Management & Consultancy
Management & Consultancy
Tailored protection in less than 5 minutes, from just £7.49
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Established since 2003
Recommended by training, accreditation and membership bodies.
Insurance for Management & Consultancy businesses
The management and consultancy field covers a wide range of experts who offer advice and strategic planning in various areas. This includes business consultants, financial advisors, project managers, and organisational development specialists, as well as recruitment and marketing consultants, and even specialists like divorce consultants. Your work helps businesses and individuals improve their performance, streamline operations, and reach their goals. At Westminster, we understand the needs of this sector and offer tailored insurance solutions just right for you. Our policies provide comprehensive coverage, ensuring that you can focus on delivering exceptional advice and support, with easy updates to keep you protected as you grow..
Practices we cover in this sector
See the list of practices we feel would be of most interest to you. If you can't find what you're looking for or offer a more diverse range of services check out our full list.
IMPORTANT TIP: You may find that the business practice name differs a little from what you may call it, but provided that the description matches what you do, this will provide the cover you require.
Appreciative Inquiry
Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a specific approach to organisational development equipping people and systems with a greater capacity for change, renewal and focused performance.
- Cover is conditional and dependant upon there being no guarantees as to the effectiveness or results of the procedure.
Assertiveness Training for Work
Training the individual for work situations where the individual may have been prone to saying Yes when assertiveness may have been better employed. Learning in particular the difference between assertiveness and aggression, when to be assertive and when not to, the beliefs underlying assertive and non - assertive behaviour, what makes people behave the way they do, the characteristics of assertive behaviour - what to do and what to say, why body language is crucial and how to use it and how to handle other people's reactions.
Best Interest Assessments (T2)
A Best Interest Assessor works to ensure people who lack capacity to consent to their accommodation, health and support needs are adequately safeguarded. This would involve completing assessments under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and undertaking best interest' decisions per government guidelines. Includes, making applications to the Court of Protection or completing standard Deprivation of Liberty Safeguard Assessments on behalf of the local authority. This is a non-clinical assessor role.
- Excludes financial, legal and investment advice
Business and Management Auditing
To determine the extent to which an organisation is meeting the audit criteria.
Business Coaching
The role of the Business Coach is to coach business owners to improve their business through guidance, support and encouragement. They help the owners of small and medium sized businesses with their sales, marketing, management, team building and so much more. Just like a sporting coach, your Business Coach will make you focus on the game.
Business Consultancy
Business Consultant - Working independently or with a team on a business project or task, either of which has been defined in agreement with the business.
Business Development Consultancy
Sales activity for an organisation.
Change Management Consulting/Coaching (T2)
Change Management is the practice of applying a structured approach to transition an organization from a current state or operational culture to a future state to achieve specific expected benefits. Change Management provides approaches, tools, and techniques that empower an organization to successfully achieve these desired results. Change Management provides value by enabling people to adopt the change and operate in a new future organizational structure. The more seamless the transition is for an organizations people, the more effectively and efficiently the organization will be in achieving the benefits of the desired future state.
- Excludes financial, legal and investment advice
Coaching - Life and Executive Coaching
A personal service to an individual or group that is non-judgemental, non-directional and does not provide advice or direction, but will assist to perform, challenge, stimulate and guide.
- Excluding Sport Coaching or Financial Coaching
Community Development Work
To work in specific housing estates to facilitate the formation of residents associations, organise community events for families and children in the estates, link residents to other community groups and services.
Computer Technical Support
Home & Business call out and workshop based computer support.
- Subject to obtaining appropriate permissions/rights prior to use of third party content/images for web/graphic/logo design and also client sign off/approval prior to launch - also sign off prior to procurement of any products/services on behalf of the client.
Cross Cultural or Intercultural Training
Looking at different cultures and the impact it makes on teams and the organisation.
Culture Change Training
Providing a general introduction to the "British" culture for newcomers, both adults and children, and / or a cultural introduction for employees and their families moving between different cultures.
This service is usually provided to employees of large international companies who have employees in many different countries, and use this service to ease the cultural transition for their employees and their families when they move within the same firm between countries.
- No cover is provided if the training has any involvement with immigation or the grant of British Citizenship.
Depression at Work Awareness Training
Training to raise partipant's awareness of, and ability to effectively manage, depression and anxiety at work. This training helps give managers, employees and organisations the knowledge and skills to do this with confidence
Diversity & Dignity at Work Awareness Training
A teaching program to raise awareness about diversity & dignity at work and what they mean, to understand how diversity impacts us as employees, our function, our customers and communities, to raise awareness and understanding for the business case for diversity, to understand company policy on diversity and dignity at work. To clarify roles and responsibilities as Supervisor/Employee and become familiar with relevant legislation.
Educational Consultancy
Educational Consultancy working within and consulting in an educational establishment where the work undertaken is:
- Observation of the pupil
- Use of assessment tools to record progress and inform planning
- Discussion of the pupil with school staff
- Providing advice on differentiation across the curriculum
- Providing advice on individual education plans, targets, strategies, teaching methods and resources
- Devising and supervising specific individual programme of work
- Demonstrating specific approaches and resources
- Staff training
Executive Associate (accredited by the IIB)
Executive Associate (accredited by the Institute for Independent Business)
Cover is provided for accredited Associates and Fellows of the Institute for Independent Business subject to achieving and maintaining accredited status for the period of the policy, and whose work is conducted according to the Institute's Code of Ethics.
External Quality Assurance
External quality assurance for the qualifications being delivered and assessed. This includes: approval of centres, monitoring of learning delivery, monitoring of assessment practice, and monitoring of internal quality assurance practices. External quality assurance is carried out to ensure that qualification delivery, and internal quality assurance are of a high standard and assessment practice is valid and reliable. External quality assurance also aims to support the development and improvement of learning delivery, assessment and internal quality assurance practice in centres.
A facilitator leads a group about their purpose. It encompasses the support role of a trainer but is not concerned with the actual subject matter or purpose of the meeting except so far as is necessary to guide the group in an effective manner. The role is also likely to assist in the design and implementation of the meeting process and structure best suited, required or necessary for the group to achieve its goals and objectives.
If an independent person is facilitating / leading the process of meetings, retreats, team-building or strategy sessions this provides participants or attendees the opportunity to concentrate all of their attention on the content without the potential distraction of concern regarding meeting structure.
Feng Shui
The Chinese art of positioning objects in buildings and other places based on the belief in positive and negative effects of the patterns of yin and yang and the flow of chi, the vital force or energy inherent in all things.
Health & Safety Consultancy
General inspection of a premise for H&S matters and/or fire risk.
- The insurers will not be liable for any liability caused by or arising out of manual work.
Human Resources Consulting
Advising management on human resources strategies, plans, processes and organisational design. Analysing the organisation's current HR programmes and suggesting solutions to existing problems. Developing, reviewing, and applying HR policies and procedures for resourcing and talent planning to support development. Reviewing employee engagement, relations, performance and rewards. .
Image Consultant
An image consultant will assist you in the following ways: to align your personal image with your professional goals, assess the impact of your current personal image, stay ahead of the competition with a dynamic and up-to-date appearance, choose the right cuts, fabrics, and prints for your figure, style preferences and lifestyle, discover how to make the most of your own personal colouring, learn how to apply a day make-up in the correct colours, achieve authoritative and accessible looks, discover the best hairstyles and accessories for you, create an easy to coordinate wardrobe for work and leisure, avoid the common pitfalls of image impact and enjoy the increased confidence from looking your best.
Independent Social Worker (T3)
An independent social worker conducts comprehensive assessments, consultancy and reports for a number of agencies including TUSLA, the Courts and in private proceedings. Insurance is subject to the Insured being trained by a government approved organisation.
Interim Management (T2)
Interim management, also known as temporary management or transition management is the process of assuming operational management responsibility on a temporary basis during periods of change or transition within a company, business, organisation etc. It involves carrying out tasks in accordance with the board's instruction, which may involve employee management, organising activities, working to achieve KPI's, and supporting business operations etc.
- Excludes financial, legal and investment advice
Internal Quality Assurance (T2)
This would typically include services such as checking that assessors meet the requirement for their role, planning and preparing monitoring activities, working alongside assessors, trainers and employers to ensure the standardisation of assessment practices, Observing trainer and assessor performance, providing constructive feedback, Providing support to trainers and assessors, Sampling assessment records and decisions, meeting with learners, planning how and when you will monitor trainers and assessors, identifying and facilitating best practice throughout the organisation etc.
Interpreting and Translating
Helping people whose first language is not English make themselves understood, or working with professional bodies to help translate what people have said.
- Subject to no translating of any financial or legal documents.
Introduction Agency
The facilitation of the introduction of one person to another for romance or friendship.
Leadership Training
The training of leadership. Leadership is the ability to facilitate action and guide change by individuals in groups or organisations. To lead is to direct, supervise, encourage, inspire, and co-ordinate.
A good leader develops personal leadership skills and encourages and trains new leaders who will follow.
Management & Team Training
The training of individuals or groups (often managers, supervisors, team leaders), to develop or improve their understanding and implementation of various workplace and soft skills, to improve their own performance, and their management and training of others. Skills/subjects taught will be dependant on the expertise of the trainer but may include: - appraisal, - customer service, - communication, - disciplinary, - interview - presentation, - personal effectiveness, - performance, - self-management, - sales, - team leadership, - team working, - time management.
Management - setting up & running a small business
The training of the individual in the knowledge of and dealing with the various elements needed to set up and run a small business.
- Excludes financial, legal and investment advice
Management Consultancy
Management Consultancy can mean many things. The cover offered under this business practice is strictly subject to the following definition. The training and advice to individuals and teams in tools and processes to improve the business value of management decisions, facilitation of decision making exercises, review and assurance of recorded decisions made (e.g. business cases and project plans).
Management Consultant to the Social Care Industry
Acting in a business advisory role as a management consultant to the Social Care Industry.
Market Research Consultancy
Working as a market researcher as a member of, or adopting the core principals of, the Code of Conduct of the MRS. Cover is conditional upon and strictly subject to all activity being research only.
Marketing Consultancy
Provide general marketing advice including where and when
to place advertising and promotions, type of messages to attract desired
target market and brand image (logo) and the management of
implementation including copywriting, briefing designers and printers
and project managing the process to deliver ads, mail shots, brochures,
leaflets, press releases etc.
- Cover is provided strictly on the condition that the practitioner does NOT undertake ANY direct marketing work and this would include the following:
- Telemarketing: The act of selling, soliciting or promoting a product or service over the telephone
- Database management and list broking: The creation of a database to the clients' specification or updating of existing data, eliminating mailing wastage that results from out of date contact information. Information fields can also be added to enable capture and reporting of information specific to the clients' requirements, thus allowing in depth analysis of the client database, and highly selective customer mailing lists.
- Mail shots are mailings to potential customers to create new business or to existing clients to promote a product. These can involve huge numbers of mailings at any one time. Text messaging and the Internet are now also used in addition to the traditional postage method.
MLM consultant
Acting as a distributor for a multi level marketing company. Including sales visits in potential customers homes.
Networking Leadership
Organising, facilitating and leading networking meetings for professionals.
Organising Business Activities
Providing the following services (but NOT as an employee) to small companies. The administrative and clerical tasks involved with managing a clerical team, design and manage internal management processes, interview, recommend and train new clerical employees (but NOT make final employment decisions), process paperwork, record accounts, design and support IT, deal with the clerical aspects of complaints (but not the actual complaint determination) respond to enquiries and support the management when they are unavailable.
Party Planning (T2)
Party planning/consultancy and organizing includes planning and organizing parties as well as other promotional activities, helping to set up and arrange dcor and equipment, setting up themes and/or style of the venue. Includes choosing locations, hiring caterers (excluding the provision of catering services), coordinating with other vendors such as entertainment and florists, and providing entertaining activities as part of the party. This would typically include but is not limited to birthday parties, wedding corners for children, christenings, sleepover Teepees, balloon garlands, anniversaries, pamper parties etc.
- Excluding weddings, pony parties and cover for financial loss due to party cancellation. Limited to gatherings not exceeding 50 people. Children must be supervised by an adult at all times.
Public Speaking
Engaging in speaking live in front of an audience, or on video, for the purpose of motivation and inspiration.
Encouraging the personal development of the individuals making up the audience. Speaking topics based around the business practices covered by this policy.
- Excludes financial, legal and investment advice
- Providing the speaker is delivering the speech at a 3rd party organised talks/events and is not organising the events themselves and the event organiser has the appropriate PL in place for the event itself.
Rapid Results Consultancy
Acting as a Consultant for Rapid Results in the field of business development, assisting business to develop across all areas of activity especially sales and profits.
- This cover is subject to and specific to Consultants acknowledged by Rapid Results as acting under their franchise or licence.
Recruitment Consulting (T3)
Working with organisations to help, advise and conduct/assist with their recruitment and selection processes. Including: creating a job description and person specification for the role(s); attracting candidates by drafting advertising copy for use in a range of media, as well as by networking, headhunting and through referrals; receiving and reviewing applications, including background checks; designing interview questions and assessment criteria; organising, managing and conducting the interview process; creating, managing and delivering assessment tests; assessing potential suitability for the role based on agreed criteria; creating a shortlist of candidates.
Relationship Consultation
Consultation, advice and training on the management of inappropriate behaviour in relationships in particular where relationships have, or are about to, break down. Such consultation, advice and training may be appropriate for, but is not limited to, parents and their teenage children, the staff of educational establishments and students or pupils in their charge, and romantic/couple relationships etc. The outcomes sought are a change in behavioural patterns and this often involve a change of thinking on the part of both parties.
Relocation Advice Service
To provide advice on housing, schools and settling in for people moving to the UK from abroad, or who are moving around within the UK.
Report Preparation
To prepare and or audit a report(s) as disclosed to and agreed in writing by the underwriters agents.
- Subject to: The report-writing role ends at the report-writing audit stage and the writer is not responsible for ensuring that the plan is carried out in the correct manner.
Please note that all cases for this class of cover are considered on an individual basis, so acceptance of cover for this class of business area is NOT automatic.
Working as a market researcher as a member of, or adopting the core principals of, the Code of Conduct of the MRS. The research may involve carrying out research with focus groups or individual interviews or questionnaires; usually this would be staff members or service users of organisations. The organisations would provide topic areas / questions they would like asked. The researcher will collect the data, write it up and feedback verbally or in writing to managers. Recommendations based on the research findings may be made, but this is not a professional advisory role.
- Cover is conditional upon, and strictly subject to, all activity being research only and no work being undertaken in medical or engineering industries.
School Inspector
Reporting on achievement and standards of teaching, behaviour and leadership and management on behalf of Ofsted.
Secret Shopping
Secret shopping can be defined as the use of individuals trained to experience and measure any customer service process, by acting as potential customers and in some way reporting back their experiences in a detailed and objective way. Secret shoppers provide customer service feedback to businesses as undercover shoppers. They visit eateries, shops and other businesses, posing as regular customers while observing the location's cleanliness, staff courtesy and other issues that concern the priorities of the business. The secret shopper provides the feedback in the form of a report to the Secret Shopping company and at that point the secret shoppers responsibility ends.
Secretarial/admin or PA
Secretarial work involving: data work - inputting and managing/producing data: Book-keeping - some basic book-keeping but not full time: Telephone - answering/making telephone calls as required: Diary management - arranging meetings: Travel arrangements - making travel/hotel bookings.
Support Broker
A support broker helps an individual in receipt of a budget from the local authority to make a plan of how to best use their budget in accordance with the outcomes agreed with the local authority social work services. That plan is reviewed and when it is fully agreed by social services, the broker helps the individual to put the agreed arrangements and services in place. Working in the Social Care Sector, assisting clients in putting support arrangements in place. Not involved with, or responsible for, anyones finances.
Talent Management
Assisting leaders, managers and HR professionals to more accurately identify their talented people so that they can develop them. Typically to identify talent you would be looking at their performance record and their future potential so there is a large element of performance but that is not the whole. Talent Management is an area of HR activity in the way as Performance Management. it is a more sophisticated version of performance management based on future needs.
Team Building Exercises
Team building activities involves a group of participants working together to solve a practical problem or carry out a physical movement/achievement through specific use and order of the participants and equipment available. Encourages group thinking and trust of one another. Please note the following exercises are specifically excluded from cover: Wood Breaking, Concrete Block Breaking, Glasswalking, Firewalking, Needle through the Hand, Bar Bending.
Tissue Salt Consultancy
The cells body is made up of 12 tissue salts. Tissue salts are nutrition for the cells. If a person is deficient at a cellular level they will become ill. Tissue salts are taken in order to replace the missing micro minerals. We used to get this from our food but now the soil our food is grown in is deficient and the levels of the micro nutrients have vastly reduced.
Tuition in Accounting & Finance
- To teach people in any / all areas of accounting and finance - The training could be for anyone who wants to learn, regardless of whether they have prior knowledge in these areas or not. Training can be for any level from complete beginners upwards.
Tuition in Fundamental Analysis
Financial analysis understanding profit & loss accounts, balance sheets, cash flow statements, and all other financial & accounting data Economic data All management accounting /information data, such as performance measurement for trading / investing, trade stats & tracking, business measurement, etc Political events Any other environmental, current & world issues
Tuition in Technical Analysis
To teach people one of the theoretical areas of the financial markets. Technical analysis relates to studying charts & related data to understand the price of financial instruments. This can be applied to all asset classes including FX, stocks, indices, commodities & bonds. Can also cover alternative investments, land, property, other investments. The training could be for those who want to trade & invest in the financial markets, for those who require the skills for a job in the financial services industry, or for general interest purposes
How our insurance protects you
Combined Business Insurance provides crucial protection. This core bundle is at the centre of every policy, offering comprehensive protection by combining Professional Indemnity, Medical Malpractice, and Public Liability insurance in one policy. So you can grow your business with confidence, while you are protected for the following:
- Public Liability Protection.
- Professional Indemnity.
- Medical Malpractice.
- Product Liability.
- Breach of confidentiality.
- Defamation, Libel & Slander.
- Dishonesty of employees.
- Your work as a subcontractor.
- Subcontractors work for you.
- Loss of documents.
- Breach of intellectual property.
- Public relation expenses.
Extra protection available
The beauty of our insurance is that you can choose exactly what you need and have as little or as much cover as your individual requirements dictate.
Why management and consulting businesses need Insurance
In the management and consultancy field, you're responsible for making pivotal decisions and handling confidential information. Despite your expertise, unexpected issues can arise. For instance, your advice might not produce the desired results, leading to financial loss claims from clients. Confidential information could be inadvertently leaked, resulting in legal actions. Disputes over the scope of work can escalate into legal battles, and project errors might cause delays and increased costs, prompting clients to seek compensation. Additionally, strategic advice that falls short of expectations can lead to negligence claims. Comprehensive insurance ensures you are protected against these potential risks, allowing you to focus on delivering valuable guidance.
Read our guide for Qualification Requirements
Having the correct level of experience or qualifications necessary to offer a service is...
Read Here >>How things can go wrong
Why Westminster
Highly Recommended
By Accreditation bodies, Training Schools and our Clients
Over 20 Years Experience
Helping thousands of customers along the way
Customer Portal
Manage and Update your policy easily as you grow
Family Run Business
Big enough to lead. Small enough to care
Full support in the event of a claim
Giving comfort and removing the hassle and stress.
First class friendly help on the phone
No salesmen, no gimmicks! We just make insurance easy.
Fast, easy online quote, 24/7
Get your quote and insurance document - within minutes.
Why Westminster
Why Westminster
Comprehensive Protection
Safeguard against claims for accidental injuries, illnesses, or property damage, keeping your business secure.
Flexible Coverage
Tailor your insurance to fit your unique needs, whether you're flying solo or part of a larger team.
Confidence and Trust
Offer peace of mind to yourself, your team, and your clients, knowing that you're prepared for whatever comes your way.
Full support in the event of a claim
Giving comfort and removing the hassle and stress.
First class friendly help on the phone
No salesmen, no gimmicks! We just make insurance easy.
Fast, easy online quote, 24/7
Get your quote and insurance document - within minutes.
Mike Philips
Team responded quickly, sorted company details and pricing query.
Tim Nottidge
Good value with wide range of cover and efficient processes.
Why do you want to know my income?
We require this for one reason - in order to gain an indication of the size of the business.
We are able to provide insurance to business practices where the total income is up to a maximum of £1,2500,000 pa. This is not profit (after taxes and expenses), but the total revenue of your business.
The income we discuss here is the income generated from the business practices to be covered by this insurance. That may NOT be the total business income if the business engages in some practices NOT covered by this insurance.
Your income level will have an impact on the premium. Please see the ‘How much will it cost’ section for more details.
Can I pay monthly?
Yes, you can.
When you proceed to purchase you will be given the choice of paying monthly or annually. However, it is an annual policy and you are expected to maintain the monthly payments. You should regard this as spreading the cost rather than purchasing monthly coverage.
I have just qualified and am looking to set up my own business. I was wondering do I need to have my company set up before I get insurance or start taking on clients?
We do not offer business advice. However, we can add a few comments that might be helpful in answer to your question.
You do not need to have a 'company' in place before starting to take on clients or to obtain insurance. But, you should have insurance in place as soon as you start to take on clients. If, at a later date, you form a company the policy can be altered to take that into account and will cover you before the company was formed and thereafter.
Insurance cover provides you with the comfort that in the event of something 'going wrong' with the service you provide you are covered against a valid claim.
The Financial Regulator and our professional standing.
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is the regulatory body charged by UK law to regulate the financial markets in the UK. This, of course, includes the entire insurance market and this firm.
Westminster Insurance Limited is duly authorised and regulated by the FCA registration no: 439023.
For ease of reference you may use this link direct to the FCA Register - CLICK HERE where you may check the registration of this firm - or any other regulated by the FSA.
It is a criminal offense to undertake any regulated activity (as those activities and markets regulated by the FCA are called) without the appropriate FCA authority.
The financial regulation standards in the UK (enforced by the FCA) are probably the toughest in the world, and the process to become regulated takes into account all factors appropriate to the running of a business.
Where Westminster Insurance Limited does business in other parts of the EU - such as Eire - it remains under the same stringent regulatory conditions as if it were in the UK.
Professional bodies are usually set up to protect the interest of members and set professional and ethical standards for practitioners. The FCA is set up to protect the consumer. The conditions for authorisation are stringent, appropriate and thorough as is the ongoing monitoring of every person or firm regulated by the FCA. Accordingly, there is no professional body that Westminster Indemnity Ltd could belong, or subscribe to, that would further enhance the protection our customers receive.
How do I get a quotation and apply for cover?
We are a fully automated process and provide all the information needed for you to make an informed decision online.
A quotation is available 24/7 online. Anywhere on our website simply click on the ‘Get a Quote’ button. That will take you through the questions necessary to generate a quotation. It’s all straightforward and simple and once produced you have the option to save the quote for later or proceed direct to purchase.
If you choose to proceed to purchase, you have the option to pay monthly or for the whole year by Credit or Debit Card and once the transaction is authorised your policy is issued immediately. Your documents will be emailed to you for you to print and save.
For more details on this click on the ‘How it Works’ tab under Help and Support and if there’s still anything that remains unclear, simply give us a call, we always love to chat.
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