Holistic Therapies

Holistic Therapies

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Insurance for Holistic Therapists

Holistic therapists blend ancient practices with modern wellness, offering treatments that nurture body, mind, and spirit. Westminster’s insurance solutions cover a vast array of modalities, from acupuncture to reiki, ensuring your practice is protected and you can continue to provide healing with peace of mind, with policies, easily updated anytime to keep you protected as you grow.

Practices we cover in this sector

See the list of practices we feel would be of most interest to you. If you can't find what you're looking for or offer a more diverse range of services check out our full list.

IMPORTANT TIP: You may find that the business practice name differs a little from what you may call it, but provided that the description matches what you do, this will provide the cover you require.

Abe Healing

Abe Healings is a form of spiritual healing which involves pulling out, replacing and sealing energy interferences.


Acupressure uses the fingers to press key accupressure points on the surface of the skin to release muscular tension, promote circulation of blood and stimulate the body's natural self-curative abilities. Acupuncture and acupressure use the same points and meridians, but acupuncture employs needles, while acupressure uses gentle but firm pressure and integrates bodywork therapies, therapeutic touch, somatic work, healing imagery, energy psychology, and massage therapy techniques.

Acupuncture (T2)

Acupuncture is a method of encouraging the body to promote natural healing and to improve functioning, through stimulation of the central nervous system. Mainly used to relieve discomfort/pain but can also aid general wellness and stress relief. This is done by inserting fine needles (free or attached to an electro acupuncture machine) into the client's body using distal and local acupuncture points or ashu points (where there is pain).


  • Needlestick Injury Policy must be in place

Advanced Sound-Wave Energy

Introduced in 1995 Advanced Sound-Wave Energy is a dynamic tool for personal transformation. Advance Sound-Wave Energy therapy adjusts the body's magnetic field for physiological and psychological improvement, whereby providing a unique approach to reduction of stress with capabilities to reach emotions and attitudinal levels.

This advanced bio-energetic treatment produces positive results in individuals suffering from acute and chronic disorders. It uses vibrating inaudible sound waves via non touch application to work on the bodies subtle energy systems - the electrical waves around the body, the chakras, the bodies electromagnetic field and the polarized magnetic grid.

Tiny sound-wave vibrations are passed through the practitioner's aura to the recipient's energy field where they resonate through each of the multiple fields of the body to clear blocked energy, restore and reinforce natural polarity and align and reinforce proper energy flow.


  • Cover is provided subject to no diagnosis, medical or otherwise, provided to the recipient of this therapy.

Akashic Records

The Akashic records are a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future in terms of all entities and life forms, not just human. Akashic Records sessions offer insight into what weighs heaviest on your heart and why, followed by steps on how to move forward. It offers guidance, clarity, helps find passion, improve and strengthen relationships, reconnect with your true self, offers support in finding your purpose and soul growth.

Alchemical Recoding

Alchemical Recoding applies a quantum physical approach to decoding psycho-emotional trauma. It is a new generation consciousness healing system that decodes the traumatic communication signals between the quantum fields of the mind, emotions, higher awareness and body. It serves as a catalyst for quantum shifts from trauma to higher functioning consciousness, tremendously enhancing quality of life.


  • Subject to, exclusion of mental health patients or persons with any mental health history.

Angelic Reiki

uses hands-on healing through which energy is transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional or physical healing.

Animal Reiki

Reiki is a non-invasive complementary therapy which involves channeling Reiki energy into the animal to activate their natural healing process, restoring physical and emotional wellbeing. Reiki is delivered hands on or hands off.

Aqua Detox Therapy

Aqua Detox Therapy involves the immersion of one's feet (or sometimes the complete body) in a bath of lightly salted water containing the Aqua detox electrolytic apparatus.

A flow of electrons is imparted into the water thus creating a bio-energetic field modifying the properties of the bath water to closely match that of the bodies natural fluids.

Aqua Therapy (T2)

Aqua therapy, also known as hydrotherapy, provides a gentle and supportive environment which has been recognized for its benefits in both mental and physical health. Can take place in pools, whirlpools, whirlpool spas, hot tubs, and physiotherapy tanks. Equipment includes swim bars and belts, kick rollers, float systems, ankle cuffs, rafts, mats. Where appropriate, this can be combined with the delivery of other therapies covered on the insureds policy.


  • Robust Health & Safety and wet floor exposure protocols must be in place
  • Professional staff must be present at all times.


Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being. Sometimes it's called essential oil therapy. Aromatherapy uses aromatic essential oils medicinally to improve the health of the body, mind, and spirit. It enhances both physical and emotional health.


AromaTouch, gentle oil application to the back and feet using very light touch. Each essential oil in the AromaTouch Technique was selected for its individual aromatic properties, and for their powerful aromatic properties when combined. The AromaTouch Technique uses specific guidelines and instructions for both dosage and application that make it a safe and effective way to receive the full benefits of essential oils. The AromaTouch Technique is gentle and can be adapted to accommodate young or sensitive skin so that anyone can benefit without the worry of overwhelming the body.

Ashiatsu Massage

Ashiatsu is a form of massage in which the therapist uses their feet to massage the body of the client. Overhead bars or ropes are used to support the therapist to ensure client safety. The goal is to provide a full body deep tissue massage which many claim is less painful than traditional deep tissue massage (using elbows and forearms etc) as the foot provides a larger surface area to glide over the tissue and create a firm stroke using the therapist's body weight.

Aura Imaging Photography

The photographic process reveals visible auras around the objects photographed and uses the principles of colour therapy to interpret the photograph.Each of the seven colours of the spectrum, resonates with one of the main seven chakras of the body. These chakras are like spirals of energy, each one relating to the others. Chakra (pronounced sha-kra) is the Sanskrit word for ' wheel'. Colour Therapy aims to balance and enhance our body's energy centres / Chakras and also to help stimulate our body's own healing process using the seven colours of the spectrum.


Aura-Soma is a non-intrusive and self-selective system in which colour is the key. It is an ancient knowledge that has been refound and revitalised into a living system easily accessible to all and speaks to you through 105 beautiful bottles of rainbow coloured oils, special essences, pomanders and quintessences.

Aura-Soma is a system that brings you closer to the understanding of yourself. It uses the visual and non-visual energies of colour, the energies of herbs from essential oils and herbal extracts, and the energies of crystals and gems.

Aura-Soma can help improve your spiritual well being, moving you toward a deeper understanding of yourself. Aura-Soma enables you to be in touch with the essence of yourself that always reflects your inner beauty. When you have made contact with this inner source it also has an effect upon the outer aspects of yourself. To bring inner beauty out, to reflect your positive gifts and talents, to help you to be in touch with why you are here and what you are here for.

Auriculo Therapy

Auriculo therapy utilises electro-pulse stimuli of specific points of the ear.

It is non-invasive and completely painless. An important feature of this treatment system is that the intensity and duration of the treatment is customised for each client based on factors such as age, gender, quantity and brand of cigarettes smoked and number of years of smoking.

AVS Therapies (T3)

AVS Therapies are a combination of cosmic energy, breath-work and working on removing negative thought patterns, working at conscious and sub-conscious mind levels aimed to work at root cause of chronic diseases related to body and mind. Name variations: AVS Cosmic Therapy / AVS Mindfulness / AVS Cognitive Therapy.


  • Excluding past life regression therapies.

Ayurveda Medicine (T2)

Ayurveda Medicine is an ancient Indian medical system which aims to promote good health rather than fight disease but can be geared toward specific health problems. Its natural holistic approach uses diet, herbal medicines (mainly from plants but may include herbs, animals, minerals and metals), exercise, meditation, breathing, physical therapy, and other methods. Ayurveda focuses on the imbalances of the dosha Vata, Pitta and Kapha and curates medicine that helps balance these doshas. Its believed that health issues can develop due to an imbalance of the doshas. The goal is to cleanse the body and restore balance of in body, mind and spirit. The practitioners take into account the unique physical and emotional makeup, the primary life force, and the balance between all three doshas.


  • Pregnant/nursing woman and children only to be treated with Doctors consent. This is for holistic purposes only and is not to replace traditional methods of medicine/medical assistance from qualified medical practitioners. Excludes diagnosing or treatment of medical ailments, and prescribing.

Belvaspata Healing

Belvaspata is a new sacred modality that heals with Light and Frequency. It was given to humanity through Master Almine Barton. In the angelic languages of the higher realms, Belvaspata means "healing of the heart". Belvaspata makes tremendous changes in peoples' bodies, relationships and lives. It is a transformational experience with immediate results.

Bio Detox Therapy

A new and exciting treatment which uses an electrical current to expel toxins from the body. It is great for relieving joint pain and as well as having health benefits, it is deeply relaxing. Recommended after a reflexology treatment or massage for optimum results.

Bio Energetic Testing

Bio-energetic testing measures the energetic integrity, impulses or fluctuations of body systems, glands, organs, intestinal flora imbalance, food intolerance/allergy etc. It provides analysis and evaluation of the energetic balance and health and determines the imbalances in the body. The process involves patients holding electrode and/or electrodes being placed on the skin. The energy wavelengths and/or electromagnetic conductivity coming from the body is measured and read by a machine.


  • The Insured must have sufficient, relevant industry standard training and qualifications.

Bio-Magnetic Therapy

Bio-magnetic therapy is simple and natural. Magnets placed on the body increase blood flow in a specific area, much as exercising does; indeed often giving a similar feeling of euphoria.

Not only does the modern environment shield us from much of the natural geomagnetic field around the earth but research shows that over the last century it has actually declined by 5 percent, yet it is fundamental for our health and well being. Magnet therapy helps redress the balance.

Bioptron Light Therapy

Bioptron Light Therapy is a medical light therapy system. It is used with success in various hospitals and clinics throughout the world for healing. Bioptron uses the full colour spectrum of natural daylight (with NO ultraviolet rays). All UVB and UVA rays are filtered out. Bioptron is completely safe and has no side effects. It must not be confused with the inexpensive light boxes which are commonly used for the treatment for SAD; Bioptron is a completely different treatment.


Biorhythm charts illustrate the principle that we are influenced by physical, emotional, and intellectual cycles. Many people report that they can improve the quality of their lives by monitoring the highs and lows of these cycles and acting accordingly. For example, you might try to schedule important exams during your intellectual highs, avoid talking to your significant other during your emotional lows, or arranging the lineup of your baseball team around their physical highs.


Identifies the life force streams that surround us on a daily basis and encourages them to work together for the greater good. Aura massage, oracle cards, divining rods and pendulums are just some of the methods used to identify the good and what is causing the disease.


  • All treatments are to be carried out on people 18 years or older.

Body Talk

The human body is designed to heal itself. When all parts of the body and its systems are communicating healing happens naturally. Stress can interupt that communication, resulting in discomfort and disease. Body Talk identifies these breakdowns and uses a light tapping technique to restore communication, helping the body to heal itself.

Body Talk is safe, non-invasive and effective in all areas of health care, both conventional and complementary.

Bowen Technique

A Bowen treatment consists of a series of gentle moves on skin (or through light clothing), with the client usually lying on a bed or comfortable treatment couch.

A treatment session usually lasts from half an hour to an hour and frequently results in a deep sense of overall relaxation, allowing the body to recharge and balance itself.

Breath Therapy

Breath Therapy is a personal development tool a key ingredient in physical, emotional and mental health. Breath Therapy uses a variety of circular and conscious connected breathing techniques and process exercises to bring physical and emotional stress to the surface for release and integration. This clearing of blocked energy, negative beliefs and outworn habit patterns, unifies and integrates the body, mind, and spirit.

Buteyko Breathing

Buteyko (pronounced Bu-tay-ko) is a treatment for those with asthma and other breathing disorders. It was developed in Russia in the 1950's by a Russian doctor called Konstantin Buteyko, from whom the technique gets its name.


  • This must not involve diagnosis or any guarantee of results.

Cacao Ceremony (T2)

Cacao Ceremony is a holistic healing therapy that has been used by ancient cultures worldwide for centuries. This therapy involves a communal gathering with a sacred circle (or one on one circle), music etc. and drinking ceremonial cacao which brings the participants to the same energetic frequency. The ceremony helps re-balance the energies within, restore good health, get clarity, set intentions, inner processing, mood elevation, increase vitality, enhance intuition and empathy and soothe symptoms of PMS etc. This is for holistic purposes only and is not to replace traditional methods of medicine/medical assistance from qualified medical practitioners.


  • Excludes diagnosing or treatment of medical ailments, and prescribing. The Cacao must only be given at the recommended dose.


Channelling is described as communicating and receiving messages from guides, spirits, angels and the afterlife.

Chrysalis Effect Certified Practitioner

The Chrysalis Effect is a non invasive coaching programme specifically for the supported recovery of those suffering with symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome, M.E.and Fibromyalgia.


  • Strictly on the condition that the individual's General Practitioner is fully aware that this additional teatment is being provided.

Colour Reflexology

Colour reflexology teaches you different ways of sending colour light vibrations through the foot reflexes to reinforce and improve the effectiveness of reflexology treatments.

Colour Therapy

Using the seven colours of the spectrum, Colour Therapy aims to balance and enhance our body's energy centres (called Chakras) and help stimulate our body's own healing process. Colour Therapy uses colour to re-balance the Chakras that have become depleted of energy. Each of the seven colours of the spectrum, resonates with one of the main seven Chakras of the body. These Chakras are like spirals of energy, each one relating to the others. Chakra (pronounced sha-kra) is the Sanskrit word for ' wheel'. Colour has a profound effect on us on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. If our energy centres become blocked or depleted, then our body cannot function properly and this, in turn, can lead to a variety of problems on any level.


Colourworks uses psychology of colour to enlighten all aspects of life. It uses a system of dual coloured oils and essences which powerfully translates conscious and sub-conscious thoughts and feelings into words the client can relate to, thereby releasing patterns and programming that no longer serve them.

Craniosacral Reflexology

The skull and the sacrum are reflected by treating certain specific points on the bones of the feet. Areas of congestion and restriction in function of any part of the body are felt as an imbalance in the motion of the impulses. CSR is a therapeutic method combining the use of pressure on specific areas of the foot, which relate to the 12 cranial nerves and to the pulse of the Cerebro-Spinal Fluid (CSF) that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. CSR integrates the principles of Reflexology, Cranial Osteopathy and Cranio-Sacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy

This is a comprehensive therapy which can be used effectively for the treatment of many conditions at all ages. It is extremely gentle, non-invasive, and causes no discomfort or disturbance to the client; nor does it have any risks or adverse side effects.
In treating the cranio-sacral system, the practitioner is seeking out and identifying areas of restriction, compression or tension through the body which may in turn be impeding proper function of organs, muscles, nerves, blood vessels and body tissues in general. These restrictions may be the result of injury, infection, inflammation, emotional tension or underlying pathologies. They may also be caused by the compressive pressures of the birth process.

Crystal Healing

Crystal Healing therapy works on many different levels - physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual. It is claimed that this gently removes energy imbalances, therefore easing clients maladies, and in so doing clients may feel balanced, healed, soothed and energised.

Crystal Readings

A talking to, non hands-on practice which aids learning how to communicate and receive messages from guides, spirits, angels and the afterlife through the use of crystals in a similar fashion to Tarot. Also similar to Angel Cards and Numerology, where the crystals used have assumed meanings that are shared with clients.

Cuddle Therapy

The practice of administering hugs for the purpose of curing or healing, or of preserving health. Treatment of disease through the simple, physical means of hugging. Cuddle therapy is a form of touch therapy within the wellness space. Cuddle therapy is platonic in nature and involves hugs, hand-holding, gentle arm rubs and back massages.


Cupping is a method by which suction is created on the body to relax and detox the body and in some cases add heat. Traditionally, a flame is used to create suction in fire cupping using glass cups, ceramic or bamboo cups. More modern non fire options include screw cups, pump cups and silicon cups.

Deeksha Healing/Oneness Blessing

Deeksha or Diksha is a hands-on transference of divine energy that brings about a state of oneness, or enlightenment. It involved placing the hands onto the crown of the head, usually for about 1 minute and is an Energy Healing Process.

Diamond Light Activation Rites and Healing System

The System is based on an esoteric blueprint of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and refers to a 10 Chakra System within the body, which through an Activation process aligns each Chakra to its corresponding planet as shown in the Tree of Life. It is a very gentle and nurturing system and is designed to align both the feminine and masculine aspects within the Practitioner, while opening the energy centres to higher frequencies of energy.


Dowsing is a type of divination that uses hand held tools or instruments to search for that which is otherwise hidden from view or knowledge. It can be applied to searches for lost objects and pets, to locate underground water, metals or ores, gemstones, oils, malign earth vibrations etc without the use of scientific apparatus.

Dry Needling

This treats trigger points around the body to alleviate muscle pains and tensions.

Emmett Technique

Emmett Technique is a gentle muscle-release therapy. The treatment consists of applying gentle pressure to activation points in the muscles: this could be a hold, flick or switch across the tissue. It is most often performed over clothing and can be applied alongside any other bodywork therapy to enhance the results. Practitioners seek to ease pain and discomfort, and most clients will notice the difference in pain levels or range of movement before leaving the therapist.


EmoTrance uses the intention of your mind to soften and release blocked energy allowing it to find a natural route out of your body. It does this very elegantly by noticing what an emotion (as an example) feels like in your body. You then describe it and then observe it soften and flow through and out of your body.

Everything is just energy, what people say and do to us is just energy, neither positive nor negative. How we handle what we receive makes it a positive or negative experience for us and this is determined by whether we can accept it and let it go or whether it comes and gets stuck. For example, the kick in the stomach, pain in the heart, weight on the shoulders.

Energy Cone Technique (ECT)

This is similar to Meridian Energy Therapy.

It brings emotions and negativities of the client to the awareness of both client and clinician.

These realisations are subsequently removed (or dealt with) with the express intention of the conscious mind. ECT is non invasive, non intrusive, and may be used as a completely confidential technique. There is no necessity for either the therapist or the client to know details of the trauma in order to effectively release it from the system.

ECT focuses on the discovery of Energy Cysts, or Cones, predominantly in the palms of the hands and the dispersal and elimination of that trapped energy in, through and out of the energy body. It can be applied to consciously acknowledged problems, but more often than not it is applied to the unknown and unacknowledged issues that lie beneath all manner of our problems from stress, distress, self esteem issues, phobias and traumas, and much more besides.

ECT may be used alone or in conjunction with other techniques.

Energy Healing

Energy healing (or bio-field/bio-energy therapy) is a broad term that encompasses various therapeutic techniques with diverse philosophical and geographical origins. It is based on the belief that all living things possess energy (bio-energy) the balance or imbalance of which is related to health and illnesses. It is a holistic approach where the healer uses energy, colour and light healing techniques to catalyse healing in the patients energy field. May include help to restore mental, emotional and physical wellbeing and/or improve and restore a more youthful and healthier appearance. Energy healing may be known by different names such as but not limited to Chakra Healing, Aura Healing, B.E.S.T Healing, Contact Healing, Distant Healing, Pranic Healing etc.

Faith Healing

Faith healing, or divine healing, is the use of spiritual means in treating disease, sometimes accompanied (in extreme instances) with the refusal of modern medical techniques. Another term for this is spiritual healing. Faith healing is a form of alternative medicine.

Fire Massage (T2)

Fire massage is an ancient massage technique that helps with reducing stress, fatigue and pain; improving circulation, flexibility and sleep, eliminating toxins, enhancing immunity etc. Although the specifics may vary, fire massage generally involves placing a cloth soaked in alcohol and a special elixir over the face, back, legs, belly or other problem areas. The cloth is ignited and allowed to burn before the therapist smothers the flames with a wet towel. The area is covered with a poultice, film, and/or a wet towel before and during the therapy to protect the skin.


  • Robust Health & Safety protocols must be in place

Flower Remedies

The emotions play a crucial role in the health of the physical body. Flower remedies directly address a persons emotional state in order to help facilitate both psychological and physiological well-being. By balancing negative feelings and stress, flower remedies can effectively remove the emotional barriers to health and recovery.

Frequency Therapy - Health

Frequency therapy uses frequency technology that may range from low frequency to terahertz frequencies to promote and stimulate the bodys own healing response. Frequency devices are used to bring back balance into the body by vibrating at the same rate as the healthy cells in the body which leads to relaxing and rejuvenating feelings. Some of the benefits of this therapy include (but are not limited to) pain and tension relief, wound and scar healing, reduced inflammation in tissues, increases blood circulation etc. Frequency Therapy can be used on humans, animals and plants.

Gem Remedies

Gemstone therapy is a new-age alternative healing method that has its roots in both the Hindu religion and medieval medical practices.

Geopathic Stress

It is generally accepted that there are three main causal areas to Geopathic Stress. Earth Radiation, Electromagnetic Radiation and Psychic Energies.

The term Geopathic Stress relates to a process by which natural or man made energies are thought to deplete the immune system which leads to a variety of illnesses, dependent on individual weaknesses. It is frequently thought to be a cause of Sick Building Syndrome.

Sick Building Syndrome describes a situation whereby people experience symptoms of ill health that seem to be linked to spending time in a building - but where no specific cause can be identified.


Gestalt Therapy uses our individual awareness to encourage personal growth and develop our potential, to become whole. We do this by noticing how we are living now and exploring how we may create any fixed patterns of behaviour that leave us feeling dissatisfied, uncomfortable or ill at ease. Gestalt encourages a non judgemental awareness of our present experience from moment to moment. Noticing what we experience (perceptions, sensations, feelings) and how we behave (express & communicate) in the present creates an opportunity to explore changes in our behaviour and attitudes now. This may enable us to complete previously unresolved experiences and to develop more satisfying ways of expressing ourselves.

Guided Self Healing

Guided Self Healing (GSH) is a unique integration of traditional and body-centered psychotherapies, energy healing and spirituality, which works deeply and efficiently to help you:

  • Become self accepting
  • Resolve difficult symptoms at their root cause
  • Discover the wisdom and learning in your life stories
  • Increase your access to your own deep wisdom
  • Live with greater health, happiness and choice
While people usually come to GSH for symptomatic relief, GSH practitioners have come to discover that the deepest healing arises when people are able to become aware of, allow and accept all of who they are. To do this, practitioners have learned it is necessary to consider every level and dimension of our lives in order to affect deep and lasting healing.

Healing Codes

Healing Codes - is a healing process that works on the source of issues, by using unconditional love and four points on the client's head.

Healing Dowsing

To dowse is to search, with the aid of simple hand held tools or instruments, for that which is otherwise hidden from view or knowledge. It can be applied to searches for a great number of artefacts and entities. It is most commonly known by most people in association with searching for underground water; not surprising considering the absolute need for water by man and his animals and cultivated plants which sustain him.

Healing InSight

Healing InSight is a new system which guides a person into a better feeling state. The method actively directs them to their personal priority belief statements and facilitates their vibrational realignment. This enabling of belief change through various energy healing and energy psychology principles can positively transform their beliefs and their life.

Health Kinesology

Health Kinesiology uses gentle muscle testing combined with questioning and monitoring to gather genuine energy information from the body. It employs a variety of balancing methods to help alleviate imbalances and make significant life changes: magnets, flower essences, aromatherapy oils, self-touch, body positions, thoughts and memories that mirror the traumas at the heart of the clients mental, emotional and physical stresses. Health Kinesiology is a complementary practice that aims to balance the whole energy system and, in doing so, facilitate a self-healing process

Heat Therapy (T3)

Heat therapy, also known as thermotherapy, is the use of heat in treatment. Applying heat to an area increases the blood flow, bringing along proteins and oxygen. This therapy method is great for decreasing joint stiffness, reducing pain and inflammation, and relieving muscle spasms. Heating of superficial tissues can be achieved using hot packs, towels, sunlight, heat wraps.

Helix Healing

Helix Healing 'Facilitators of Change' practitioners undertake an attunement to connect them with the Helix Healing energy at source. Each attunement process is tailored to the individua's soul progress at that particular stage of their life journey. Each attunement takes 13 days for the individual's system to process and during this time, clearance of old issues & worn out belief systems will take place. Archangel Metatron works to assist with the process. Helix Healing therapy sessions are non-invasive and clients remain fully clothed throughout. Helix Healing 'Facilitator of Change' practitioners work direct with the collective to facilitate a healing session. Practitioners work within a client's energy field and connect with the client on a soul level,using specific symbols, sacred geometry and coloured energy vortexes. These are utilised to balance and align the energy centres & subtle bodies and raise the individuals energy vibration through releasing worn out belief systems and clearing energy blocks. Helix Healing is not a hands-on therapy. Therapy sessions can take place with the client seated, lying down or standing. Standing therapy sessions take place whilst the client is standing on a coloured spiral and take place within a specifically created vortex of coloured energy. Helix Healing can be used for positive effect on people, animals, house and ground healings, past life healing, and for spirit release work.


Hellerwork is a powerful system of somatic education and structural bodywork, based on the inseparability of body, mind, and spirit. Deep tissue bodywork combined with movement education and dialogue of the mind/body connection guides the client to new options, both physically and emotionally. Hellerwork encourages the client to make the connection between movement and body alignment. Hellerwork restores the body's natural balance from the inside out.


Herbalism (very similar to homeopathy & flower remedies) - A Herbal therapist works with and suggests certain herbs or combinations of herbs, to help clients with minor ailments.

Many Herbal therapists will grow or produce their own herbs for this purpose, this is encouraged in some courses. Also off the shelf products may be used, for example herbal teas and tinctures, derived solely from nature.

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (T2)

HIFU is an ultrasonic focusing technique that uses a non-invasive direct focus on the muscle layers to help the body heal and can have rejuvenating effects on muscle elasticity, aid skin tightening and help blood pressure.

Approved Practitioners:

  • NVQ 2 Beauty Therapist (equivalent or above)
  • Must have completed a specific High Intensity Focused Ultrasound course.

Hijama Cupping Therapy

Hijama Cupping Therapy is a natural, holistic preventative and curative treatment. It can be administered to treat many muscular, skeletal, glandular, hormonal, digestive, respiratory, circulatory, reproductive, lymphatic, immunological, neurological and emotional conditions. The extraction of a small amount of toxic blood, acids, fats and debris from the body allows ample movement of healthy,oxygenated blood round the body. Hijama has the ability to distinguish between healthy blood and toxic blood. Through the Hijama process, you remove only toxins, acid and any other harmful agents from body and not the healthy blood.

Hippotherapy (T3)

Physiotherapy treatment using a horse to facilitate movement in the client. Client can be placed in different positions on a horse supported by a physiotherapist plus 2 assistants and encouraged to perform exercises. The sensory motor feedback from the horse promotes normal movement patterns in the client. Balance reactions are stimulated which helps strengthen the core muscles, improve balance and help restore function.

Holistic Massage

Holistic massage is an ancient discipline used to improve health and wellbeing by treating the mind, body and spirit. It maintains our general health and fitness, complements traditional medicine in the treatment of specific conditions and symptoms, and offers relaxation in our often hectic lifestyles.

Massage is the therapeutic application of touch using a range of movements or strokes upon the skin, muscles and joints. It has significant benefits for all the body's essential systems.

Holographic repatterning

Holographic repatterning (HR) compares a human being to a hologram - a holographic plate can accommodate millions of images; one only has to change the angle of the light to see a different picture. HR can therefore be described as 'a method to identify and transform non-coherent frequencies that cause us to resonate with life depleting patterns that are preventing us from resonating with life-enhancing patterns'.

The HR practitioner believes that no matter how a problem manifests itself it could be physical pain or emotional disfunction, the underlying issue has to be identified and shifted. This is commonly referred to as an energy block.

In HR, a pattern is identified through discussion and a technique learned from kinesiology - a method of taping into body intelligence developed by an American chiropractor called muscle checking. The principle is biofeedback, meaning that the body and mind respond at a purely unconscious level.


Natural form of medicine that uses immeasurably small doses of medicines to stimulate the body's own defence and healing process. Homeopathy focuses on bringing the entire body back into homeostasis or balance.

Hopi Ear Candling / Thermo-Auricular Therapy

A Hopi ear candle is a cotton tube, impregnated with beeswax, honey and therapeutic oils, that is painlessly inserted into the ear to draw out impurities, relieve pressure in the head and sinuses, and aid hearing problems.

The candles are made from natural ingredients that include sage, St Johns wort, camomile and beta-carotene. Otherwise known as thermo-auricular therapy, the original source of the technique seems to be from medical ceremonies performed by a native American Indian tribe called the Hopis (meaning 'peaceful people').

Clients are usually advised to remove makeup and jewellery before the treatment starts. Fully dressed the client lies down on their side, with their head supported on a pillow so the auditory canal is vertical. The candle is then lit and the non-burning end is placed gently into the outer ear passage and is turned lightly to seal it in place.

The candle then generates a pleasant crackling sound and a warm, comfortable feeling while it draws out the impurities from the ear. After around 10 minutes the process is repeated on the other ear. This is followed by a period of relaxation, and sometimes a facial massage concentrating on the sinus areas.

When lit, the ear candle generates a gentle heat which, when combined with the therapeutic oils, produces a light suction action. This is known as the chimney principle, and works by drawing impurities gently to the surface, where they can be removed.

Most deposits evaporate and are carried away through the candle chimney, but some are found in the condensed candle wax residue after it is removed from the ear. None of the candle residue actually goes into the ear.

Hydrogen Therapy

The therapy involves inhalation of hydrogen mixed with normal air through a ventilator circuit, facemask, nasal cannula or by drinking hydrogen dissolved in water. The therapy is used to improve overall health and wellness, help the body to heal itself, and other benefits due to its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics.


  • Subject to the insured having full informed consent procedure in place including explanation of all associated risks with the treatment. Medical history to be assessed prior to treatment.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (T3)

Breathing oxygen in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber at pressures of up to 1.5 2.00 ATA. By breathing in up to 100% oxygen under pressure the body absorbs more oxygen and circulates it round the body increasing the concentration of Oxygen in cells. This, reduces inflammation, increases white cells, promotes angiogenesis and supports healing.


  • Excluding treatment of professional athletes/sports people.

Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT)

Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) is a developing area of rapid therapeutic change work that explores the area of undesired emotions and our ways of being. The process explores the question, "How did we learn to feel the way that we do?" and opens up the possibility of creating the appropriate change in our emotional lives. By teaching resources and skills inside the problem state, IEMT appears to bring the client more into the present moment and enables them to stay out of past negative experiences.

Integrated Energy Therapy

Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) is a gentle non-pervasive form of hands-on healing using the violet angelic energy ray - clearing energy blocks that have accumulated in the body that hinder the natural flow of energy - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Intraoral Massage (T2)

Intraoral massage is the use of massage techniques which involve working on the muscles inside of the mouth. The benefits of the treatment range from improved circulation, smoother facial lines, and increased collagen production, to tension release in the jaw for clenchers, teeth grinders, and most significantly, sufferers from temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and/or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders.

Kalari Foot Massage

In Kalari, massage is done by the GURUKKAL. This is a form of massage, and for descriptive purposes may be likened to Chavutti Thirumal. Please see our definition for a description. Kalari embodies elements of dance, yoga and Ayurvedic medicine and this extraordinary massage was originally developed to heal, as well as to promote suppleness and flexibility, thus enabling the Kalari practitioners to perform their art with fluidity and dexterity.

Karuna Reiki

The Karuna Reiki system was developed by Willian Lee Rand and other healers at the International Center for Reiki Training and is derived from Usui Reiki. Karuna Reiki means compassionate action. Treating client with Reiki using symbols and toning and healing using hands on and off the physical body. Training and attuning groups of people in Karuna Reiki.

Kinetic Chain Release (T2)

Kinetic Chain Release is a simple yet extremely effective system of medically recognised and approved, gentle joint mobilisations and stretches, developed by Scottish Physiotherapist Hugh Gilbert, that brings the body back into physical balance quickly and easily, frequently providing a high degree of relief and even instant resolution in many cases from the pain and discomfort caused by conditions such as Chronic Back Pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Migraines and Headaches.

Ku Nye (Tibetan) Head Massage

The treatment involves breathing work, a singing bowl and a seven stage massage and acupressure of the scalp, face, throat, neck, shoulder, upper arms, hands and feet.

LaStone Therapy

LaStone is a multifaceted technique designed to benefit the client and therapist. This is a bodywork and massage technique alternating hot and cold to the body.

Lava Shells Massage

A hands on therapy, Lava Shells Massage is a similar treatment to a hot and cold stone massage except that it uses polished tiger clam shells, filled with Lava Gel and an activator to create a self heating tool that stays hot for an hour. This is used to massage the body. A milder heat and smaller shells are used to massage the face. Glacier (cold) shells can also be incorporated into the therapy.

Leech Therapy

Ayurveda leech therapy is a kind of blood purification therapy, where leeches are used to suck impure blood from the infected part of the body. They also secrete anticoagulants in form of peptides and proteins that help reduce blood clots and inflammation. Can be used a part of Panchakarma treatment to cleanse the body.

Light Meditation Therapy (T2)

Using a pulsing light to achieve meditation, relaxation, reduce stress, increase concentration, brainwave optimization and promotes bodys natural ability to heal.

Light Therapy

Light therapy is a method used for the treatment of various conditions including SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), regulating sleep patterns, enhancing blood flow and oxygenation and stimulating the body's natural process of healing. It includes exposure to outdoor daylight or specific indoor artificial light sources. Depending on the treatment, the light therapy utilises different lights in the visible spectrum such as but not limited to red and near-infrared light, blue light, green light and yellow light. Infrared light therapy involves the use of infrared radiation to produce local heat.

Lomi Lomi Massage

Lomi Lomi Hawaiian massage is an ancient form of massage, created by the early Polynesian settlers to Hawaii. It is a form of full-body massage that is performed on the entire body at once. The therapist uses long, slow, free-flowing strokes that go from head to toe and vice-versa in a continuous and rhythmic movement, feeling like gentle waves moving over the body. There is no set routine or sequence, the massage is rather guided by the therapist's intuition, using a combination of learned strokes and techniques. Its aim is to release tensions and through the healing touch, liberate negative energies trapped in the body.

Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

It is non- invasive and the light can be passed over the body with or without contact. It is a pleasant and relaxing therapy.

Lymphoedema and Lipoedema Management (T2)

The treatment of people with lymphatic conditions post-surgery, injury, immobility or cancer treatment as well as general lymphatic dysfunction (primary or secondary lymphoedema). Involves essential management skills of compression, movement and drainage (including Fluoroscopy guided manual lymphatic drainage) , skincare, risk reduction and understanding and assisting with technical skills, in addition to a focus on health, wellness, and lifestyle skills.

M Technique

The 'M' Technique is a method of structured stroking. Each movement and sequence is done a set number of times, in a set pattern, at a set pressure and set speed that never changes.

Approved Practitioners:

  • Cover is provided subject to the practitioner being qualified to Practitioner Certification or above with a Certified M Technique instructor.

Magnesium Wrap

Far Infrared (FIR) Magnesium Wrap is a process using magnesium salts and far infrared energy to relieve pain and promote general health. The ingredients are magnesium oil, or diluted magnesium flakes (magnesium chloride), or Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate). The focus is on aches, pains, muscle spasms, back ache, and sports injuries (with the understanding that doctors assessment and consent will be requested prior to the treatment). The treatment utilises relaxing and pain relieving properties of magnesium salts and far infrared energy.

Magnetic Crystal Sound Healing

This is non intrusive way of balancing the chakras using crystals, magnets and sound resonance from tuning forks, also aromatherapy sprays may be used to help the client feel spiritully uplifted.

Magnetic Therapy

Magnetic field therapy uses different kinds of magnets on the body to help boost overall health and treat certain conditions including but not limited to depression, mental and physical health, neurological conditions, insomnia etc. The thought behind magnetic field therapy is that certain problems happen because the body's magnetic fields are out of balance. If a magnetic field is put near the body, it's believed things will go back to normal. Magnets are placed close/on to the body in order to cause bones to heal faster, relieve pain and induce other therapeutic effects.

Manipulative Therapy

Manipulative therapy is massage which is is the practice of applying structured or unstructured pressure, tension, motion, or vibration manually or with mechanical aids to the soft tissues of the body, including muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, joints and lymphatic vessels, to achieve a beneficial response.

A form of therapy, massage can be applied to parts of the body or successively to the whole body, to aid the process of injury healing, relieve psychological stress, manage pain, and improve circulation.

Where massage is used for its physiological, mental, and mechanical benefits, it may be termed "therapeutic massage" or manipulative therapy.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is an advanced therapy in which the practitioner uses a range of specialised and gentle rhythmic pumping techniques to move the skin in the direction of the lymph flow.

This stimulates the lymphatic vessels which carry substances vital to the defence of the body and removes waste products.

It can boost the imune system, reduce fluid retention and help detoxify the body.

Mary Network Healing

Mary Network Healing is a technique that results in emotional, physical, mental and spiritual healing.

It calls upon the power of the divine feminine to extract unresolved pools of emotions and unproductive thought forms. These blocks were created by a person's inability to deal with these emotional traumas at the time they occurred. These blocks often obstruct the flow of energy through the body and result in physical, mental and emotional pain.

The Mary Network healing techniques allow the practitioner to release blocked energy that has been held in the client's body. The practitioner guides the client to release the trauma held in the body's memory cells. Then the practitioner helps the client rejuvenate these memory cells, filling this void with golden-white light. Thus healing takes place within the physical body.

Maternity Reflexology

Maternity Reflexology can be of great support to the client whilst their body is going through so many changes it can help them remain relaxed and balanced, as well as helping to relieve some of the common symptoms of pregnancy. It helps reduce fear and anxiety.

Matrix Reimprinting

Matrix Reimprinting is a meridian energy therapy developed from EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). It is a therapy that allows you to access and transform painful memories that may be holding you trapped in the past. Matrix Reimprinting uses classic EFT techniques that are based on the traditional Chinese Medicine Meridian Energy system that has been used in acupuncture for thousands of years. It also incorporates the laws of quantum physics, to produce a dynamic therapy where the results are both rapid and lasting. Matrix Reimprinting uses conventional EFT which involves tapping on acupuncture points with your fingertips whilst at the same time focussing on the issue to be changed. This will remove the emotional intensity out of a past memory. What you are then left with is to be able to recall your most traumatic and stressful life memories without any emotional disruption or stress, which is extremely beneficial, as negative past memories keep the body in a state of stress and can contribute to disease. However, with Matrix Reimprinting the memory is actually transformed. You can go into any past memory, say and do what you wished you had said and done, bring in new resources, and create and transform the picture you have of that memory.

Meridian Energy Therapy

Meridian Energy Therapy is a non-invasive energy therapy similar to and sometimes described as Emotional Freedom Therapy.

Meridian Psychotherapy

Meridian Psychotherapy integrates the teachings of meridian interventions with traditional psychotherapy. Meridian Psychotherapists teach their clients how to interact with their own meridians. This therapy is highly effective because there is a demonstrable link between the Meridians and the Emotions. During treatment the client is encouraged to focus on his or her problems while interacting with his or her own meridian system, until a satisfactory Standard Unit of Discomfort (SUD) is determined. As with other psychotherapeutic treatments, the client can experience the 'abreaction of repressed trauma' during these meridian interventions.


Meta-Medicine means "beyond medicine" a fundamentally new philosophy of health and healing.

Instead of providing any form of medical diagnosis and treatment it focuses on the individual's experience of illness and the meaning it holds for them something medical practitioners rarely have the time to do. Meta-Medicine is therefore NOT another form of "alternative medicine", nor does the "meta-medic" offer any form of "complementary" therapy for specific ailments.

Instead the purpose of Meta-Medicine is to provide a genuine complement to both orthodox and alternative medicine helping the individual to discover the meaning of their physical and psychological "dis-ease" rather than looking for the causes and cures of named "diseases".

Medical diognosis is specifically excluded from the cover provided.

Metamorphic Technique

  • (MT) offers a new and fascinating way to look at life and offers the possibility of changing it.
  • The practice of MT involves a light touch along the spinal reflex points on feet, hands and head.
  • It may be either seated or lying down.
  • MT evolved from reflexology, through the work of Robert St John, a well known naturopath.
  • Most people find a MT session very relaxing and enjoyable. It can be used by anyone young or old, healthy or infirm, human or animal.
  • Within the first few minutes of touching the feet, babies often go into a state of deep stillness with great attention and awareness seemingly focused within.


Metamorphosis was originated by Robert St John and his original work. His training as a reflexologist led him to the theory that he did not need to work on the whole foot, hand and head to help his clients. He worked on specific reflex points to relax his clients and help them to feel more positive. Because of the changes he noticed in his clients attitude after the sessions he named it Metamorphosis.

Metatronia Therapy

Metatronia Therapy is a multi-dimensional hands-on healing energy/resonance brought to us by Archangel Metatron, using his healing vibration, codings and Sacred Geometry. It is a very high, fine and transformative healing frequency, similar to Reiki but a different vibration, more transformational and more evolved light frequency. Reiki is very Earth based, where as Metatronia Therapy links us with One Source Frequency which is pure Source/Creator energy /vibration.

Mickel Therapy

A body-mind approach to healing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ME and Fibromyalgia sufferers. The treatment involves face to face talking therapy with no medication, diet change or need for supplements.


Micro-current stimulation delivers tiny electrical impulses that mirror the bodys own natural bio electrical field. In most cases, treatment is virtually sub-sensory.

Mizan Therapy (T2)

Mizan Therapy is based on a gentle, non-invasive massage and traditional healing techniques to address conditions involving the abdominal area, womb, reproductive systems, and digestive systems and to promote health and well-being on both physical and emotional levels. It can be combined with the use of oils. Includes benefits to women pre and post birth. The treatment works by releasing tension within the abdominal muscles, soft tissue, ligaments and pelvic cavity that may be impinging on the function of the reproductive, digestive and lymphatic systems. Aims to improve the flow of blood and lymph circulation, restore balance, treat painful menstrual cycles and heavy periods, and release emotional trauma etc.


  • Excluding spinal manipulation techniques.

Moxibustion (T2)

Moxibustion is traditional Chinese technique that involves the burning of mugwort, a small spongy herb, to facilitate healing. The intention is to warm and invigorate the flow of Qi in the body.

Music Therapy

Music therapists use music-based experiences to address client needs in one or more domains of human functioning: cognitive, academic, emotional/psychological; behavioral; communication; social; physiological (sensory, motor, pain, neurological and other physical systems), spiritual, and aesthetics. Music experiences are strategically designed to use the elements of music for therapeutic effects, including melody, harmony, key, mode, meter, rhythm, pitch/range, duration, timbre, form, texture, and instrumentation. The benefits of music therapy include but are not limited to improved heart rate, reduced anxiety, stimulation of the brain, and improved learning.


  • Written parental consent must be obtained for any services performed on/with/for minors

Myofascial Therapy

Used to optimise movement efficiency and structural balance Myofascial Therapy may involve use of massage techniques that focus on a specific area of the body, exercises based on pilates, yoga, dance, stretching and fitness. Benefits may include but not limited to improving dynamic stability, elastic strength, movement ease, and energy flow.

Nature Therapy

Nature Therapy takes us out of our busy lives and heals us - reconnecting us with our environments and ourselves. It introduces us to Eco-therapy, the power of Trees, and messages in Nature. It improves individuals mental and physical health by connecting with nature and outdoor surroundings. Some examples of Nature Therapy are Forest Bathing and Garden Therapy also referred to as Therapeutic Gardening which may involve the use of gardening tools solely in connection with the therapy itself.


  • Excluding professional gardening services.


Naturopathy treats health conditions by utilizing the body's inherent ability to heal. Naturopathic physicians aid the healing process by incorporating a variety of alternative methods based on the patient's individual needs. Diet, lifestyle, work and personal history are all considered when determining a treatment.

Naval Candling

Navel candling is also known as stomach or tummy candling. A hollow herbal candle is lighted and placed over the belly-button. During the candling process, a gentle and relaxing massage could be applied to the abdominal area to aid in circulation. As with ear candling, the burning candle creates a vacuum and the gentle heat created assists with the dispelling of toxins. Benefits of navel candling includes aiding the removal of toxins through the body's lymphatic system and also alleviation of stomach flatulence, stomachache, endocrine disorders and gastric problems caused by irregular eating habits. In addition, navel candling can also aid in the relief of mild cold symptoms and enhance the body circulatory system.


  • Robust Health & Safety protocols must be in place

Neuro Massage (T3)

Neuro massage is a specialized massage that aims to alleviate chronic muscle pain and nervous system disorders, problems, conditions, disabilities and/or injuries. These may include but are not limited to people with post stroke conditions, neurodegenerative conditions (MS, Parkinsons, motor neuron disease etc), Alzheimer disease, brain injuries, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries, transverse myelitis, and dementia.


  • Doctor’s prior consent for treatment must be sought where applicable. Excluding spinal manipulation. Maximum £2,000,000 limit. Subject to a £500 excess.

Approved Practitioners:

  • The person insured must be specialty trained, and possess necessary knowledge, skills, understanding of risk factors, causes and management of such conditions to provide safe and effective massage to individuals who have such conditions

Neutral Space Relaxation

Very light touch to the head and body to facilitate relaxation in the body (fully clothed on a massage couch). Relaxation and stress resolution/management.


  • All treatments are to be carried out on people 18 years or older.


Nutri-Energetics is the pioneering force behind a revolutionary new approach to evaluating and promoting clinical wellness. The NES program aims to harmonise the body's Bio-field known as the human body-field (HBF) or energy field using new discoveries made by biophysics scientists.

Nutri-Energetics Systems Professional (NES-Pro) combines Peter Frasers discovery and mapping of the Quantum Electro-Dynamic (QED) human body-field, with the simplicity of computer technology.

This has lead to the development of the most advanced system for whole body-field analysis and treatment currently available.

The NES-Pro enables the therapist to identify the root energetic cause of illness, and prescribe a personalized corrective treatment regime of Nutri-Energetics Systems Infoceutical remedies.


  • Cover is provided subject to no diagnosis, medical or otherwise, provided to the recipient of this therapy.

Oncology Massage (T2)

Oncology Massage (T2) Oncology Massage is undertaken by practitioners who are trained in the biology of cancer, the different types of treatment and their side effects, and protocols to deliver a safe massage. They apply modified and new manual therapy techniques, using advanced soft tissue skills. Benefits can include the reduction of anxiety, pain, nausea and depression, and increased dopamine levels.


  • All patients must be referred by their GP, Consultant or Medical Practitioner who is part of their specialist Oncology team, prior to treatment commencing. If the referral is given verbally only, the client must confirm this in writing and give their informed consent to proceed with the treatment.

Plum Blossom (T3)

Tiny, closely spaced pricks with a single needle tip held between fingers, or multiple needles attached to a small head and struck lightly and repeatedly on the skin.

Polarity Therapy

Energy healing bodywork, nutrition, exercise, and communication, gently releasing blocks in the system and encouraging a greater feeling of relaxation.


  • All treatments are to be carried out on people 18 years or older.

Pregnancy Massage

A pregnancy massage is a specially adapted gentle and soothing massage tailored specifically for the mother-to-be. It includes any hands-on massage treatment for a woman during her pregnancy, providing massage for labour and for instructing couples on labour massage strokes. This type of massage may be provided by suitably qualified therapists who have the knowledge, confidence and awareness to work with pregnant clients.

Pressotherapy (T2)

Pressotherapy is a non-invasive treatment that involves the application of air pressure - alternating between compression and decompression - on parts of the body. The pressure is applied with a specialised pressotherapy device or a suit that stimulates the lymphatic system. It can be used for cosmetic and medical reasons, including but not limited to detoxifying, relieving aches, pains and swelling, increasing blood circulation, cellulite reduction, body shaping, skin rejuvenation, enhancing skin tone etc.

Approved Practitioners:

  • HCA
  • NVQ 2 Beauty Therapist (equivalent or above)
  • NVQ 3 Beauty Therapist (equivalent or above)

Pricking (T3)

Pricking certain points of the body including the veins to release blood from that area which could be blood with toxins, or blood that is causing blockages or ailments. Involves the use of various tools including: surgical blades, hypodermic needles, lances, pricking needles, and plum blossom hammer.


  • Needlestick Injury Policy must be in place
  • Sanitisation and infection control protocols must be in place


Psychobiology is the application of the principles of biology to the study of mental processes and behavior. A psychobiologist may compare the imprinting behavior in goslings to the early attachment behavior in human infants and construct theory around these two phenomena. Biological psychologists may often be interested in measuring some biological variable, e.g. an anatomical, physiological, or genetic variable, in an attempt to relate it quantitatively or qualitatively to a psychological or behavioral variable, and thus contribute to evidence based practice. Biopsychology is another synonym for biological psychology.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy

PET is a non-invasive therapy developed in recent decades used to great benefit by thousands of people. Each individual-specific pulsed magnetic frequency pattern can be adjusted and fine-tuned for optimum bio-energetic balance and benefits. The therapy helps with increasing circulation, decreasing inflammation, accelerating bone healing, enhancing muscle function, reducing the effects of stress, improving blood oxygenation, sleep management, energy clearing, mental focus, stress reduction, improved energy etc

Quantum Holographic Echo Healing

Alignment of the chakras, clearing past emotional blockages, releasing past life memory, allowing the client to talk through this process, clearing the body's energy field and re-setting a positive thought pattern working through ancestral memories.

Quantum Physics Therapy

Using the power of the mind to both visualise then manifest exactly what is required in your life to help achieve an emotional balance and achieve your goals.

Rahanni Celestial Healing

You remain clothed at all times, only taking off your shoes/footwear if desired. Either sitting in a chair or lying on a couch, the Practitioner will then connect to the Celestial Pink Angels and channel the healing light to the client through their hands, touch will be involved to gain the full benefit. The session usually lasts between 20mins to 40mins depending on the individual, you may feel warmth or a coolness in varying degrees and sometimes a light tingling sensation, usually a sense of peace and relaxation arises during the process. Rahanni means "Of One Heart" and is a gentle, yet highly effective therapy that heals very deeply at heart level. It can release negative energy and fears which we have accumulated from challenging experiences. Rahanni balances the masculine and feminine energies. It can bring a feeling of deep inner peace to the mind and body. Rahanni works on a high vibrational level therefore healing in a deep way. Rahanni works through a pink ray of light balancing the heart centre and healing emotions. It brings truth, love and compassion to each individual soul.

Raynor Massage

Using deep tissue massage, stretches and adjustments and working with the bodys energy systems to release both physical and emotional tension.

Reconnective Healing

Reconnective Healing is a form of healing that reconnects us to the fullness of the universe as it reconnects us to the fullness of our beings and of who we are. It is considered to be able to reconnect us to the universe and to our very essence not just through a new set of healing frequencies, but through possibly an entirely new bandwidth.

Reference Point Therapy (RPT)

A healing modality which works on clearing trauma by tracing it back to the original reference point, or anchor, for that trauma.

Reflective Repatterning

Reflective Repatterning is a psychological framework that uncovers very deeply held unconscious, conflicting values, emotions and belief patterns. The RR framework then clears the charge that creates friction between these patterns, leaving the receiver feeling calm, clearer and stronger.


A form of massage in which pressure is applied to certain parts of the body in order to promote relaxation and healing elsewhere in the body. A science based on the belief that each part of the body is interconnected through the nervous system to various parts of the body. Stimulating specific reflex points in the body can bring needed nutrients to poorly functioning areas of the body. This can help restore balance throughout the body.


Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation and reduces stress and anxiety. Reiki practitioners use their hands to deliver energy to the body, improving the flow and balance of the energy to support healing. There are different types of Reiki that may be practised such as, but not limited to, Usui Reiki, Anusha Reiki, Jukiden Reiki, Rainbow Reiki, Imara Reiki, Tibetan Reiki, Crystal Reiki, Kundalini Reiki etc.

Relaxation Therapy

The use of simple relaxation and breathing exercises to enable an individual to relax.

Reproductive Reflexology

Reproductive Reflexology can be used as a stand-alone treatment to enhance the clients natural fertility or with all forms of assisted conception including Clomid, IUI, IVF and ICSI. Reproductive Reflexologists are specially trained, using structured and prescriptive treatment protocols, to support couples through all phases of their assisted conception programme.

Reverse Therapy

Reverse Therapy is the name associated with the Reverse Therapy Organisation's unique service.

It is a Bodymind healing process in which the Reverse Therapist teaches the client to attune to and understand the messages that the client's Bodymind is trying to communicate through the symptoms.

In this way Reverse therapy is really an educational process in which the client is taught how to eliminate the Bodys need to produce symptoms.

With the help of the therapist the client puts into words and action the underlying needs indicated by the symptom-message. These include the need for protection, self-assertion, intimacy and joy.

Records are used to track the effect of the client's actions on reducing the symptoms and to gather more information about other situations that trigger increases in the symptoms.

Sacred Esoteric Healing

This is a gentle hands on energetic healing modality whereby the practitioner gently places their hands on to specific areas of the clients fully clothed body in precise configurations intended to allow the body to restore harmony.

Scalar Energy Healing (T2)

This is an energy healing but it uses a device that harvests energy called Scalar. This therapy can be undertaken in person with the person sitting between the two scalar devices or else by distance. It can recharge the cells and give you the energy needed to feel healthy and contented at the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level. It is aiming to enhance the body's own ability to self-heal.


  • Device must be MHRA Approved.

Scar Tissue Release Therapy (T3)

Scar Tissue Release Therapy may involve a variety of gentle techniques used to decrease discomfort, fascial adhesions, dark colouring or congestion of scar tissue. The techniques may range from manual massage, diaphragm release, stretches, deep breathing techniques and myofascial release to the use of instrument assisted soft tissue mobilisation, deep oscillation devices, massage equipment and mechanical aids, use of lubricants, silicone sheeting/gel etc

Scenar Therapy

Scenar therapy is a holistic form of treatment which stimulates the nervous system and teaches it to heal itself. Electrical impulses, the parameters of which are similar to endogenous nerve impulses, are transmitted through the skin to the nervous system. Fast-reacting, informational biofeedback means that each impulse is different from the previous one.

Scenar action influences adaptive processes of the organism and helps to harmonize them. In response to Scenar impulses the nervous system releases neuropeptides. They are delivered into the blood stream and broken down into many compounds which are themselves, bioactive. As a result, homeostasis is gradually and gently restored.

Seichim Healing

Seichim or Faith or divine healing, is the use of spiritual means in treating disease, sometimes accompanied (in extreme instances) with the refusal of modern medical techniques. Another term for this is spiritual healing. Faith healing is a form of alternative medicine.

Shadow Work Therapy

Shadow work is a process that helps an individual to work with their shadow selves to eradicate negative effects and to integrate the separate parts of themselves into one whole. It helps individuals develop self-awareness and ultimately, self-acceptance and compassion. The process works by allowing the individual to feel, acknowledge and understand the hidden parts of their being which leads to moments of awakening and achieving greater authenticity, creativity, and emotional freedom. Other benefits include, but are not limited to improved relationships through understanding themselves and accepting others; increased energy and improved immune system; overall enhanced state of wellbeing and mood, better communication with others; ability to set boundaries in their life etc.


  • Excludes financial, legal and investment advice

Shamanic Healing

It is claimed that Shamanismis the oldest spiritual practice known to humankind. It dates back tens of thousands of years. Although the word 'shaman" is a Siberian word, Shamanism has been practiced throughout all areas of the world. It has seen cultures rise and fall. The fact that it has survived and thrived is testament to its power and use.

Throughout its long and varied history, Shamanism has taken many forms appropriate to the culture it has found itself in. Therapeutic Shamanism combines the principles of Shamanic work with those of modern counselling and psychotherapy.

A Shamanic journey of discovery will offer you a unique healing session that will shine the light into the colours of your soul and give you a beautiful new image of yourself. There are a wide range of powerful Shamanic healing techniques such as soul retrieval, extraction, and past life healing, the healing session is true soul medicine.

Shen Therapy

It is a hands on technique that works directly with the emotions deep in the body. SHEN practice is a science based form of biofield therapeutics that adheres to the physics of the biofield as deduced by Richard R Pavek. SHEN stands for Specific Human Emotional Nexus and helps uncover and resolve old emotional issues safely, creating real positive change when talk and other therapies no longer help, or when you have become stuck in life.

Approved Practitioners:

  • Certified SHEN therapists only


Treatment of symptoms by applying pressure with the fingers to specific pressure points on the body.

Shockwave Therapy (T2)

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive, out-patient alternative to surgery for those suffering from many joint and tendon disorders. Shockwave Therapy sends acoustic shock waves into bone or soft tissue, in effect reinjuring the area on a cellular level and breaking up the scarring that has penetrated tendons and ligaments. The controlled reinjuring of tissue allows the body to regenerate blood vessels and bone cells. The resulting revascularization leads to faster healing and often a return to pre-injury activity levels. It is a treatment using powerful acoustic pulses which is mostly used in physical therapy and orthopedics. In the cosmetic industry, this therapy is used to stimulate lymphatic drainage, encourage the breakdown of fat cells and cellulite reduction, induce skin tightening etc.

Approved Practitioners:

  • The insured must be qualified in Shockwave Therapy use.

SimplyHealed Method

SimplyHealed is a type of energy therapy using kinesiology developed by Carolyn Cooper. Blending the art of healing with cutting-edge research, The Carolyn Cooper SimplyHealed Method is a graceful method of healing that clears negative emotions on all levels in an easy, non-invasive way. It is simple, proven and effective. Everyone can use this process, from the novice to the professional. Similar to a kinesiology session it involves client consultation and muscle testing. The practitioner aligns all of the energy systems to restore balance and harmony to the body. This powerful method of healing changes energy patterns as well as subconscious beliefs.

Somatic Experiencing Therapy

Somatic Experiencing Therapy is a body-based approach designed to help the client overcome trauma (PTSD), shock and stress. While the client talks, the therapist observes the client's reactions and body sensations and guides them to gently release physical tensions, emotions and energy related to the trauma as they arise in the session, at a pace, and in a way that best supports their return to a natural state of wellbeing. The approach aims to help them safely release or discharge the energy buildup from the body so the client can, over time, remove the trigger. SE can also include Touch Therapy in order to release trauma symptoms.

Sound Healing / Vibrational Therapy

Sound Healing / Vibrational Therapy is the therapeutic application of sound frequencies/vibrations to the body, mind, certain body parts, acupuncture/meridian points and/or around the energy field of a person with the intention of bringing them into a state of harmony and health. The frequencies/vibrations can be transmitted to a person in a number of ways, through: voice(s) (the customers/practitioners/others) live musical instruments recorded music through a loudspeaker or headphones tuning forks, singing bowls, gongs and other instruments that cause vibration

Spa Facilities (T3)

Use of hot tub, saunas, steam rooms and spas either prior to a therapy or as a therapy in itself.


  • Robust Health & Safety and wet floor exposure protocols must be in place

Spagyric remedies

Spagyric remedies have their roots in ancient Hermetic, Egyptian and medieval alchemy. It is a technique used to extract the essence of materials (including plants, herbs, minerals, metals etc) based on the three kingdoms of nature; fire, water, and earth and then recombine them to create a single essence which will contain superior properties. Its aim is to treat various physical and mental conditions by addressing the root-cause dysfunctions and regulating the body for optimal functioning and restoring the patient to their natural, healthy state.


  • Excludes use of any CBD products.

Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healing or Faith Healing is the use of solely spiritual means in treating disease, sometimes accompanied with the refusal of modern medical techniques.

Story Massage

The Story Massage is a type of massage that combines massage strokes with the fun and creativity of words whether as story, rhyme, song etc. It is intended for individuals of all ages and abilities. Some of the benefits include: improved calmness and concentration, increased self-confidence, self-awareness and self-esteem, improved social skills, increased engagement in activities, better communication, building respect and positive relationships. The Story Massage may also have educational element if used to fit the national curriculum.

Tapas Acupressure Technique

Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) is one of the new ENERGY PSYCHOLOGY techniques. It has been developed by Tapas Fleming, an American acupuncturist, to treat allergies.

It is an incredibly simple and fast technique used to treat the negative effects of allergies, trauma and beliefs.
This powerful Energy Psychology healing technique is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and uses a set of points on the head where many acupuncture meridians merge and enter the brain. Contact on these points opens up a flow of energy that allows the brain to rapidly process and release stuck information, thought patterns and beliefs.

TDP Lamp Therapy (Teding Diancibo Pu Lamp Therapy) (T2)

TDP Lamp Therapy (also known as Moxa Lamp) combine topical heating of the body and curing plate/disc that contain up to 33 minerals. Emission spectrum ranges from 1 to 25 microns. This type of therapy is commonly used (but not limited to) to accelerate the natural healing processes, treat muscular pain and tightness, help muscle spasms, minor sprains and strains, and minor muscular back pain, increase heat and blood flow.


  • Excluding spinal manipulation techniques.

TEAM Health Assessments (T2)

Traditional East Asian Medicine assessment is achieved through health assessments using four diagnostic methods to work out the imbalances and health conditions based on which treatment is put together. These methods include inspection (observation of the visible signs such as vitality, colour, appearance, secretion and excretions), listening & smelling (gathering information about the patient's voice, breathing, coughing, and odour), inquiring (asking various questions about patients' family history, major complaints, living states, diets, sleeping habits, and such like physical conditions and characteristics ) and palpation (examines patients' changes of internal organs and pulse).

The Balance Procedure

The Balance Procedure (TBP) is a new powerful energy technique based on ancient philosophy and quantum science. TBP activates the Language of the Universe with nine symbol cards each representing a geometric symbol, affirmation, colour, number, zodiac, gemstone, element, planet, chakra, and physical aspect and how when all is Balanced, it is the key to the unconscious mind.

Therapeutic Touch Therapy

Providing healthy and nurturing platonic therapeutic touch therapy for health and well-being. This can include anything from just being present, to hand-holding, to simple massage techniques.

Thermal Palms

Thermal Palms are a great alternative to hot stone massage. They are soft hand-held heat modalities which provide long lasting heat as they cushion and protect bone during massage.

Theta DNA Healing

Theta DNA Healing is a focused method of meditation and prayer. When facilitated you will be guided through this process that will re-align and balance your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual bodies and energy fields.

We may or may not realise what is holding us back, whether it is to do with health, a relationship, a job or maybe other choices we made. All choices are made from our particular viewpoint at a particular time based around the beliefs we hold.

Beliefs are like programs that have been installed in us like a computer. They come from past experiences not only in this life but in our past lives and from those of our ancestors. These beliefs shape our reality and only by changing beliefs held at all levels, may consciousness shift and a new reality be created. (This is what Quantum Physics tells us). Theta Healing can change these beliefs in an instant.


  • Cover is provided subject to no diagnosis, medical or otherwise, provided to the recipient of this therapy.

Thought Field Therapy

Non invasive therapy by suitably qualified practitioners to algorithm and diagnostic standard (callahan techniques).

Tibetan Acupressure

Tibetan Acupressure Compassionate Touch is based upon a system of control points using the vibration of healing energy to heal, relieve pain, and to remove the symptoms as well as the cause of illness. Many ancient civilizations understood that there are pressure points in the feet and hands that correspond to various organs and systems throughout the body. These reflex maps were used to treat the body and mind as a holistic system, removing stress and restoring physical, emotional and spiritual balance. During the session, the delivering partner is doing the practice of Loving Kindness and Tonglen with the receiving partner. The practice of Loving Kindness sends happiness and peace. Tonglen, the compassion practice of giving and receiving, is breathing in and out exchanging self with other, giving presence to their needs and sending healing and love.

Ultrasound Therapy (T3)

A therapeutic ultrasound machine (1 and/or 3 MHz) treatment head is applied to the skin over the injured/problematic "soft tissue" area and moved slowly over the area. The process stimulates tissue repair, increases blood flow to the area, rehydrates the fascia/scar tissue, increases the permeability of the body cells, and encourages white blood cells associated with tissue repair to move to/work in the treated area.


  • Excluding any pregnancy related ultrasounds.

Approved Practitioners:

  • Sports Therapist or Physiotherapist, or hold a qualification in another field of equal standing and relevance.

Unani Medicine (T2)

Unani Medicine is based on the belief that the presence of 4 humours in the body in a state of equilibrium preserves health. The 4 humours are blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile. Diagnosis is done chiefly by checking the pulse, appearance and other details like sleep, diet, mental makeup etc. Unani medicines are made from natural substances like plant products and the system of medicine includes processes that are believed to eliminate toxic agents and cause cleansing. Unani medicine also gives great importance to special diets by regulating the quality and quantity of food. It aims to achieve physical and mental health through cleansing and purification. This is for holistic purposes only and is not to replace traditional methods of medicine/medical assistance from qualified medical practitioners.


  • Excludes diagnosing or treatment of medical ailments, and prescribing.

Water Mastery Healing System

Working with the fluid transporting systems energetic pathways of the body, this healing system is designed to enhance and restructure the quality of all the water molecules and crystalline structures within the body. By balancing the Water and Fire, elements of the body, this healing system, will encourage the water held within the body to flow more freely and to nourish, oxygenate and de-toxify each cell and system.

Yoni Steaming (T3)

Yoni Steaming is also known as Vaginal Steaming and Peristeam Hydrotherapy. Women are given herbs to boil as a tea and sit above on a special designed seat, where gentle steam from the tea soothes the pelvic area. This is a traditional practice from around the world sometimes known as pelvic fumigation. It is a soothing process for women and can help to improve menstrual and pelvic health.


  • Clients must be supervised during treatment, chaperoned where necessary and aftercare guidance should be given.

How our insurance protects you

Combined Business Insurance provides crucial protection. This core bundle is at the centre of every policy, offering comprehensive protection by combining Professional Indemnity, Medical Malpractice, and Public Liability insurance in one policy. So you can grow your business with confidence, while you are protected for the following:

  • Public Liability Protection.
  • Professional Indemnity.
  • Medical Malpractice.
  • Product Liability.
  • Breach of confidentiality.
  • Defamation, Libel & Slander.
  • Dishonesty of employees.
  • Your work as a subcontractor.
  • Subcontractors work for you.
  • Loss of documents.
  • Breach of intellectual property.
  • Public relation expenses.

Extra protection available

The beauty of our insurance is that you can choose exactly what you need and have as little or as much cover as your individual requirements dictate.

Why businesses in Holistic therapies need Insurance

Holistic therapies focus on treating the whole person, promoting overall wellness through various natural and alternative methods. While these therapies are increasingly popular, they come with their own set of challenges.

The use of natural remedies, physical touch, and alternative techniques can sometimes result in unexpected reactions or perceived lack of efficacy. Clients may also have adverse reactions to treatments or allege professional negligence.

Insurance is essential to protect your practice from potential legal and financial repercussions, ensuring you can continue to provide holistic care safely and effectively.


Read our guide for Qualification Requirements

Having the correct level of experience or qualifications necessary to offer a service is...

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Family Run Business

Big enough to lead. Small enough to care


Full support in the event of a claim

Giving comfort and removing the hassle and stress.


First class friendly help on the phone

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Why Westminster


Why Westminster

  • Comprehensive Protection

    Safeguard against claims for accidental injuries, illnesses, or property damage, keeping your business secure.

  • Flexible Coverage

    Tailor your insurance to fit your unique needs, whether you're flying solo or part of a larger team.

  • Confidence and Trust

    Offer peace of mind to yourself, your team, and your clients, knowing that you're prepared for whatever comes your way.


Full support in the event of a claim

Giving comfort and removing the hassle and stress.


First class friendly help on the phone

No salesmen, no gimmicks! We just make insurance easy.


Fast, easy online quote, 24/7

Get your quote and insurance document - within minutes.


Why do you want to know my income?

We require this for one reason - in order to gain an indication of the size of the business.

We are able to provide insurance to business practices where the total income is up to a maximum of £1,2500,000 pa. This is not profit (after taxes and expenses), but the total revenue of your business.

The income we discuss here is the income generated from the business practices to be covered by this insurance. That may NOT be the total business income if the business engages in some practices NOT covered by this insurance.

Your income level will have an impact on the premium. Please see the ‘How much will it cost’ section for more details.

Can I pay monthly?

Yes, you can.

When you proceed to purchase you will be given the choice of paying monthly or annually. However, it is an annual policy and you are expected to maintain the monthly payments. You should regard this as spreading the cost rather than purchasing monthly coverage.

I have just qualified and am looking to set up my own business. I was wondering do I need to have my company set up before I get insurance or start taking on clients?

We do not offer business advice. However, we can add a few comments that might be helpful in answer to your question.

You do not need to have a 'company' in place before starting to take on clients or to obtain insurance. But, you should have insurance in place as soon as you start to take on clients. If, at a later date, you form a company the policy can be altered to take that into account and will cover you before the company was formed and thereafter.

Insurance cover provides you with the comfort that in the event of something 'going wrong' with the service you provide you are covered against a valid claim.

The Financial Regulator and our professional standing.

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is the regulatory body charged by UK law to regulate the financial markets in the UK. This, of course, includes the entire insurance market and this firm.

Westminster Insurance Limited is duly authorised and regulated by the FCA registration no: 439023.

For ease of reference you may use this link direct to the FCA Register - CLICK HERE where you may check the registration of this firm - or any other regulated by the FSA.

It is a criminal offense to undertake any regulated activity (as those activities and markets regulated by the FCA are called) without the appropriate FCA authority.

The financial regulation standards in the UK (enforced by the FCA) are probably the toughest in the world, and the process to become regulated takes into account all factors appropriate to the running of a business.

Where Westminster Insurance Limited does business in other parts of the EU - such as Eire - it remains under the same stringent regulatory conditions as if it were in the UK.

Professional bodies are usually set up to protect the interest of members and set professional and ethical standards for practitioners. The FCA is set up to protect the consumer. The conditions for authorisation are stringent, appropriate and thorough as is the ongoing monitoring of every person or firm regulated by the FCA. Accordingly, there is no professional body that Westminster Indemnity Ltd could belong, or subscribe to, that would further enhance the protection our customers receive.

How do I get a quotation and apply for cover?

We are a fully automated process and provide all the information needed for you to make an informed decision online.

A quotation is available 24/7 online. Anywhere on our website simply click on the ‘Get a Quote’ button. That will take you through the questions necessary to generate a quotation. It’s all straightforward and simple and once produced you have the option to save the quote for later or proceed direct to purchase.

If you choose to proceed to purchase, you have the option to pay monthly or for the whole year by Credit or Debit Card and once the transaction is authorised your policy is issued immediately. Your documents will be emailed to you for you to print and save.

For more details on this click on the ‘How it Works’ tab under Help and Support and if there’s still anything that remains unclear, simply give us a call, we always love to chat.

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