memory, learning, emotions and behaviour. The movements used in RMTi were first devised in Sweden in the 1970s by self-taught therapist Kerstin Linde. Moira Dempsey has been instrumental in expanding the programme to included primitive reflex integration, sensory processing and kinesiology information and processes.
Runes (T1)
The runes are an ancient alphabet developed by the Norse and later expanded by the Anglo-Saxons. Each letter has an associated meaning. Typically drawn or carved onto small discs of wood the runes are dropped onto a cloth and the patterns they make are then interpreted.
Rune reading revolves around the belief that the runes can be used to gain insight into the past, current and possible future situations of the subject. Some believe they are guided by a spiritual force, such as Gaia, while others believe the runes help them tap into a collective unconscious or their own creative subconscious.
Sacred Esoteric Healing (T1)
This is a gentle hands on energetic healing modality whereby the practitioner gently places their hands on to specific areas of the clients fully clothed body in precise configurations intended to allow the body to restore harmony.
Scalar Energy Healing (T2)
This is an energy healing but it uses a device that harvests energy called Scalar. This therapy can be undertaken in person with the person sitting between the two scalar devices or else by distance. It can recharge the cells and give you the energy needed to feel healthy and contented at the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level. It is aiming to enhance the body's own ability to self-heal.
- Device must be MHRA Approved.
Scar Tissue Release Therapy (T3)
Scar Tissue Release Therapy may involve a variety of gentle techniques used to decrease discomfort, fascial adhesions, dark colouring or congestion of scar tissue. The techniques may range from manual massage, diaphragm release, stretches, deep breathing techniques and myofascial release to the use of instrument assisted soft tissue mobilisation, deep oscillation devices, massage equipment and mechanical aids, use of lubricants, silicone sheeting/gel etc
Scenar Therapy (T1)
Scenar therapy is a holistic form of treatment which stimulates the nervous system and teaches it to heal itself. Electrical impulses, the parameters of which are similar to endogenous nerve impulses, are transmitted through the skin to the nervous system. Fast-reacting, informational biofeedback means that each impulse is different from the previous one.
Scenar action influences adaptive processes of the organism and helps to harmonize them. In response to Scenar impulses the nervous system releases neuropeptides. They are delivered into the blood stream and broken down into many compounds which are themselves, bioactive. As a result, homeostasis is gradually and gently restored.
School Inspector (T1)
Reporting on achievement and standards of teaching, behaviour and leadership and management on behalf of Ofsted.
Sclerotherapy / Microsclerotherapy (T5)
Sclerotherapy and Microsclerotherapy is the treatment of varicose/spider/thread veins in the legs. Medicine injected into the blood or lymph vessels over a period of time causes the veins to shrink and reduce in appearance. This is a non surgical procedure requiring only an injection.
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
- Phlebotomist
Seated Chair massage (T1)
Seated Chair massage covers four areas, (shoulders, back, scalp, arms) in a seated position sometimes using an upright apparatus. Seated Massage is also known as "On Site Chair Massage" and "Acupressure Massage". It is an extremely popular therapy due to its versatility and the fact that clothing does not need to be removed. It can be carried out in almost any setting from offices to the gym or even outdoors, at all types of events.
Secret Shopping (T1)
Secret shopping can be defined as the use of individuals trained to experience and measure any customer service process, by acting as potential customers and in some way reporting back their experiences in a detailed and objective way. Secret shoppers provide customer service feedback to businesses as undercover shoppers. They visit eateries, shops and other businesses, posing as regular customers while observing the location's cleanliness, staff courtesy and other issues that concern the priorities of the business. The secret shopper provides the feedback in the form of a report to the Secret Shopping company and at that point the secret shoppers responsibility ends.
Secretarial/admin or PA (T1)
Secretarial work involving: data work - inputting and managing/producing data: Book-keeping - some basic book-keeping but not full time: Telephone - answering/making telephone calls as required: Diary management - arranging meetings: Travel arrangements - making travel/hotel bookings.
Sedona Method (T1)
The Sedona method is a technique, not unlike coaching, but one that specialises in dealing with letting go of any unwanted emotion and allowing some of the suppressed energy in our subconscious to dissipate.
The benefits claimed are overcoming the way in which we each constantly sabotage our health, happiness and success unintentionally, due to our unresolved thinking, beliefs and attitudes. Yet even when we know a thought, belief or attitude is not serving us, most of us find it very difficult to change it or let it go. The reason for this problem is very simple: our emotions colour, create, and lock these limitations in place, making the limitations supposedly real. It is our emotions that either put us into action or prevent us from acting. The Sedona Method will show you how to master your emotions, thereby mastering how you think and act and therefore how you feel.
Seichim Healing (T1)
Seichim or Faith or divine healing, is the use of spiritual means in treating disease, sometimes accompanied (in extreme instances) with the refusal of modern medical techniques. Another term for this is spiritual healing. Faith healing is a form of alternative medicine.
Semi-Permanent Makeup (T3)
The introduction of inert pigment to the dermis via machine or manually.
- Provided that the Insured has received training from an accredited and regulated training provider, and treatment will not proceed in the existence of any contra-indications.
Sensory Movement & Play (T1)
Sensory Movement and Play (also known as Messy Play) is a class for babies, children and young adults. The class may include the use of a range of instruments, equipment, and resources (some of which may be battery operated light-up equipment) to stimulate all the senses: touch, smell, taste, movement, balance, sight and hearing. The infants and children are encouraged to explore, investigate, create, dance and play (physical play, social play, construction play, fantasy/imagination play and/or games with rules) which leads to the child's ability to complete more complex learning tasks. The infants and children may spend time with their parents and with the instructor doing directed activities.
- Robust Health & Safety protocols must be in place
- The parents are responsible for the well-being of the child at all times. Safeguarding protocols must be in place.
Sewing/Tailoring and Pattern Cutting (T2)
The act of fastening or attaching objects (clothes, fabrics, apparel) using stitches made with a sewing needle and thread using hands or a sewing machine, as well as making or altering garments (such as suits, jackets, and dresses) typically to fit a particular person. Pattern cutting is the process of creating templates or patterns that serve as the foundation for constructing garments. This technique involves taking measurements and translating them into flat shapes that can be used to cut fabric accurately.
Shadow Work Therapy (T1)
Shadow work is a process that helps an individual to work with their shadow selves to eradicate negative effects and to integrate the separate parts of themselves into one whole. It helps individuals develop self-awareness and ultimately, self-acceptance and compassion. The process works by allowing the individual to feel, acknowledge and understand the hidden parts of their being which leads to moments of awakening and achieving greater authenticity, creativity, and emotional freedom. Other benefits include, but are not limited to improved relationships through understanding themselves and accepting others; increased energy and improved immune system; overall enhanced state of wellbeing and mood, better communication with others; ability to set boundaries in their life etc.
- Excludes financial, legal and investment advice
Shamanic Healing (T1)
It is claimed that Shamanismis the oldest spiritual practice known to humankind. It dates back tens of thousands of years. Although the word 'shaman" is a Siberian word, Shamanism has been practiced throughout all areas of the world. It has seen cultures rise and fall. The fact that it has survived and thrived is testament to its power and use.
Throughout its long and varied history, Shamanism has taken many forms appropriate to the culture it has found itself in. Therapeutic Shamanism combines the principles of Shamanic work with those of modern counselling and psychotherapy.
A Shamanic journey of discovery will offer you a unique healing session that will shine the light into the colours of your soul and give you a beautiful new image of yourself. There are a wide range of powerful Shamanic healing techniques such as soul retrieval, extraction, and past life healing, the healing session is true soul medicine.
Shen Therapy (T1)
It is a hands on technique that works directly with the emotions deep in the body. SHEN practice is a science based form of biofield therapeutics that adheres to the physics of the biofield as deduced by Richard R Pavek. SHEN stands for Specific Human Emotional Nexus and helps uncover and resolve old emotional issues safely, creating real positive change when talk and other therapies no longer help, or when you have become stuck in life.
Approved Practitioners:
- Certified SHEN therapists only
Shiatsu (T1)
Treatment of symptoms by applying pressure with the fingers to specific pressure points on the body.
Shockwave Therapy (T2)
Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive, out-patient alternative to surgery for those suffering from many joint and tendon disorders. Shockwave Therapy sends acoustic shock waves into bone or soft tissue, in effect reinjuring the area on a cellular level and breaking up the scarring that has penetrated tendons and ligaments. The controlled reinjuring of tissue allows the body to regenerate blood vessels and bone cells. The resulting revascularization leads to faster healing and often a return to pre-injury activity levels. It is a treatment using powerful acoustic pulses which is mostly used in physical therapy and orthopedics. In the cosmetic industry, this therapy is used to stimulate lymphatic drainage, encourage the breakdown of fat cells and cellulite reduction, induce skin tightening etc.
Approved Practitioners:
- The insured must be qualified in Shockwave Therapy use.
Sign Language (T1)
The teaching of Sign Language (any means of communication through bodily movements, especially of the hands and arms, used when spoken communication is impossible or not desirable). This may be offered to individuals or groups and includes working with all age groups, babies, children, adults, families etc.
- When working with minors, the parent/carer must be present and is responsible for the care of their child at all times.
SimplyHealed Method (T1)
SimplyHealed is a type of energy therapy using kinesiology developed by Carolyn Cooper. Blending the art of healing with cutting-edge research, The Carolyn Cooper SimplyHealed Method is a graceful method of healing that clears negative emotions on all levels in an easy, non-invasive way. It is simple, proven and effective. Everyone can use this process, from the novice to the professional. Similar to a kinesiology session it involves client consultation and muscle testing. The practitioner aligns all of the energy systems to restore balance and harmony to the body. This powerful method of healing changes energy patterns as well as subconscious beliefs.
Singing/Vocal Instruction (T1)
Teaching individuals or groups, singing skills and vocal projection. To also include pitch tone and range. This can be to increase singing skill or to help release any blocked emotions.
Skin Boosters (T5)
Including but not limited to Redensity, Jalupro Profhil. Skin Boostersare micro-injections of fillers in theskin. They stimulate production of collagen and elastin. They hydrate, firm and actually rebuild new, younger-looking skin cells.
- Needlestick Injury Policy must be in place
- The injector must have a right of recourse against the supplier/manufacturer and products are purchased from the local supplier/representative only who holds full products coverage and a written right of recourse against the manufacturer, wherever based.
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
- Phlebotomist
Sleep Coach (T1)
A sleep coach helps clients identify sleep goals and encourages them to self-determine ways to achieve those goals without specific direction. A sleep coach helps clients identify what sleep training approaches resonate and are comfortable with them. Coaches are non-judgmental and do not provide therapy or tell clients what they should do. Coaching is a collaborative process between client and coach, designed to encourage the client to make the journey for him/herself through a process of questions intended to tap into the client's own belief system. A sleep coach continues to work with clients while they implement their action plans, serves to motivate and encourage his/her clients, holds them accountable to their goals and plans, helps them understand the consequences of their choices, and supports them throughout the process.
- Strictly subject to there being no administration of any drugs.
Sleep Consultation (T1)
A sleep consultant promotes informed decision-making and provides non-medical advice, support, guidance, expertise, research, information, education and resources based on client needs. Additionally, a professional sleep consultant relies on evidence-based research and techniques to provide specific information, solutions, and action steps clients should take to create healthy sleep habits that are developmentally and age appropriate. A professional sleep consultant may integrate coaching techniques by helping clients identify their own sleep goals and which sleep training approaches that resonate and are comfortable for them, and supporting their clients during the implementation of the sleep plan.
- Strictly subject to there being no administration of any drugs.
Social Skills Development (T2)
Working with an individual or group to aid the development of strategies and techniques for effective communication and interaction with others. This can include verbal and non-verbal communication such as speech, gesture, facial expression, and body language. Supports children and adults who lack social skills, including those with Special Educational Needs.
Somatic Coach (T1)
Somatic coaching moves the centre of learning from the mind into the body. It allows the person to access all aspects of their intelligenceintellectual, emotional, and physical.
Somatic Experiencing Therapy (T1)
Somatic Experiencing Therapy is a body-based approach designed to help the client overcome trauma (PTSD), shock and stress. While the client talks, the therapist observes the client's reactions and body sensations and guides them to gently release physical tensions, emotions and energy related to the trauma as they arise in the session, at a pace, and in a way that best supports their return to a natural state of wellbeing. The approach aims to help them safely release or discharge the energy buildup from the body so the client can, over time, remove the trigger. SE can also include Touch Therapy in order to release trauma symptoms.
Sophrology (T1)
Sophrology means is a life-balancing technique that aims to create an alert mind in a relaxed body, by combining breathing, visualization, gentle movement and relaxation techniques to bring both body and mind into harmony.
Soul Care for Pets End of Life Doula (T1)
There is very little personal help and support for pet owners when it comes to facing the potential loss of their beloved pet. Not knowing what options there are with regard to what happens when their pet passes. This course provides the practitioner with the skills to enable and empower them to help and guide clients through this highly emotional and distressing time. This course covers numerous areas that a person/family facing the loss of their pet will face, giving them comfort and knowledge that they do not have to go through this process on their own. As long as the practitioner is qualified to provide therapies (if not they can signpost others), the pet, with the owners consent, will receive healing. Being able to provide various types of healing (e.g. Reiki, spiritual healing), massage, animal communication, animal healing energy, chakra healing is something that the practitioner would, again if qualified, be able to provide. Being able to liaise in a professional manner with any professional body (e.g. vet) family, and friends that may also be affected during this emotional period is also something the practitioner will be skilled to provide. Grief is very personal and the practitioner will be trained in recognising the various stages of grief and will be able to provide the client with emotional support. This course will enable the practitioner to aid the client through the grief process, manage their pain through healing and help them to accept the loss of their pet in a way that will help them through this stressful and emotional period.
Soul Plan Reading (T1)
Soul Plan Reading is a modernised system of soul direction analysis and life purpose guidance. Individual counselling utilises the sound vibration of your birth name (as it appears on your birth certificate) and may also take into account the name you are now using.
Soul Plan Reading has been derived from the ancient text Sepher Yetzirah and the Numerology of Moses through Frank Alper 1930 -2007.
In this present format, Soul Plan Reading is a remarkably powerful and accurate system of life purpose guidance, spiritual counselling and healing, which has been modernised by Blue Marsden founder of Holistic Healing College. Furthermore it has been expanded upon to include name optimisation, business readings, relationship compatibility and healing of core limiting beliefs and redundant patterns and issues.
SoulLife (T1)
A session would first tune to the client and using colour assess their personality, health, challenges and strengths. There is conversation (listening) and from there the therapist would decide on which meditation to guide their client to where they might benefit most (actually the clients soul directs them) The therapist is merely a facilitator and will be asking questions and never leading or suggesting to the client. It is a gentle meditation and even if energy healing is administered this is done without touching and using colour.
SoulTalk (T1)
The SoulTalk Method is a program that enables you to locate and overcome your unconscious blocks that keep you from moving forward in life. It is a unique approach to mental and emotional wellness.
It combines elements of modern psychology, alternative healing, body polarity work, neuroscience, and years of original research and hands on experience. Once unconscious limitations have been located and removed on any given issue, you are left with the potent power you were born with to make deliberate and conscious choices. You may find yourself no longer living the life you were handed, but choose to create a life of your design and choice.
SoulTalk (T1)
The SoulTalk Method is a program that enables you to locate and overcome your unconscious blocks that keep you from moving forward in life. It is a unique approach to mental and emotional wellness.
It combines elements of modern psychology, alternative healing, body polarity work, neuroscience, and years of original research and hands on experience. Once unconscious limitations have been located and removed on any given issue, you are left with the potent power you were born with to make deliberate and conscious choices. You may find yourself no longer living the life you were handed, but choose to create a life of your design and choice.
Sound Healing / Vibrational Therapy (T1)
Sound Healing / Vibrational Therapy is the therapeutic application of sound frequencies/vibrations to the body, mind, certain body parts, acupuncture/meridian points and/or around the energy field of a person with the intention of bringing them into a state of harmony and health. The frequencies/vibrations can be transmitted to a person in a number of ways, through: voice(s) (the customers/practitioners/others) live musical instruments recorded music through a loudspeaker or headphones tuning forks, singing bowls, gongs and other instruments that cause vibration
Spa Facilities (T3)
Use of hot tub, saunas, steam rooms and spas either prior to a therapy or as a therapy in itself.
- Robust Health & Safety and wet floor exposure protocols must be in place
Spagyric remedies (T1)
Spagyric remedies have their roots in ancient Hermetic, Egyptian and medieval alchemy. It is a technique used to extract the essence of materials (including plants, herbs, minerals, metals etc) based on the three kingdoms of nature; fire, water, and earth and then recombine them to create a single essence which will contain superior properties. Its aim is to treat various physical and mental conditions by addressing the root-cause dysfunctions and regulating the body for optimal functioning and restoring the patient to their natural, healthy state.
- Excludes use of any CBD products.
Special effects/theatrical make up/airbrush make up (T1)
Application of wigs, false hair, prosthetics, latex, foam, paints etc.
Spectrum Therapy (T1)
Emotional & Psychological Freedom and additional resources. This involves trying to help people overcome PTSD and other emotional and psychological difficulties that are prohibiting them from moving forwards in life.
Speech and Language Therapy (T1)
A therapy, generally for children and young people, aimed at improving communications skills that are characterised by speech disorders such as autism and disfluency.
Spinology (T1)
Improve and maintain the dynamic relationship between spinal movement and nervous system function, as well as development of new neural circuits and enhanced nervous system capacity to increase overall performance. Some spinology therapies may have their own course/brand names such as Buttafly Technique.
Spiritual Accompaniment (T1)
A Spiritual Accompaniment practitioner is trained and undertakes to accompany spiritual seekers (who may or may not be members of religious bodies) to explore their yearning for deeper meaning and purpose in their lives, which can appropriately be called spiritual through conversation in an atmosphere of trust.
Spiritual Healing (T1)
Spiritual Healing or Faith Healing is the use of solely spiritual means in treating disease, sometimes accompanied with the refusal of modern medical techniques.
Sport Massage (T1)
Sport massage is the practice of applying structured or unstructured pressure, tension, motion, or vibration manually or with mechanical aids to the soft tissues of the body, including muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, joints and lymphatic vessels, to achieve a beneficial response.
Sport massage is specifically directed so as to be beneficial for anyone engaged in sport.
Sport Taping (T1)
Athletic taping is by far the most widely used technique, and it is a rigid or semi-rigid taping technique. It is primarily used for acute injuries and prevention of injuries. It is generally applied prior to a sporting activity and removed immediately after.
- Excludes treating high profile/professional sports people
Sports and Exercise Nutritional Advisor (T1)
Address your clients fitness goals and design a personalised nutritional plan Educate and appraise your client Provide guidelines for a balanced intake of nutrients to help with your clients goals Inform about the benefits of proper hydration and the risks of dehydration Check on food intake through questions and dietary journals Encourage your client to follow a varied diet and healthy lifestyle Work with your client to implement strategies for new healthy habits to stick Follow up on nutritional improvements Rehearse and adjust an eating plan where necessary
Sports Coaching (T1)
A sports coach works with individuals to help them achieve their fitness and sporting goals. This can be done through a positive mindset, exercise, diet and lifestyle choices.
- Excluding participant to participant injury or any contact sports coaching.
Sports Injury Therapy (T1)
Sports injury therapy is a therapeutic approach to preventing or treating injuries affecting the muscles, joints, ligaments or tendons. It incorporates various techniques, including but not limited to stretching, exercises, strengthening and mobilising the affected area, during the treatment process.
- Excludes work for or on behalf of premiership clubs including their associated youth teams.
Approved Practitioners:
- Must be qualified at the level of FA Intermediate Treatment and Management of Injuries Course or equivalent, and also have a minimum of 2 years relevant practical experience
Sports Instructor (T1)
Providing sessions in sports and activities to individuals who may want to be more healthy or have a better understanding. Building confidence by helping individuals to partake in different sport and activity sessions. To run and manage these sessions. Giving instruction and advice relevant to the activity.
- Excluding participant to participant injury. For the purposes of this endorsement, participant shall mean any individual participating in any sporting activity arranged by the insured. In all other respects the policy remains unaltered.
Spray Tanning (T1)
Airbrush tanning of the skin with a spray gun.
Story Massage (T1)
The Story Massage is a type of massage that combines massage strokes with the fun and creativity of words whether as story, rhyme, song etc. It is intended for individuals of all ages and abilities. Some of the benefits include: improved calmness and concentration, increased self-confidence, self-awareness and self-esteem, improved social skills, increased engagement in activities, better communication, building respect and positive relationships. The Story Massage may also have educational element if used to fit the national curriculum.
Storydance (T1)
Guiding children and adults through a story, dance and movement and art for inner journeying, growth and development.
Storytelling (T1)
Storytelling is the social and cultural activity of sharing stories, sometimes with improvisation, theatrics or embellishment. Every culture has its own stories or narratives, which are shared as a means of entertainment, education, cultural preservation, instilling moral values or it may be used for therapeutic purposes.
Stress Counselling (T1)
The most commonly accepted definition of stress (mainly attributed to Richard S Lazarus) is that stress is a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilise. Stress counselling is working with individuals so they take charge of and control the stress they experience to fall within the resources they have available
Stress Management (T1)
The most commonly accepted definition of stress (mainly attributed to Richard S Lazarus) is that stress is a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilise. Stress Management is working with individuals so they may manage their stress to within the resources they have available.
Stress Massage (T1)
Massage originated in Sweden. Swedish body massage is the original massage technique involving a sequence of movements working superficially and deeper into the tissue layers.
Stress massage is Swedish Massage that concentrates and specialises in the relief of stress in the patient.
Sugaring (T1)
Removal of excess hair on the face and body using a sugar paste
Supervised Visitation (T2)
Supervised visitation allows a parent to visit with their child under the supervision of another individual, such as a family member or a social worker. The visit may take place at the parents home or in a designated visitation facility. Judges typically order supervised visitation when the visiting parents fitness is in question or if there have been allegations of abuse or domestic violence. The purpose of supervised visitation is to ensure that parents have an opportunity to maintain contact with their children in a structured environment that is both safe and comfortable for the child. The supervising individual observes and supervises the contact between the child and non-resident parent to ensure the safety of those involved.
Supply Teacher (T1)
Acting as a Supply Teacher and/or providing additional teaching facilities such as lectures, tutorials and examination materials and marking on formal subjects.
- Only up to, but not beyond, the formal qualification held by the teacher.
Support Broker (T1)
A support broker helps an individual in receipt of a budget from the local authority to make a plan of how to best use their budget in accordance with the outcomes agreed with the local authority social work services. That plan is reviewed and when it is fully agreed by social services, the broker helps the individual to put the agreed arrangements and services in place. Working in the Social Care Sector, assisting clients in putting support arrangements in place. Not involved with, or responsible for, anyones finances.
Surge of Chi Exerciser (T1)
Surge of Chi Exerciser (which we understand is a Registered trade mark) provides stress free aerobic exercise while laying flat on your back. It consists of a cushioned rest on which you rest your ankles and a 'passive' exercise that you lay on. Electric motors gently exercise both your back and your ankles. It can relax into a rhythmic motion, releasing the tension many people tend to hold in their hips, lower back, shoulders and neck.
Sustainable Living Consultancy (T1)
Assisting clients to become more socially and environmentally responsible in how they operate. Raising awareness and promoting clean, eco-friendly and sustainable lifestyles to those looking to reduce their carbon footprint and make more ethical and environmentally friendly choices in day-to-day life. The services may include but are not limited to, assessing current lifestyle choices, discussing personal goals and what changes one needs to make, providing guidance etc.
- Excludes financial, legal and investment advice
- Excluding abuse advice.
Swedish Massage (T1)
Body massage originated in Sweden. Swedish body massage is the original massage technique involving a sequence of movements working superficially and deeper into the tissue layers.
Movements such as effleurage work over the skin with the palm of the hand producing relaxation, whereas movements like petrissage work deeply.
Petrissage movements such as wringing and kneading will help to relieve tension promoting deep relaxation in the tissues and muscles.
As no two people are alike, the body massage sequence will be adapted to the client's needs. Areas massaged in a full body massage are normally, legs, arms front of shoulders, abdomen (optional) back of legs or thigh and back.
T-Journey (T1)
T-Journey is a emotional release technique. It is a non-invasive therapy that harnesses the powers of meridian energy techniques, deep tissue massage, meditation, breath therapy and personal development training and relationship consultancy. The techniques employed in T-Journey serve as personal development tools, a key ingredient in physical, emotional and mental health. The techniques bring physical and emotional stress to the surface for release and integration. This clearing of blocked energy, negative beliefs and outworn habit patterns, unifies and integrates the body, mind, and spirit. Through T-Journey clients can seek to improve their overall well-being and relationships.
Tai chi (T1)
Tai chi is an internal Chinese martial art. Tai chi is typically practised for a variety of reasons: its soft martial techniques, demonstration competitions, health and longevity. Consequently, there exist a multitude of training forms, both traditional and modern, which correspond to those aims. Some of Tai chi chuan's training forms are well known to Westerners as the slow motion routines that groups of people practice together every morning in parks around the world, particularly in China.
Talent Management (T1)
Assisting leaders, managers and HR professionals to more accurately identify their talented people so that they can develop them. Typically to identify talent you would be looking at their performance record and their future potential so there is a large element of performance but that is not the whole. Talent Management is an area of HR activity in the way as Performance Management. it is a more sophisticated version of performance management based on future needs.
Tanning (T1)
Hands on application of tanning products to produce a temporary tan.
Tanning Sessions (T3)
A controlled way to tan and can provide appropriate levels of UV to ensure sufficient levels of vitamin D are achieved and maintained.
Amendment of cover: use of sun beds
The following is added to What Is Not Covered,
1. the use of sun beds unless:
i. the tubes used within the equipment emit UVA and UVB rays only and
ii. the equipment is used, maintained and serviced in accordance with manufacturers instructions and
iii. the manufacturers training has been undertaken by all therapists operating or supervising the operation of the equipment and
iv. equipment used is under 5 years old and is owned, hired or leased and used exclusively by you and
v. a client record card is completed prior to each use and a Special Notice for the use of Tanning Equipment has been provided to the client and signed by the client prior to each use and
vi. protective goggles are provided to the client prior to each use and
vii. manufacturers warning signs are dearly displayed around the vicinity of the solarium and located at eye level and
viii. the equipment time settings are operated only by qualified therapists and the therapist responsible for supervising the operation of the equipment at the time of its use has checked that the timer is switched off at the end of each session and
ix. each sun bed operates an automatic shut off once the set time has elapsed and
x. you have provided us with a copy of your sun bed information leaflet which contains precautions of use and contraindications which is given to clients prior to the commencement of each tanning session and we have confirmed to you in writing that this is acceptable and
2. cancer arising from, or contributed to by, the use of sun beds.
Special notice use of sunbeds
Special notice: use of sun beds
Do not use if you
- are under 18 years of age
- burn easily or tan poorly
- are taking drugs or cosmetics known to be photosensitizing
- have had skin cancer
- have or suffer from sunburn or windburn.
Consult with your doctor before use if you:
- are taking a course of medication or other medical treatment Are pregnant
- have abnormally high or low blood pressure or circulatory problems Have a recent fracture or scar tissue.
You must:
- check with the operator as to your suitability for this treatment
- remove all perfumes, cosmetics, oils, deodorants etc before treatment
- wear the goggles provided at all time
- not exceed the recommended exposure time and frequency
- avoid the following treatment for 48 hours before and after use of tanning equipment (Aromatherapy Waxing or Sugaring Facial peeling Micropigmentation IPL or laser).
Use of tanning equipment should be restricted to 3 times a week with a break of at least 1 day between sessions.
Tapas Acupressure Technique (T1)
Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) is one of the new ENERGY PSYCHOLOGY techniques. It has been developed by Tapas Fleming, an American acupuncturist, to treat allergies.
It is an incredibly simple and fast technique used to treat the negative effects of allergies, trauma and beliefs.
This powerful Energy Psychology healing technique is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and uses a set of points on the head where many acupuncture meridians merge and enter the brain. Contact on these points opens up a flow of energy that allows the brain to rapidly process and release stuck information, thought patterns and beliefs.
Tarot Card Reading (T1)
The tarot (also known as tarocchi, tarock or similar names) is typically a set of tarot cards however, playing cards may be used instead. Tarot reading revolves around the belief that the cards can be used to gain insight into the past, current and possible future situations of the subject. Some believe they are guided by a spiritual force, such as Gaia, while others believe the cards help them tap into a collective unconscious or their own creative subconscious.
Tattoo Artist (T3)
A tattoo artists is someone who applies permanent decorative tattoos by inserting pigment into the skins dermis.
- Needlestick Injury Policy must be in place
- Sanitisation and infection control protocols must be in place
- 1) Excluding scarification 2) If working with minors, Insured must obtain parental consent prior to work carried out. 3) Provision of bloodborne pathogens/disease prevention certificates must be obtained 4) Aftercare plans given to all clients
Tattoo Removal (T4)
Tattoo removal is most commonly performed using lasers that break down the ink particles in the tattoo into smaller particles. This is typically done over a series of treatment sessions, the number of which depend upon the type and placement of the tattoo as well as the pigment of the skin.
- Patch test requirement applicable. Subject to a £1,500 excess
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- NVQ 3 Beauty Therapist (equivalent or above)
Tattoo/Permanent Make-up/Pigment Removal (T3)
Tattoo/permanent makeup/pigment removal is a process by which the skin is penetrated to break up the tattoo/permanent makeup/pigment and pull it out of the skin with a saline solution (salt + purified water) or alkaline-based solutions mixed with acids. Slower but safer than other tattoo removal methods this fading technique can be used in any area. The procedure is similar to tattooing or microblading but instead of injecting ink underneath the skin, it works in reverse, pulling the ink out and lightening the area.
- Skin type checks on the Fitzpatrick scale in place prior to treatment being provided.
Approved Practitioners:
- Practitioners must be qualified and trained in administering this treatment including the provision of before and after care guidance to the client.
Tatty Bumpkin (T1)
Tatty Bumpkin classes are are for children aged between approximately 2 yrs - 5 yrs and are inspired by yoga moves. Based around the amazing Tatty Bumpkin bendy doll, the doll is the secret weapon in engaging children, parents and teachers alike. Includes a mixture of stories, physical moves, music and interactive play.
TDP Lamp Therapy (Teding Diancibo Pu Lamp Therapy) (T2)
TDP Lamp Therapy (also known as Moxa Lamp) combine topical heating of the body and curing plate/disc that contain up to 33 minerals. Emission spectrum ranges from 1 to 25 microns. This type of therapy is commonly used (but not limited to) to accelerate the natural healing processes, treat muscular pain and tightness, help muscle spasms, minor sprains and strains, and minor muscular back pain, increase heat and blood flow.
- Excluding spinal manipulation techniques.
Teaching Acting (T1)
Working as a teacher or tutor involved with fundamental acting techniques, specialized voice training and the development of physical movement skills required for a drama setting usually for TV, film and theatre.
Team Building Exercises (T1)
Team building activities involves a group of participants working together to solve a practical problem or carry out a physical movement/achievement through specific use and order of the participants and equipment available. Encourages group thinking and trust of one another. Please note the following exercises are specifically excluded from cover: Wood Breaking, Concrete Block Breaking, Glasswalking, Firewalking, Needle through the Hand, Bar Bending.
TEAM Health Assessments (T2)
Traditional East Asian Medicine assessment is achieved through health assessments using four diagnostic methods to work out the imbalances and health conditions based on which treatment is put together. These methods include inspection (observation of the visible signs such as vitality, colour, appearance, secretion and excretions), listening & smelling (gathering information about the patient's voice, breathing, coughing, and odour), inquiring (asking various questions about patients' family history, major complaints, living states, diets, sleeping habits, and such like physical conditions and characteristics ) and palpation (examines patients' changes of internal organs and pulse).
Teeth Whitening (T3)
Gel is applied to teeth then blue LED lamp applied to enhance performance of gel to help remove built up stains from teeth and improve colour of teeth.
Approved Practitioners:
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
Thai Foot Massage (T1)
Thai Foot Massage is a massage of the hands, legs and feet that originated in Thailand about 2000 years ago. It is a part of traditional Thai massage and has elements of Shiatsu, Chinese massage and Yoga incorporated into the massage itself.
Thai Hot Herb Massage (T1)
This is very similar to hot stone massage but using herb compresses rather than stones.
Thai Yoga Massage (T1)
This is an ancient, Eastern form of bodywork. The treatment works on the body's sen (energy) lines and incorporates the use of acupressure, yogic stretches and twists as well as breath work.
Thai massage is a whole body technique. Attention is given to feet, legs, hips, the stomach, the lower and upper back, the shoulders, the head and face which is why sessions are often longer than many Western massages. Thai yoga massage is given in a meditative manner and is often called 'the physical application of loving kindness' because the giver wishes good health and happiness upon the receiver.
The Balance Procedure (T1)
The Balance Procedure (TBP) is a new powerful energy technique based on ancient philosophy and quantum science. TBP activates the Language of the Universe with nine symbol cards each representing a geometric symbol, affirmation, colour, number, zodiac, gemstone, element, planet, chakra, and physical aspect and how when all is Balanced, it is the key to the unconscious mind.
The Body Temple Method (T1)
It is a hands-on holistic therapy that is based on body massage techniques, including abdominal massage, some principles of reflexology and basic elements of manual lymphatic drainage. The therapy aims to help heal the womb, elevate menstrual pain, address reproductive-related concerns etc.
- Robust Health & Safety protocols must be in place
The Emotion Code (T1)
By removing trapped emotions this can relieve the patient of pain and emotional baggage.
The Journey (T1)
The Journey Process developed by Brandon Bays is a deceptively simple technique that facilitates emotional and physical self-healing in the shortest possible time.
The R.E.S.T Process (T1)
The R.E.S.T process is a psycho spiritual practice that combines psychological understanding and mindfulness. By bringing psychological understanding and awareness to our everyday challenges and transforming these challenges through self-awareness it aims to free individuals from self-limiting thoughts, emotions and pattern of behaviour.
- Excluding any Past Life Regression.
Therapeutic Touch Therapy (T1)
Providing healthy and nurturing platonic therapeutic touch therapy for health and well-being. This can include anything from just being present, to hand-holding, to simple massage techniques.
Therapist Supervision (T1)
Therapist Supervision is a structured process where a less experienced therapist receives mentorship and oversight from a more experienced clinician or supervisor. This professional relationship aims to enhance the supervisee's clinical competencies, ensure adherence to ethical standards, and promote the delivery of high-quality client care. The supervision process typically involves case discussions, exploration of therapeutic techniques, and ongoing professional development. It also provides a reflective space for the supervisee to receive constructive feedback, address any challenges, and manage the emotional demands associated with therapeutic practice. It may be used for different therapies insured by Westminster Insurance Ltd.
- The specific therapy being supervised must be listed.
Thermal Palms (T1)
Thermal Palms are a great alternative to hot stone massage. They are soft hand-held heat modalities which provide long lasting heat as they cushion and protect bone during massage.
Thermo-mechanical fractional injury (TMFI) (T3)
TMFI is a non-invasive innovative technology that offers a safe and effective method for improving skin quality. The thermal (heat) energy is emitted through a tip attached to the device, triggering the natural skin healing processes. This therapy promotes skin rejuvenation and regeneration, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, skin tightening, collagen production, improves scars, sun-damaged skin etc.
- Robust Health & Safety protocols must be in place
- Sanitisation and infection control protocols must be in place
- Written parental consent must be obtained for any services performed on/with/for minors
- Excluding treating pregnant and lactating women.
Theta DNA Healing (T1)
Theta DNA Healing is a focused method of meditation and prayer. When facilitated you will be guided through this process that will re-align and balance your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual bodies and energy fields.
We may or may not realise what is holding us back, whether it is to do with health, a relationship, a job or maybe other choices we made. All choices are made from our particular viewpoint at a particular time based around the beliefs we hold.
Beliefs are like programs that have been installed in us like a computer. They come from past experiences not only in this life but in our past lives and from those of our ancestors. These beliefs shape our reality and only by changing beliefs held at all levels, may consciousness shift and a new reality be created. (This is what Quantum Physics tells us). Theta Healing can change these beliefs in an instant.
- Cover is provided subject to no diagnosis, medical or otherwise, provided to the recipient of this therapy.
Thought Field Therapy (T1)
Non invasive therapy by suitably qualified practitioners to algorithm and diagnostic standard (callahan techniques).
Threading (T1)
Natural hair removal - threading involves twisting a thread of pure cotton between the fingers and around rows of hair to pull them out of their roots.
Thrivecraft (T1)
Thrivecraft, a life, business and spiritual coaching practice, was founded in the UK, in 2003 by husband and wife team Maggie Kay and Patrick Edgecombe, combining their considerable experience in life coaching, psychology, NLP, EFT, NVC, the Journey, business, social enterprise, community development, meditation, metaphysics and spiritual intelligence.
Tibetan Acupressure (T1)
Tibetan Acupressure Compassionate Touch is based upon a system of control points using the vibration of healing energy to heal, relieve pain, and to remove the symptoms as well as the cause of illness. Many ancient civilizations understood that there are pressure points in the feet and hands that correspond to various organs and systems throughout the body. These reflex maps were used to treat the body and mind as a holistic system, removing stress and restoring physical, emotional and spiritual balance. During the session, the delivering partner is doing the practice of Loving Kindness and Tonglen with the receiving partner. The practice of Loving Kindness sends happiness and peace. Tonglen, the compassion practice of giving and receiving, is breathing in and out exchanging self with other, giving presence to their needs and sending healing and love.
Time Based Techniques (TBT) (T1)
A conversational time line process. TBT allows the practitioner to work at the unconscious level conversationally (eyes open) and release the effects of past negative experiences via accessing old patterns/events quickly and easily.
Time Line Therapy (T1)
A collection of techniques developed by Dr Tad James that enable you to very quickly and easily release negative emotions from events in the past, delete limiting decisions, and literally put goals into your future in such a way that they happen just the way you want them to. Time Line Therapy is a registered trademark of Dr. Tad James, licensed exclusively to the Time Line Therapy Association, Inc. Association members are authorised to use this trademark in conjunction with their practice of Time Line Therapy techniques.
Tinnitus Coaching (T1)
Helping people to cope and live with tinnitus, by discuss in a coaching based session.
Tissue Salt Consultancy (T1)
The cells body is made up of 12 tissue salts. Tissue salts are nutrition for the cells. If a person is deficient at a cellular level they will become ill. Tissue salts are taken in order to replace the missing micro minerals. We used to get this from our food but now the soil our food is grown in is deficient and the levels of the micro nutrients have vastly reduced.
TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) (T3)
The administration and supervision of TMS treatments as prescribed by a doctor. This is a non-invasive treatment that uses electromagnetic pulses to stimulate nerve cells, which may improve symptoms of neurological or mental health disorders. Devices are positioned over the area of the brain which have been specified by the clinician. The treatment does not involve surgery, anaesthesia or sedation and is non-systemic meaning it does not affect other areas of the body. Used in the treatment of a variety of diseases, including depression.
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
Tongue Tie Assessment (T2)
The Tongue Tie Assessor checks an infants tongue function using industry recognised assessment tools to determine the presence of a tongue-tie that could impact feeding and other issues. It a tongue-tie is likely a referral will be made to a tongue-tie practitioner who may perform a frenulotomy.
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Midwives, Health Visitors, IBCLCs, Breastfeeding Counsellors and Peer Supporters, GPs and other medical professionals, Dentists, Speech Therapists, Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Cranial Sacral Therapists, Doulas and Maternity Nurses.
Tongue Tie Division/ Frenulotomy (T3)
The lingual frenulum (a membrane which extends from the under surface of the tongue into the floor of the mouth) may be short, tight and attached close to the tip of the tongue and/or on the gum and cause restrictions in tongue movement and function, effecting feeding and speech. The practitioner is able to identify ankyloglossia (tongue-tie) through evidence-informed assessment, as well as safely and successfully perform a frenotomy. The procedure involves snipping the frenulum (tongue-tie) using a pair of single-use, sterile, curved, blunt-tipped scissors. The wound has gauze placed on it and bleeding is usually very light and stops when the baby feeds.
- Practitioners must deliver a high standard of appropriate care to the patient and the family including but not limited to pre-division and after-division care and exercise instructions, after-scar remodelling which usually involves massages with gentle pulses, infant feeding support and advice etc.
Approved Practitioners:
- Must be registered for the RA surgical procedures in order to carry out this procedure
Tooth Gems (T1)
Tooth Gems is the process of attaching jewels to the surface of the teeth with an adhesive designed to hold them in place for a longer period of time (usually 3+ months). The application process is quick non-invasive and entirely reversible. Also includes removing the attached tooth gems.
Tour Guide (T1)
Responsibilities include planning activities and travel itineraries, entrance to attractions/events, and familiarizing customers with the locality by vehicle or foot, ensuring that the group remains safe at all times.
- Appropriate risk assessments to be carried out prior to completion of itinerary.
TPS (Transcranial Pulse Stimulation) (T3)
The administration and supervision of TPS treatments (also referred to as ultrasound brain stimulation and shockwaves) as prescribed by a doctor. This is a non-invasive treatment that uses acoustic waves to stimulate brain tissue, which may improve symptoms of neurological Alzheimer's Disease. The device is positioned over different areas of the brain which have been specified by the clinician. The treatment does not involve surgery, anaesthesia or sedation and is non-systemic meaning it does not affect other areas of the body. Used in the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease.
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
Trading & Investing Psychology (T1)
To teach people one of the theoretical areas of the financial markets; to assist traders & investors to improve their trading & investing psychology; to provide coaching and neuro-linguistic programming for traders & investors to improve their trading & investing psychology This will cover all aspects of trading & investing psychology, including individual trader / investor psychology, group & market psychology, attitudes towards money, attitudes towards risk, daily processes, improving personal performance in trading / investing, etc. This can be applied to all asset classes including FX, stocks, indices, commodities & bonds. Can also cover alternative investments, land, property, other investments. The training could be for those who want to trade & invest in the financial markets, for those who require the skills for a job in the financial services industry, or for general interest purposes
Trager (T1)
Utilising gentle, non-intrusive, natural movements, The Trager Approach helps release deep-seated physical and mental patterns and facilitates deep relaxation, increased physical mobility and mental clarity. These patterns may have developed in response to accidents, illnesses, or any kind of physical or emotional trauma, including the stress of everyday life.
Because many of the effects are cumulative, clients most often appreciate and will benefit from a series of sessions. One of the most potents aspects of this method is the ability to recall the feeling of deep relaxation and how it feels to move freely and easily.
Train the Trainer (T1)
Training the trainer of disciplines, therapies or business practices that are covered under this policy. This is not a stand-alone practice and must be accompanied by the business practices one teaches.
Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) (T1)
Trauma Release Exercises - (TRE) by David Berceli. David has worked with governments and agencies all over the world and TRE is very successful in America and coming over to the UK with training courses for therapists.
Trichology (T2)
A trichologist is a practitioner who specialises in the science and structure of all hair types, as well as hair and scalp health. They usually offer consultations, assistance, assessments and diagnosis, and can recommend treatment or therapy to alleviate the problems and help the hair and scalp heal and stabilise.
- Excluding any advice relating to hair transplant surgery.
Tui Na Chinese Massage (T1)
The practice of applying structured or unstructured pressure, tension, motion, or vibration manually or with mechanical aids to the soft tissues of the body, including muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, joints and lymphatic vessels, to achieve a beneficial response.
A form of therapy, massage can be applied to parts of the body or successively to the whole body, to aid the process of injury healing, relieve psychological stress, manage pain, and improve circulation.
Tuition in Accounting & Finance (T1)
- To teach people in any / all areas of accounting and finance - The training could be for anyone who wants to learn, regardless of whether they have prior knowledge in these areas or not. Training can be for any level from complete beginners upwards.
Tuition in Computer Software (T1)
- To teach people in any / all areas & functionality of Microsoft Office software. - The training could be for anyone who wants to learn, regardless of whether they have prior knowledge in these areas or not. Training can be for any level from complete beginners upwards.
Tuition in Fundamental Analysis (T1)
Financial analysis understanding profit & loss accounts, balance sheets, cash flow statements, and all other financial & accounting data Economic data All management accounting /information data, such as performance measurement for trading / investing, trade stats & tracking, business measurement, etc Political events Any other environmental, current & world issues
Tuition in Technical Analysis (T1)
To teach people one of the theoretical areas of the financial markets. Technical analysis relates to studying charts & related data to understand the price of financial instruments. This can be applied to all asset classes including FX, stocks, indices, commodities & bonds. Can also cover alternative investments, land, property, other investments. The training could be for those who want to trade & invest in the financial markets, for those who require the skills for a job in the financial services industry, or for general interest purposes
Tutor (T1)
Acting as a tutor for any of the business practices we cover, subject to that business practice being taught also listed as covered, and including the issue of associated qualification strictly subject to the insured having the required and appropriate education, qualification and authority to issue formal qualification.
- This is not a stand-alone practice and must be accompanied by the business practices one teaches.
UK Paranormal Practitioner (T1)
The investigative study of paranormal activity undertaken by a member of a club belonging to, or affiliated to, the UK Paranormal Association providing such activity is conducted on behalf of the Association, with their consent using the aims and methodology promoted and approved by the Association.
Ultrasound Cavitation / Radio Frequency (T1)
These methods are non-invasive treatments used for body contouring, skin and muscle rejuvenation and regeneration, removing fat deposits, etc. The process may involve topical gel application on the treated area and applying smooth gentle movements.
Ultrasound Therapy (T3)
A therapeutic ultrasound machine (1 and/or 3 MHz) treatment head is applied to the skin over the injured/problematic "soft tissue" area and moved slowly over the area. The process stimulates tissue repair, increases blood flow to the area, rehydrates the fascia/scar tissue, increases the permeability of the body cells, and encourages white blood cells associated with tissue repair to move to/work in the treated area.
- Excluding any pregnancy related ultrasounds.
Approved Practitioners:
- Sports Therapist or Physiotherapist, or hold a qualification in another field of equal standing and relevance.
Unani Medicine (T2)
Unani Medicine is based on the belief that the presence of 4 humours in the body in a state of equilibrium preserves health. The 4 humours are blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile. Diagnosis is done chiefly by checking the pulse, appearance and other details like sleep, diet, mental makeup etc. Unani medicines are made from natural substances like plant products and the system of medicine includes processes that are believed to eliminate toxic agents and cause cleansing. Unani medicine also gives great importance to special diets by regulating the quality and quantity of food. It aims to achieve physical and mental health through cleansing and purification. This is for holistic purposes only and is not to replace traditional methods of medicine/medical assistance from qualified medical practitioners.
- Excludes diagnosing or treatment of medical ailments, and prescribing.
Vaccine Administration (T4)
Provides cover solely for the act of vaccine administration by means of injection . The cover excludes any advice, medical assessment, diagnosis, check-up, test, analysis or prescription. The insured must have appropriate training and work within the legal regulations and industry requirements and guidance.
- Needlestick Injury Policy must be in place
- Sanitisation and infection control protocols must be in place
- Written parental consent must be obtained for any services performed on/with/for minors
Vacuum/Suction Therapy (T3)
Vacuum/Suction therapy is a non-invasive technique using a mechanical vacuum/suction device. This technique has various benefits including stimulating muscles, breaking down cellulite and fatty deposits, eliminating toxins, improving lymphatic drainage, improving blood flow and skin elasticity, reducing muscle tension, removing stretch marks and scars, lifting, toning and sculpting the body etc. This therapy can be used on the body and the face. Devices used for this technique include but are not limited to Dipomed, Edermology, Striort and Fibroderms.
- Excluding surgical activity. Insured must ensure they have informed consent procedures in place detailing all associated risks including communication around the fact that the results are not permanent, potential bruising and mild swelling.
Veterinary Medicine (T4)
This service involves diagnosing and treating sick or injured animals. In general veterinary practice you could: diagnose and treat sick and injured animals, carry out blood analyses, X-rays and scans, provide care for animals in veterinary hospitals, carry out regular health checks and give vaccinations, supervise veterinary nurses and support staff, keep records of treatments, communicate with pet owners and insurers, put severely injured or terminally ill animals to sleep, follow public health and hygiene laws.
- Excludes surgery. Insured must be suitably qualified/trained, and comply with industry standards, requirements, ethics, policies and relevant statutes. Can only deal with domestic animals, not farm animals, livestock or cattle
Approved Practitioners:
- Qualified Veterinarian
Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (T5)
This service involves diagnosing and treating sick or injured animals. In general veterinary practice you could: diagnose and treat sick and injured animals, perform operations, carry out blood analyses, X-rays and scans, provide care for animals in veterinary hospitals, carry out regular health checks and give vaccinations, supervise veterinary nurses and support staff, keep records of treatments, communicate with pet owners and insurers, neuter animals to stop them breeding, put severely injured or terminally ill animals to sleep, follow public health and hygiene laws.
- Insured must be suitably qualified/trained, and comply with industry standards, requirements, ethics, policies and relevant statutes. Can only deal with domestic animals, not farm animals, livestock or cattle.
Approved Practitioners:
- Veterinary Surgeon with minimum 2 years experience
Veterinary Nursing (T3)
Veterinary Nurses support vets by caring for sick and injured animals. Typical tasks include but are not limited to keeping the practice and equipment clean and hygienic, preparing animals for treatment and assisting vets during procedures, giving injections, medication and removing stitches, taking x-rays, taking care of in-patient animals, supporting and talking to pet owners about treatment and care of their animals, and performing reception and administrative duties.
- Must comply with industry standards, requirements, ethics, policies and relevant statutes. Can only deal with domestic animals, not farm animals, livestock or cattle.
Approved Practitioners:
- Veterinary Nurse
Vibrillian (T1)
A therapy or technique that involves filling a soft toy with positive spiritual energy to enable the recipient to share in that positive energy.
Visitor Hosting (T2)
Providing accommodation, language tuition to foreigners, local area and customs information/guidance, sightseeing walks and leisure activities.
Visualisation (T1)
The process of creating internal mental images (internal visualisation and imagination) for the purpose of change.
Vitamin Therapy (T1)
Any therapeutic use of vitamins, whether necessitated by nutritional deficiency or not.
- Excluding mesotherapy and/or injecting.
Voice Dialogue (T1)
Voice Dialogue refers to the technique and theoretical structure which allows a client to experience and integrate the many facets, selves or energy patterns of the psyche. Through one-to-one process of facilitation the client discovers which parts they identify with and which parts they have disowned and relegated to 'the shadow'. This gives access to new perspectives and energy systems, which not only enriches the inner resources available for one to draw on in dealing with life's challenges, but also gives a more comprehensive picture of who we are as individuals.
Voice tutor, training and teaching (T1)
Voice Tutor, Training and Teaching - Acting as a teacher or tutor involved with specialised voice training for public speaking and group presentations, recording, TV, radio, film and theatre.
Voiceover Recording (T1)
Recording voiceovers for (including but not limited to) TV & radio commercials, websites, and recorded telephone and book recordings.
Warm Bamboo Massage (T1)
Is very similar to hot stone massage but using lengths of bamboo rather than stones.
Warm Wax (Paraffin)Therapy (T3)
Use of scented paraffin wax to moisturise and soothe the hands. Can also be used on elbows, knees and feet. Hands are dipped into the molten wax five times, wrapped in a towel and left for 15 mins. The wax is then removed from the hands.
Water Mastery Healing System (T1)
Working with the fluid transporting systems energetic pathways of the body, this healing system is designed to enhance and restructure the quality of all the water molecules and crystalline structures within the body. By balancing the Water and Fire, elements of the body, this healing system, will encourage the water held within the body to flow more freely and to nourish, oxygenate and de-toxify each cell and system.
Wax Hair Removal (T1)
To remove unwanted body hair for cosmetic reasons using wax.
Approved Practitioners:
- Suitably qualified in wax hair removal.
Wedding Coach (T1)
Designing and arranging hen weekends, management of the wedding on the day and general Bridal Coaching.
wedding stylist/florist (T1)
Design and provision of wedding and bridal flowers, decor items for ceremony and reception.
Weight Loss Injectibles (T5)
Including but not limited to the use of Saxenda & Ozempic. It is a weight loss programme incorporating licenced prescription medication and dietary planning. It is used as a kick start to a healthier lifestyle and weightloss.
- Subject to a £1,500 excess
Approved Practitioners:
- Clinically trained NHS Band 5 or above
- Dental therapist/hygienist
- Dentist
- Phlebotomist
Weight Loss Practitioner (T1)
Educate and appraise your client to address your client's weight loss goals and design a personalised plan.
Provide guidelines for a balanced intake of nutrients, hydration, physical activity, stress management, and habit forming.
Encourage your client to follow a varied diet and healthy lifestyle. Check on food intake through questions and dietary journals.
Adjust an eating plan where necessary. Inform about the benefits of proper nutrition, exercise, and self-care. Work with your client to implement strategies for new healthy habits to stick to. Monitor body composition improvements.
- Weight management practitioners making recommendations to clients to follow any Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD, less than 800 calories a day) should, prior to their client's commencement of such a diet, obtain a written approval from the client's GP confirming their suitability to follow the recommendation, a copy of which should be stored on file. The client must also attend regular check-ups with their GP during the time period that such plan is recommended to be followed to ensure the on-going suitability of the diet. If approval has been provided by a Doctor employed by a weight management practitioner, then such Doctor must have in place their own malpractice, errors and omissions insurance via the applicable medical defence union or other recognised insurer.
Weight Management (T1)
Advising on the eating of traditional and familiar foods at the right time and in the right quantities combined with a healthy lifestyle in order to achieve a healthy weight for the individual and then to maintain it.
- Excluding advice on medicines or supplements. Weight management practitioners making recommendations to clients to follow any Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD, less than 800 calories a day) should, prior to their client's commencement of such a diet, obtain a written approval from the client's GP confirming their suitability to follow the recommendation, a copy of which should be stored on file. The client must also attend regular check-ups with their GP during the time period that such plan is recommended to be followed to ensure the on-going suitability of the diet. If approval has been provided by a Doctor employed by a weight management practitioner, then such Doctor must have in place their own malpractice, errors and omissions insurance via the applicable medical defence union or other recognised insurer.
Whole Body Vibration (T2)
This involves vibration machines, also called shaking machines or shaking platforms, which use whole-body vibrations to force the body's muscles to contract reflexively. Exercises like squats, pushups, or crunches can be performed on the machines while they're vibrating. Can improve muscle tone and circulation, and accelerate weight loss.
- Robust Health & Safety protocols must be in place
- Clear instructions on how to use the equipment.
Approved Practitioners:
- Qualified in using the equipment and instructing clients to safely use the machines
Whole Food Therapy (T1)
An alternative therapy to encourage and maintain peak health by the use of whole food. The promotion of whole and unprocessed (or minimally processed) food instead of the packaged and highly processed food that is consumed in large quantity by many people today
Whole woman (T1)
Assessment of client posture and teaching a specific posture model to clients.
Appropriate exercise programs which will develop the client's ability to support her pelvic organs more effectively.
Providing advice to the client on choosing clothing style to allow freedom of movement in the belly area.
Providing advice to the client on choice of seating, and how to use available seating and furniture without compromising pelvic organ support.
Wicca Practice (T1)
Wicca, is a predominantly Western movement whose followers practice witchcraft and nature worship. Practitioners work with the cycle of nature, the phases of the moon, drumming, meditation, visualization, breathing, and candle magic etc. The use of these techniques promotes self-discovery, healing, self improvement, connection with nature.
Wingwave Coaching (T1)
Wingwave is a personal service to an individual or group that is non-judgmental, non-directional and does not provide advice or direction, but will assist to perform, challenge, stimulate, and guide. Very similar to life coaching.
Workplace Needs Assessment (T2)
A systematic process used to identify and evaluate the needs or gaps between the current and desired state within a workplace. This assessment helps determine areas for improvement, prioritize actions, and allocate resources effectively to enhance overall efficiency and achieve organizational goals. It involves analysing existing processes, gathering data, and consulting with employees to understand their needs and challenges.
- Excludes financial, legal and investment advice
Writing Skills Training (T1)
For individuals to increase their personal effectiveness through their written communication by writing clearly, concisely and accurately
Yoga (T1)
The Sanskrit word yoga is translated as 'union' between mind, body and spirit. In the West, the most widely taught form of yoga is Hatha Yoga with classes offering students exercises to stretch and flex the face and/or body, develop breath awareness, relaxation and sometimes meditation.
Yoga-fun & fitness (T1)
Yoga inspired stretches to work with babies and toddlers and young children. A natural range of movement to resistance, never forced, in order to gain various health and milestone benefits such as good digestion, co-ordination, balance, confidence, flexibility etc. Also aided sensory play with different fabrics, parachute, space blanket, puppets, balls etc. as well as Educational Learning such as counting, languages, colours, days etc. All stretches are explained and then put to either song or music. Movement of limbs to song and music performed either independently or when required by an adult which is either their parent, nursery nurse or baby yoga teacher. Visual, tactile and auditory sensory items used in various ways but all with close adult supervision. Most activity is performed to song or music.
Yogabellies (T1)
YogaBellies for Women is an authentic yoga practice for women during every stage of life including menstruation, menopause, pregnancy and post-partum with baby.
Yoni Steaming (T3)
Yoni Steaming is also known as Vaginal Steaming and Peristeam Hydrotherapy. Women are given herbs to boil as a tea and sit above on a special designed seat, where gentle steam from the tea soothes the pelvic area. This is a traditional practice from around the world sometimes known as pelvic fumigation. It is a soothing process for women and can help to improve menstrual and pelvic health.
- Clients must be supervised during treatment, chaperoned where necessary and aftercare guidance should be given.
Zdenko Domancic Bioenergy Therapy (T1)
Zdenko Domancic Healing Method of Bioenergy Therapy is a highly effective complementary therapy for promoting health and healing
This therapy was created over 30 years ago by Zdenko Domancic.
It is a non-invasive treatment and may involve light touching of the forehead and heart.
- Cover is provided strictly subject to male practitioners not touching the area of the female heart, and cover does NOT extend to any claim of a sexual nature.
Zombie Walks (T1)
A group of the public will be lead around a pre determined venue, during this walk there will be interactions and zombies/monsters (actors) that may jump out and scare people, giving them an authentic scary tour.
Zoopharmacognosy (T2)
Zoopharmacognosy facilitates self-medication of domesticated and captive animals by offering them plant extracts that would contain the same, or similar constituents to those found in an animals evolutionary history which are then inhaled, ingested or topically applied. The extracts offered include a variety of essential oils, absolutes, infused oils, tubers, clays, algae, seaweeds and minerals.
Zorbing/bubble football (T3)
A person is placed into a large inglated torus bubble. Zorbing,Bubble football or Bubble Soccer, is the recreation/sport of playing football while half-encased inside an inflated bubble, similar to a zorb, which covers the players upper body and head. This game is typically played in teams in large indoor spaces or outdoor fields. There are additional games such as, skittles, capture the flag, middle man, sumo etc. All will be played with the strictest control and organisation. Zorbing can also be done by rolling down hills for fun and recreation.
- We will not make any payment for any claim arising from bodily injury caused by one participant to another participant. For the purposes of this endorsement, participant shall mean any individual participating in any sporting activity arranged by you. In all other respects the policy remains unaltered.
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