Teaching & Training
Teaching & Training
Tailored protection in less than 5 minutes, from just £7.49
- Public Liability
- Professional Indemnity
- Medical Malpractice
- Products Liability
Established since 2003
Recommended by training, accreditation and membership bodies.
Insurance for Teaching & Training businesses
In the teaching and training sector, you empower others with knowledge and skills. From private tutors to corporate trainers, physical trainers and academic instructors, your role is essential in fostering growth and development. Westminster offers tailored insurance solutions that support your educational endeavours, providing robust protection that grows with your practice. Our policies cover a wide range of services, ensuring you can focus on delivering impactful instruction while staying protected, with easy updates to reflect your expanding business.
Practices we cover in this sector
See the list of practices we feel would be of most interest to you. If you can't find what you're looking for or offer a more diverse range of services check out our full list.
IMPORTANT TIP: You may find that the business practice name differs a little from what you may call it, but provided that the description matches what you do, this will provide the cover you require.
Acting Tuition
Teaching or tutoring involved with fundamental acting techniques, specialized voice training and the development of physical movement skills required for a drama setting usually for TV, film and theatre.
Art Tuition
Teaching or tutoring the theory and/or practical skills of art to children or adults.
Auditory Integration Training
Auditory Integration Training (AIT) is a powerful music programme to help people with ADHD, ADD, dyslexia, hearing sensitivities, autism, developmental delays, poor concentration, and a variety of other special needs. The programme provides stimulation to the hearing mechanism, which produces more normal hearing following treatment. Hearing anomalies can affect many aspects of normal everyday life, especially behaviour, sensitivity to noises in the home, social interaction, speech and language development and learning. Professionals who seek to remediate speech/language and learning delays in their patients also implement it.
Coach Supervision
Supporting and supervising the development of new and experienced Coaches. Coaching is generally described as: A personal service to an individual or group that is non-judgemental and non-directional but will challenge, stimulate and guide the person being coached towards their stated aims and goals.
Coach Training/Tuition
Acting as a teacher or individual tutor to train Coaching but excluding any liability arising from the management and control of a Training Establishment, Clinic or College.
Coaching is defined as a personal service to an individual or group that is non-judgemental, non-directional and does not provide advice or direction, but will assist to perform, challenge, stimulate and guide.
- Excluding Sport Coaching and Financial Coaching.
Cooking Demonstrations
Cooking Demonstrations/classes aim to provide hands-on experience in specific areas related to food preparation and presentation. It may cover various types of cuisine and/or an overview of healthy eating, non-clinical nutrition & dietetic advice. Clients may also engage in the cooking and a tasting session of what is cooked.
Dance Teaching/Tuition
Teaching people, and acting as a tutor, in both group sessions and one to one in all different areas of dance including: Ballet, Ballroom, Hip Hop & Contempory etc. Covering the stretches, movements and timings.
Dementia Care Training
This is the ability to facilitate action and guide change by individuals in groups or oganisations in dealing with and achieving the best possible outcomes for those with dementia.
To train is to teach, direct, encourage, inspire, and co-ordinate.
Dietary Cooking
Advising on and helping to make baked goods with emphasis on baking for people with food allergies/sensitivities.
Educational Coaching and Tuition
Acting as a Supply Teacher and/or providing additional teaching facilities such as lectures, tutorials and examination materials and marking on formal subjects.
- Up to, but not beyond, the formal qualification held by the teacher.
First Aid at Work Training
Training First Aid at Work according to the HSE guidelines.
Approved Practitioners:
- Subject to the trainer being approved by the HSE to undertake First Aid Training. This is a recognised qualification.
First Aid Training
First Aid classes for adults and young people. They teach people basic first aid skills in an age appropriate, engaging and fun way. No qualification of First Aider is given to the participant.
Approved Practitioners:
- First Aid Instructors are all qualified first aiders themselves in line with Emergency First Aid at Work Guidelines set out but the HSE or Paediatric First Aiders as per OFSTED Guidelines.
Health & Lifestyle Training
Poor health and lifestyle are major contributors to serious illness and premature death. The government identified the need for Health and Lifestyle Trainers, trained individuals who can work in communities to educate and support positive change. This course follows the Department of Health guidelines and covers the study areas required for working as a private Trainer or to demonstrate competence with a view to entering the NHS arena. The course will teach how to follow National Occupational Standards to ensure good practice, helping people make better choices and facilitate positive change through appropriately designed training.
Interpreting and Translating
Helping people whose first language is not English make themselves understood, or working with professional bodies to help translate what people have said.
- Subject to no translating of any financial or legal documents.
IT Instruction and Confidence Building
Working with individuals or groups to build confidence in using computers.
Basic instruction and familiarisation with computer operating procedures and working with spreadsheets, word processors, simple graphics, presentations, databases and browsers.
Leadership Training
The training of leadership. Leadership is the ability to facilitate action and guide change by individuals in groups or organisations. To lead is to direct, supervise, encourage, inspire, and co-ordinate.
A good leader develops personal leadership skills and encourages and trains new leaders who will follow.
Management & Team Training
The training of individuals or groups (often managers, supervisors, team leaders), to develop or improve their understanding and implementation of various workplace and soft skills, to improve their own performance, and their management and training of others. Skills/subjects taught will be dependant on the expertise of the trainer but may include: - appraisal, - customer service, - communication, - disciplinary, - interview - presentation, - personal effectiveness, - performance, - self-management, - sales, - team leadership, - team working, - time management.
Manual Handling Instruction
Training staff on how to do manual handling projects correctly. Teaching them how to lift correctly and how to identify when they need mechanical equipment to move an object safely.
Mentoring is a learning partnership where someone with more experience (mentor) offers guidance, assistance, support and advise to someone with less experience (mentee) in their process of learning, growth, unlocking potential, and achieving their goals.
Music Instruction
To instruct someone on how to play a musical instrument, to help achieve a better skill and understanding of the instrument.
Networking Leadership
Organising, facilitating and leading networking meetings for professionals.
Neuro Linguistic Programming Training
Acting as a teacher or individual tutor to train NLP but excluding any liability arising from the management and control of a Training Establishment, Clinic or College.
NLP is the acronym for Neuro Linguisitic Programming, the goal-oriented approach to problem-solving and modelling success developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, characterised by a focus on structure and process rather than content.
Outdoor Activities Instruction (T3)
This is to cover a range of outdoor activities which take place in the countryside in the UK. Outdoor activities are leisure pursuits engaged in the outdoors, often in natural or semi-natural settings out of town. These activities would typically include but are not limited to backpacking, camping, hiking, biking, climbing, bushcraft, campfires, overnight camp/retreat with adults etc. Some activities may involve the use of tools such as knives, saws, fires etc.
- Excluding abuse and any general childcare. Minors must be chaperoned at all times by a parent/guardian or professional adult who has obtained prior consent from the parent/guardian.
Parenting Classes
Babies and Children may be present but are the sole responsibility of their parent / care giver at all times. The class leader may assist a parent to position their child comfortably in a number of traditional holds. Parenting classes take place either in a group or individual setting. Classes consist of sharing information about parenting topics, including but not limited to: attachment parenting techniques; research on infant development; babywearing techniques, use of baby carrying/carriers, communicating effectively with babies, toddlers and children; factoring evolutionary history into parenting expectations; ways to strengthen a bond with a baby, toddler or child; establishing a good relationships with your children; differences in traditional parenting cultures around the world; childhood sleep habits; potty training. Classes take the form of a mixture of group activities and traditional teaching methods. No medical advice is given or implied - the courses are informative in nature and the onus is placed on clients to make their own informed decisions.
Patient Moving Handling
As with manual handling this trains people how to help move people safely.
Personal Safety Training
A practical and down to earth approach to personal safety the purpose of which is to reduce the amount of abusive and violent incidents in the local and national community through empowerment and education. The training is for services, agencies and organisations and the voluntary sector as well as individuals, families and small groups. Cover is available provided the practitioner is a qualified teacher and PBUK endorsed trainer. This training reflects Theme 1 in Protective Behaviours in that "We all have the right to feel safe all the time", therefore participants are never asked to say or do anything that would lead them to feeling unsafe and with this right comes the responsibility to observe other people"s right to feel safe.
Personal Trainer (T3)
A personal trainer will work with an individual to help them achieve their fitness goals.
Public Speaking
Engaging in speaking live in front of an audience, or on video, for the purpose of motivation and inspiration.
Encouraging the personal development of the individuals making up the audience. Speaking topics based around the business practices covered by this policy.
- Excludes financial, legal and investment advice
- Providing the speaker is delivering the speech at a 3rd party organised talks/events and is not organising the events themselves and the event organiser has the appropriate PL in place for the event itself.
Respite Care and Tuition (T3)
Respite care and tuition for children and young people with special educational needs (S.E.N.). Supporting children from birth to 25 years of age, to access leisure activities in the community, providing personal care, development of emotional literacy, functional life skills, administration of medications (strictly in accordance with prescription only), providing the family with respite from their care duties, support after surgery, etc. Specialising in child-centred care which involves developing strong trusting relationships with children and young people, forming healthy attachments which facilitate the children's capacity to learn and improve their mental health.
- Excludes provision of overnight care. The insured must be DBS checked with no prior claims on file.
Rhythmic Movement Training
Rhythmic Movement Training is a drug free approach to help physical, emotional, behavioural and cognitive challenges. It is a specialised movement programme for children and adults to develop their visual, auditory, motor, tactile and balance senses. The RMT movements replicate the natural rhythmic type movements that infants make which are necessary to integrate the primitive reflexes. The Infant Reflexes are responsible for developing and maturing the wiring system in the brain that should take place starting in utero and up to 4 years, ready for going into the learning environment to learn with enjoyment, adventure and with ease. This programme is movement based and natural. It is enjoyable to give and receive and can bring about profound and life-long results.
Rhythmic Movement Training International
Rhythmic Movement Training International (RMTi) is a reflex and sensory integration programme based on movements and other activities that replicate our earliest movement patterns to establish, strengthen or retrain the foundations of posture, central nervous system (CNS) maturity, sensory processing, memory, learning, emotions and behaviour. The movements used in RMTi were first devised in Sweden in the 1970s by self-taught therapist Kerstin Linde. Moira Dempsey has been instrumental in expanding the programme to included primitive reflex integration, sensory processing and kinesiology information and processes.
School Inspector
Reporting on achievement and standards of teaching, behaviour and leadership and management on behalf of Ofsted.
Sign Language
The teaching of Sign Language (any means of communication through bodily movements, especially of the hands and arms, used when spoken communication is impossible or not desirable). This may be offered to individuals or groups and includes working with all age groups, babies, children, adults, families etc.
- When working with minors, the parent/carer must be present and is responsible for the care of their child at all times.
Singing/Vocal Instruction
Teaching individuals or groups, singing skills and vocal projection. To also include pitch tone and range. This can be to increase singing skill or to help release any blocked emotions.
Social Skills Development (T2)
Working with an individual or group to aid the development of strategies and techniques for effective communication and interaction with others. This can include verbal and non-verbal communication such as speech, gesture, facial expression, and body language. Supports children and adults who lack social skills, including those with Special Educational Needs.
Sports and Exercise Nutritional Advisor
Address your clients fitness goals and design a personalised nutritional plan Educate and appraise your client Provide guidelines for a balanced intake of nutrients to help with your clients goals Inform about the benefits of proper hydration and the risks of dehydration Check on food intake through questions and dietary journals Encourage your client to follow a varied diet and healthy lifestyle Work with your client to implement strategies for new healthy habits to stick Follow up on nutritional improvements Rehearse and adjust an eating plan where necessary
Sports Coaching
A sports coach works with individuals to help them achieve their fitness and sporting goals. This can be done through a positive mindset, exercise, diet and lifestyle choices.
- Excluding participant to participant injury or any contact sports coaching.
Sports Instructor
Providing sessions in sports and activities to individuals who may want to be more healthy or have a better understanding. Building confidence by helping individuals to partake in different sport and activity sessions. To run and manage these sessions. Giving instruction and advice relevant to the activity.
- Excluding participant to participant injury. For the purposes of this endorsement, participant shall mean any individual participating in any sporting activity arranged by the insured. In all other respects the policy remains unaltered.
Storytelling is the social and cultural activity of sharing stories, sometimes with improvisation, theatrics or embellishment. Every culture has its own stories or narratives, which are shared as a means of entertainment, education, cultural preservation, instilling moral values or it may be used for therapeutic purposes.
Supply Teacher
Acting as a Supply Teacher and/or providing additional teaching facilities such as lectures, tutorials and examination materials and marking on formal subjects.
- Only up to, but not beyond, the formal qualification held by the teacher.
Support Broker
A support broker helps an individual in receipt of a budget from the local authority to make a plan of how to best use their budget in accordance with the outcomes agreed with the local authority social work services. That plan is reviewed and when it is fully agreed by social services, the broker helps the individual to put the agreed arrangements and services in place. Working in the Social Care Sector, assisting clients in putting support arrangements in place. Not involved with, or responsible for, anyones finances.
Teaching Acting
Working as a teacher or tutor involved with fundamental acting techniques, specialized voice training and the development of physical movement skills required for a drama setting usually for TV, film and theatre.
Team Building Exercises
Team building activities involves a group of participants working together to solve a practical problem or carry out a physical movement/achievement through specific use and order of the participants and equipment available. Encourages group thinking and trust of one another. Please note the following exercises are specifically excluded from cover: Wood Breaking, Concrete Block Breaking, Glasswalking, Firewalking, Needle through the Hand, Bar Bending.
Tour Guide
Responsibilities include planning activities and travel itineraries, entrance to attractions/events, and familiarizing customers with the locality by vehicle or foot, ensuring that the group remains safe at all times.
- Appropriate risk assessments to be carried out prior to completion of itinerary.
Trading & Investing Psychology
To teach people one of the theoretical areas of the financial markets; to assist traders & investors to improve their trading & investing psychology; to provide coaching and neuro-linguistic programming for traders & investors to improve their trading & investing psychology This will cover all aspects of trading & investing psychology, including individual trader / investor psychology, group & market psychology, attitudes towards money, attitudes towards risk, daily processes, improving personal performance in trading / investing, etc. This can be applied to all asset classes including FX, stocks, indices, commodities & bonds. Can also cover alternative investments, land, property, other investments. The training could be for those who want to trade & invest in the financial markets, for those who require the skills for a job in the financial services industry, or for general interest purposes
Train the Trainer
Training the trainer of disciplines, therapies or business practices that are covered under this policy. This is not a stand-alone practice and must be accompanied by the business practices one teaches.
Tuition in Accounting & Finance
- To teach people in any / all areas of accounting and finance - The training could be for anyone who wants to learn, regardless of whether they have prior knowledge in these areas or not. Training can be for any level from complete beginners upwards.
Tuition in Computer Software
- To teach people in any / all areas & functionality of Microsoft Office software. - The training could be for anyone who wants to learn, regardless of whether they have prior knowledge in these areas or not. Training can be for any level from complete beginners upwards.
Tuition in Fundamental Analysis
Financial analysis understanding profit & loss accounts, balance sheets, cash flow statements, and all other financial & accounting data Economic data All management accounting /information data, such as performance measurement for trading / investing, trade stats & tracking, business measurement, etc Political events Any other environmental, current & world issues
Tuition in Technical Analysis
To teach people one of the theoretical areas of the financial markets. Technical analysis relates to studying charts & related data to understand the price of financial instruments. This can be applied to all asset classes including FX, stocks, indices, commodities & bonds. Can also cover alternative investments, land, property, other investments. The training could be for those who want to trade & invest in the financial markets, for those who require the skills for a job in the financial services industry, or for general interest purposes
Acting as a tutor for any of the business practices we cover, subject to that business practice being taught also listed as covered, and including the issue of associated qualification strictly subject to the insured having the required and appropriate education, qualification and authority to issue formal qualification.
- This is not a stand-alone practice and must be accompanied by the business practices one teaches.
Visitor Hosting (T2)
Providing accommodation, language tuition to foreigners, local area and customs information/guidance, sightseeing walks and leisure activities.
Voice tutor, training and teaching
Voice Tutor, Training and Teaching - Acting as a teacher or tutor involved with specialised voice training for public speaking and group presentations, recording, TV, radio, film and theatre.
Writing Skills Training
For individuals to increase their personal effectiveness through their written communication by writing clearly, concisely and accurately
How our insurance protects you
Combined Business Insurance provides crucial protection. This core bundle is at the centre of every policy, offering comprehensive protection by combining Professional Indemnity, Medical Malpractice, and Public Liability insurance in one policy. So you can grow your business with confidence, while you are protected for the following:
- Public Liability Protection.
- Professional Indemnity.
- Medical Malpractice.
- Product Liability.
- Breach of confidentiality.
- Defamation, Libel & Slander.
- Dishonesty of employees.
- Your work as a subcontractor.
- Subcontractors work for you.
- Loss of documents.
- Breach of intellectual property.
- Public relation expenses.
Extra protection available
The beauty of our insurance is that you can choose exactly what you need and have as little or as much cover as your individual requirements dictate.
Why do businesses in the Teaching and Training industry need Insurance?
Educators and trainers face unique risks that can impact their practice. You may encounter claims that your instruction led to poor academic or professional outcomes, or accidents during hands-on training sessions that result in injuries. The loss of sensitive student information due to a data breach could lead to legal consequences, and false accusations of misconduct from students or parents could result in legal battles and reputational damage. Additionally, disagreements over service terms or payment could lead to litigation.
Read our guide for Qualification Requirements
Having the correct level of experience or qualifications necessary to offer a service is...
Read Here >>How things can go wrong
Why Westminster
Highly Recommended
By Accreditation bodies, Training Schools and our Clients
Over 20 Years Experience
Helping thousands of customers along the way
Customer Portal
Manage and Update your policy easily as you grow
Family Run Business
Big enough to lead. Small enough to care
Full support in the event of a claim
Giving comfort and removing the hassle and stress.
First class friendly help on the phone
No salesmen, no gimmicks! We just make insurance easy.
Fast, easy online quote, 24/7
Get your quote and insurance document - within minutes.
Why Westminster
Why Westminster
Comprehensive Protection
Safeguard against claims for accidental injuries, illnesses, or property damage, keeping your business secure.
Flexible Coverage
Tailor your insurance to fit your unique needs, whether you're flying solo or part of a larger team.
Confidence and Trust
Offer peace of mind to yourself, your team, and your clients, knowing that you're prepared for whatever comes your way.
Full support in the event of a claim
Giving comfort and removing the hassle and stress.
First class friendly help on the phone
No salesmen, no gimmicks! We just make insurance easy.
Fast, easy online quote, 24/7
Get your quote and insurance document - within minutes.
Tim Nottidge
Trainer & Consultant
Good value with wide range of cover and efficient processes.
Mike Philips
Trainer & Consultant
Team responded quickly, sorted company details and pricing query.
Why do you want to know my income?
We require this for one reason - in order to gain an indication of the size of the business.
We are able to provide insurance to business practices where the total income is up to a maximum of £1,2500,000 pa. This is not profit (after taxes and expenses), but the total revenue of your business.
The income we discuss here is the income generated from the business practices to be covered by this insurance. That may NOT be the total business income if the business engages in some practices NOT covered by this insurance.
Your income level will have an impact on the premium. Please see the ‘How much will it cost’ section for more details.
Can I pay monthly?
Yes, you can.
When you proceed to purchase you will be given the choice of paying monthly or annually. However, it is an annual policy and you are expected to maintain the monthly payments. You should regard this as spreading the cost rather than purchasing monthly coverage.
I have just qualified and am looking to set up my own business. I was wondering do I need to have my company set up before I get insurance or start taking on clients?
We do not offer business advice. However, we can add a few comments that might be helpful in answer to your question.
You do not need to have a 'company' in place before starting to take on clients or to obtain insurance. But, you should have insurance in place as soon as you start to take on clients. If, at a later date, you form a company the policy can be altered to take that into account and will cover you before the company was formed and thereafter.
Insurance cover provides you with the comfort that in the event of something 'going wrong' with the service you provide you are covered against a valid claim.
The Financial Regulator and our professional standing.
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is the regulatory body charged by UK law to regulate the financial markets in the UK. This, of course, includes the entire insurance market and this firm.
Westminster Insurance Limited is duly authorised and regulated by the FCA registration no: 439023.
For ease of reference you may use this link direct to the FCA Register - CLICK HERE where you may check the registration of this firm - or any other regulated by the FSA.
It is a criminal offense to undertake any regulated activity (as those activities and markets regulated by the FCA are called) without the appropriate FCA authority.
The financial regulation standards in the UK (enforced by the FCA) are probably the toughest in the world, and the process to become regulated takes into account all factors appropriate to the running of a business.
Where Westminster Insurance Limited does business in other parts of the EU - such as Eire - it remains under the same stringent regulatory conditions as if it were in the UK.
Professional bodies are usually set up to protect the interest of members and set professional and ethical standards for practitioners. The FCA is set up to protect the consumer. The conditions for authorisation are stringent, appropriate and thorough as is the ongoing monitoring of every person or firm regulated by the FCA. Accordingly, there is no professional body that Westminster Indemnity Ltd could belong, or subscribe to, that would further enhance the protection our customers receive.
How do I get a quotation and apply for cover?
We are a fully automated process and provide all the information needed for you to make an informed decision online.
A quotation is available 24/7 online. Anywhere on our website simply click on the ‘Get a Quote’ button. That will take you through the questions necessary to generate a quotation. It’s all straightforward and simple and once produced you have the option to save the quote for later or proceed direct to purchase.
If you choose to proceed to purchase, you have the option to pay monthly or for the whole year by Credit or Debit Card and once the transaction is authorised your policy is issued immediately. Your documents will be emailed to you for you to print and save.
For more details on this click on the ‘How it Works’ tab under Help and Support and if there’s still anything that remains unclear, simply give us a call, we always love to chat.
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